"Fall... fall.... and never wake up from this wonderful dream...."
Community Member
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 @ 07:23am
Avatar Tales #2.5
 "Have you noticed?" "What?" "Her majesty." Three pairs of eyes followed the figure dressed in black making her way through the rain, carefully guarded by the intricate, ebony umbrella. If the woman heard them, she gave no indication and continued on her way. "What of her ladyship?" "She is in mourning, that is certain... yet I cannot help but feel there is something odd going on. Since his majesty's death, she has not gone anywhere without that rose... and that man she intends to take as her bridegroom. He is... overwhelming." "And handsome. Suspiciously so. She hangs on his every word." "And that expression on her face is rather frightfully blank! She speaks words of sadness, though I'm afraid, bless her soul, I do not feel it!" "...what do we do?" "There is nothing else we can do, ladies. Whatever ails our lady, we can only pray, it comes out for better."
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 07:18am
Avatar Tales #2
 "Anurla?" The name fell from her lips before she could stop it, and she took a step back at the imposing incubus standing in the middle of her room. He smirked at her, an odd look compared to the normally stoic expression the demon usually had, and had his wings pull back from their unfurled position for easier movement. His gait was confident, as always, as his made his way closer to her. She stepped back again, only to come in contact with the wall with no where else to go. "Mistress." Anurla was practically purring when he realized he cornered her, grasping her chin in his red-clawed fingers and forcing her gaze up to meet his. "Mistress, why do you fret?" "Because, I do not think it a good thing, Anurla." She frowned at him, eyes pleading. "Tyrant or not, he is my father, and I wish him to go peacefully. I will not do as you ask. Please, Anurla, he is old and will go with some time. I need not speed it up!" "Even with your people suffering? The animals dying? The economy in disrepair?" The frown on the demon's face caused her to wince. "Surely, Mistress, you do not want this all to continue..." "No... No, Anurla, I do not... but, I do not want to inherit my birthright in such a way." Her mistmatched gaze stared at him defiantly, and for once, there was a spark... a spark to challenge him, even though she was the leader, by all technicalities, and should not need to. It almost made him proud to call her 'Mistress'. Almost. All it took was a moment, and he knew he had her. Before she could protest or push, his lips fell upon hers. Her eyes widened in shock before a glassy look slowly entered, hazy and her pupils dilating. When he pulled away, she stared at him with a quiet, love-struck awe, no questions, no sounds, just breathing. She was certainly most alluring with her lips slightly plump from his kiss, but now was not the time to ponder on things. "Now, Camui..." He smiled back at her, gently placing the poison tipped weapon in to her hands. "You will do this. If not for your people, then for me, my sweet." She continued to smile blankly at him, turning around to face the mirror he'd pulled her in front of, and allowing him to place a silver crown upon her head. He stood behind her, lips falling at her ear. "King Anurla sounds quite fitting, don't you agree?"
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Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 @ 01:16pm
Avatar Tales #1
 He stared at her, eyebrow lifted, lips in a thin line that greeted her rather impish smirk. Definitely far from amused. "Something wrong, Santiago?" She quipped, twirling the shiny, but dented crowbar between her fingers for a third time. The look in her mismatched eyes bespoke a playfulness he was not used to in partners... not that the plush bear didn't give her childishness away. Even if the thing did sport teeth. And doubled as a backpack for the girl's various sharp, blunt, and sharp and blunt objects. Not to mention that silly, frilly dress of hers gave easy access to the various blades beneath the layers. A sigh escaped his lips as he pulled out his own weapon, a 9mm semiautomatic, checking it over to make sure there would be no mishaps. He gave a bored look to the item she held. "Curious... Is 'subtle' a word that's just not in your dictionary, Camui?" Her left eyebrow lifted. "This coming from the man with the firearm?" "Half a point." The gun made half a rotation before being returned to its hidden holster. I've got a silencer on this." Her laugh was instant and short, but enough to cause his prim lip line in to his own little smirk, hands slipping in to his pockets. She shrugged, opting to keep the crowbar out and lazily at her side. Not exactly subtle, as he pointed out, but he supposed that it would help her a bit. After all, what person would expect a little girl to be Sentry Security? "If you're done fondling Houko, I suggest we get a move on." He blanched. Santiago, gunslinger extraordinaire he may be, but Camui was (and probably always will be) still ever the loop-thrower. "That is not the name of my gun." "Whatever. It should be." "Camui..." "We should really be going, Santiago" "...whatever." "Thought so."
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 @ 03:00am
About Camui
Soooo, ya... more random info about me, I guess? Plus some random writings....
Here ya go. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Name: Camui Real Name: CourtneyNicknames/Aliases: C, C-Girl, C-C, Koneko, Sakurako Yume, Blue, Mimi... the list goes on... Age: 21 (been here since i was 14)Hair: BlackEyes: Orange-goldInterest: Anime, manga, video games, drawing, dollfies, singing, violin, piano, karate, dance, cats, cosplay, gothic lolita fashion, Gackt (as if my name didn't give that away.)FAVORITESFavorite Anime: Naruto, Bleach, MAR, Blood Trinity, Violinist of Hameln, Elfen Lied, Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro, Favorite Manga: Death Note, Naruto, Count Cain/GodChild, MeruPuri, Ouran Host Club, Fairy Cube, Majin Tantei Nougami NeuroFavorite Game: Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy, Okage, Shadow Hearts, Ar Tonelico, Persona... and there's more....Favorite Singer/Groups/Bands: Gackt, Queen, DragonForce, L'Arc~en~ciel, Duel Jewel, Ayumi Hamasaki, The Pillows, many more...Favorite Hobbies: Drawing, dollfies, designing gothic lolita outfits, working on online manga, writing fanfics, and cosplaying.Other stuff:
I've been on here since 2003. This has always been my account.
I'm an ACen con-goer.
I'm short, asian, and damn proud of it.
I'm in a wonderful relationship with a man who also happens to be one of my best friends. ^^
mehSome of my Pets:<img src="http://valenth.com/lab/409913.png" border=0><br>Feed Me!Adopted from Valenth <img src="http://valenth.com/lab/409869.png" border=0><br>Feed Me! Adopted from Valenth More pets!
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 @ 03:21am
The welcoming...
You blink, eyes adjusting slightly to the surrounding darkness.
You didn't know what just happened.
A moment ago, you recalled standing before a large house, brightly colored, and surrounded by plenty of plants.
Of course, convienently, you've already long forgotten your original reason for being here and know only that you have no idea where you are.
However, as you continue staring around, your vision slowly begins to fill with various speckles of bright color, revealing the area you stand in to be a large hallway. To the opposite end of where you stand (behind you being a wall), you see the outline of a large onyx colored door, seeming to also be made of it too, with large, decorative gold handles, and the imprint of a large red heart with a gigantic X through it. The top seems to extend upwards for miles, with no end in sight...
Curious, you head towards it, quickly grabbing the handle and yanking on one of the large doors, hoping it would lead you out...
But, instead.. you find yourself in a very strange area; a sitting room, basking in the color of violet.
You look around, a surprised look on your face as you take in the new surroundings; black colored walls dotted with red butterflies, plush crimson carpet, various couches and cushy chairs all over, various bookcases filled to the brim with books and manga and the occasional anime gashephon, and a marble fireplace to the side, the embers and flame within, sure enough, purple.
But, movement in the chair nearest the fireplace catches your eye as you see a young girl, no taller that 4'9'' stand up, and stare at you with a calm, sleep expression. Her dark red hair sits on her head in twin buns, her orange eyes glowing erriely due to the light. She's dressed in a gothic lolita- style outfit, with a dark poofed out skirt, red corset over a black puffed out top, crimson stockings, and knee-high, leather, lace-up boots with 2-inch thick heels.
You blink once, twice, wondering if this girl is some sort of fairy of death.. before she tilts her head to the side, a slightly smile breaking out on to her face as she curtsies.
"Hello.. and welcome to the Deepest Dive, my home... My name's Camui."
Deepest Dive wording copyright Square Enix