A little Bit of Me
Hello, my real name is Chris, but any online tag I got by is "Hachikos Promise." I like some few many other people, love the natural world, forest, the wild, nature, things like that, I dislike the city a lot and despise going into one or even near one. I'm a Loner kind of person, while I do enjoy the company of some people, I would rather not be associated with anyone in the world that is human. I would say I love animals more than I do my own race. On that subject, my favorite species in the Canine family, I love dogs, Wolves, Foxes, as a top favorite. But again, I love all animals, I treat them more humanly that I would another person. I play a lot of games, thought lately as on February of 2016, I am flat out of games to play. My favorite game would be Starfox since the first grade. It was my first ever games play and first I owned. then comes Golden-eye and Crash Bandicoot. I'm generally a person that would talk to anyone. But anyways, that's all there is until I decide to update some more. Until next time, see ya!
[u:a251755fa9][i:a251755fa9]"In order to have peace, you must be willing to draw blood in its defense." -Lunar Blood Wolf[/i:a251755fa9][/align:a251755fa9][/color:a251755fa9][/size:a251755fa9][/u:a251755fa9]