Book name = Witch and Wombat Author = Carolyn Cushman
Type = fantasy
Main characters = Hali, Bernie, Leo, Jamison, Oliver, Tracy, (and later on) Ginny ~~~~~~~The Bad Guy = Sinestra
Summary = Over centuries, Hali has punished proud princesses, turned tough teens into toads, helped noble orphans on quests: the withch and her familiar, the wombat Benie, have faced everything...except this. ~~~~~~~MAYHEM IN A WORLD OF MAGIC ~~~~~~~Faced with a psychic energy shortage, a magic realm of sorcerers, dragons, and fairies must endure an invasion of tourists-from the mortal plane! ~~~~~~~Now Hali and Bernie must guide two smug college boys, a plucky high school girl, and a totally obnoxious media critic through the perils of the enchanted forest. ~~~~~~~But these mortals think they're in a computer simulated theme park, free to gripe at the ogres, harass the high elves, and taunt the trolls. they don't understand that the magic, monsters, and dangers are real. ~~~~~~~ And that in this vacation paradise, wannabe heroes can die...
What I thought of the plot = it started out a little slow but then picked up quickly keeping me entertained the whole way through. at parts i couldn't even put the book down it was so good.
What I thought of the ending = it was kind of slow but good other wise. it could have been better but then if it had it probably would have spoiled the rest of the book.
Ratings: Character = 3.5/5 most of the characters were good but one i hated so much. he was so annoying through the whole thing, and he didn't get any better through it either.
Plot = 4/5 i liked the idea the plot brought up. i mean if =another world existed that would be super cool.
Ending = 2/5 as i said above it was really slow but that was to be expected after the great battle.
endragh · Wed Apr 23, 2008 @ 02:51am · 0 Comments |
[] the Ambivalent Magician [] |
Book name = the Ambivalent Magician Author = Simon Hawke
Type = fantasy with a bit of since fiction
Characters: ~~~~~Main character = Marvin Brewster(or Brewster Doc as his friends(in this book) call him), (side storyies) Pamela, Colin ~~~~~Side characters (important) = Michael Timothy O'Fallon (or mick as he's writen in the book), the dragon Rory, brain the werepot prince, Rachel Drum the elf ~~~~~The bad guy = Warrick Morgannan ~~~~~~~his helpers = teddy, king billy(though he didn't know) ~~~~~side characters = Robie McMurphy,Sean MacGregor (also know as Mac the knife) and his three apprentices Dugh Hugh Lugh ~~~~~~~(for this book series only)The brigands = black shannon(the leader), bloody bob, pikestaff pat, long bill, silent fred, fifer bob
Summary = Trapped in a parallel universe Dr. Marvin Brewster marshals his renegade nation of brigands, dragons, trolls, vampire elves, and the runesword Dwarfkabob, to challenge evil wizard Warrick- who is other wise engaged. ~~~~~~~Aware that he's the dastardly villain of a nonstop rollicking adventure rump, Warrick plays the role of Destiny-and changes the path of THE AMBIVALENT MAGICIAN...while it is being written! the all-powerful vile sorcerer is locked in a lethal battle of wits with fantasy author SIMON HAWKE. ~~~~~~~ And Hawke is getting creamed.
What I thought of the plot = though it was mostly about bring everything together it was very good. i mean he could have written it a little better(everything seemed a little rushed) but that's my only complaint.
What I thought of the ending = it is probably the best ending ever written. i love it he deals with all angels and closes it up in a....interesting way.
Ratings: Character = 4/5 there were some interesting times between the characters(and some good scenes) you actually start to worry about the characters at some parts.
Plot = 3/5 it was just as good as the other two(better if you count the ending)
Ending = 5/5 if you couldn't tell up top i love the way he ends this(the epilogue making it all the better) oh and don't just skip to the end to read it. it wont make any sense that way.
endragh · Wed Apr 23, 2008 @ 02:29am · 0 Comments |