I disagree on that last part. Before the DC came out in Aug 06, people had to go into towns and capture bugs to sell or collect and exchange for inks. There was also the possibility of mixing ink to increase their value.
There was actually a nice market that was no different then the Fish market. Yes only people able to connect to game servers could get in, but that is the same case with fishing. The only difference was that when the DC came out, Not only were Inks now available from a new source they were beginning to flood the market at unbelievable speeds.
Many people will argue that it was only fair to the people who couldn't get into towns, but why is it that when I do use the DC i get Ink and not fish? lots of things you can only get if you are able to connect to a game server. 95% of the guest items have to be gained through connecting to a game server and doing something in that environment.
The only difference between these items are the gold you can get for them in the marketplace. one sells for more gold then the other. If Ink was going inflate because it was no longer available then quest items should do the same once the quest is no longer available. They're all on the same page, All have to be gained by connecting to a game server. The only thing is people let their greed control these items. Half the quest items that logically should be worth like 1k are only worth 5-300g at my guess. The highest seller is the naruto kunai knife and most of that probably has to do with something bigger then just inflation over time but i don't know about that one.
Every time i ever bring the discussion of removing ink from the DC people say the same exact things over and over with little thought.
1. i like getting ink in the dc, i can sell it
2. It makes it fair for those who can't get into servers
3. You're just greedy and want to over charge for ink.
of course no one ever thinks of these things, many i already mentioned.
1. Fish can only be gained by connecting to a server, quest items and many other things. You're telling me you want Ink because you can sell it and unlike the others its actually widely available in the DC?
2. Selling ink i worked for by getting the bugs and making that ink is Greedy? Then what do you call the Ink you sell or buy from people who got it from the DC. No time or money went into that ink. The Greedy person would be the one trying to profit off somethign that they were given free without their input.
3. If its fair to people who can't get onto servers then how is it fair to the people who can and now don't have a reason to get on those servers. What about the people who spent their time and money making Ink, Tin hats and other things? If the stuff is given out free then that pretty much just made the time and money they spent meaningless.
Why should 1 item deserve to be included in the DC more then the others?
Like i said fish and bugs are both game items and some people can get into the games some can't its been like that since i joined in 05. Why is it Fish is as rare in the DC as it is to get a profile comment from Lanzer himself?
But back on the subject of ink in the DC. Because the DC was outputting inks into the economy without having an input (1 or 50 bugs+) the out come was to much supply. Gaia also had disabled Ink mixing which left few ways to get rare/valuable inks other then catching or buying rare bugs like the Demonfly, Great Monarch, Rino Bettle, Goldenlegs or Purple fly. Prices just dropped of a clif and by mid 07 before the Tattoo system finally came out we had some inks (brown and sometimes blue) as low as 1g each.
This HURT the people who...
1. Got most of their income from game items from towns.
2. The people who bought and mixed ink for their more valuable counterparts.
3. caused the market to be flooded so that prices were low and ink could be stock piled.
4. Caused irregular prices for mixed inks (falling and rising i still wonder if some new that rare/valuable ink would deflate once mixing was back)
5. Caused people to become dependent on DC Ink and not work as hard in towns to get bugs.
6. Allowed people to sell DC ink for 100% profit (selling something you got for free for any amount is 100% profit to me)
Then when the tattoo system came out and ink mixing was re-enabled this happend....
1. Prices shot up and ink that was bought for 1g one day was selling for 1k the next
2. People were buying low costing ink and turning around to sell them for lots of profit.
3. the base ink (inks used to mix) that had been stock piled was now being used to mix hundreds and thousands of mixed inks thus lowering their prices.
Then after the tattoo craze died down what was left was still more ink and now we had a flood of mixed inks in the market.
Now the people who had bought mixed inks for what they were worth in late 05 to early 06 now lost gold.
Ink buying/selling Prices BEFORE THE DAILY CHANCE
1 Red Ink: 300-600g (depending on seller)
1 Blue Ink 350-650g (depending on seller)
1-2 Black ink 100-200 (depending on seller)
1-5 Brown Ink 10-100g (depending on seller)
1 Green Ink 120-200g (depending on seller)
1 Yellow Ink 100-220g (depending on seller)
1 White Ink 4,000-10,000g (depending on seller)
1 Gold Ink 5,000-12,000g (depending on seller)
1 Orange Ink 3,000-5,000g (depending on seller)
1 Purple Ink 5,000-12,000g (depending on seller)
1 Pink Ink As high as 8,000 if I remember right.
How Many Bugs (at max) does it takes to make these inks (and their mixed forms)
*Bold=mixed ink (or mixable)
Black: 1-50 bugs
Blue: 50 bugs
Yellow: 1-50 Bugs
Red: 1-50 Bugs
Brown: 1-100 bugs
Green: 1-100 bugs
Orange: 1-500 bugs
Purple: 1-500 bugs
White: 1-750 bugs
Gold: 1-800 bugs
Pink: 1-1000
Yes all that ink was good for back in the day was dying paper for bouquets (and maybe ribbons but i didn't know they existed until late 07) but there was a reason to their prices.
1. it took time and effort to get enough bugs for one ink. This time could have been used to poll or post for gold. Not to mention that the more expensive inks required more bugs.
2. Bouquets were bought and made for the purpose of owning, sharing and giving. If someone helped you by donating so you could own a coco or kiki then you bought/made them a bouquet as a thank you.
If a girl showed you some nice cleavage (or for some of you lucky guys out there more but you can't tell gaia that ^_~) you bought her a bouquet to say thank you. Had a online girlfriend, or new someone for a long time, birthdays holidays you bought a bouquet.
The color of the paper and what flowers you used was almost as critical as what to wear on an important date.
3. sometimes people just wanted a goal to set. "I'm going buy a gold ink and 100 sunflowers to make a cool bouquet ^_^"
Before the tattoo system came out and Ink mixing was re-enabled people didn't get gold, purple, pink, orange or white ink in the DC now they do.
The thing is that all the ink that existed before the DC was made by people not a robotic thing with no soul or idea of what it is doing. When a robotic source that didn't have to work for the bugs or ink comes along and gives out the products of people things get bad.
Why is it gaia has allowed the ink industry to suffer but not the fish industry. I bet if i turned my DC on right now and did all the chances i'd get a ink and no fish. Yeah i'm somewhat of a one track minded guy but for god sakes even when I joined paper wasn't that great. yeah you could sell a cat head band for like 300g sometimes but i wanted to spend my time catching bugs not cleanign gaia up. The only thing trash related that did get hurt real bad is the Tin hat but most of that could be because after x many years there is probably enough of them to go around.
I say remove the ink from the DC so people have to go into towns and get the bugs, and buy off the marketplace.
People will say that isn't fair for those who can't get into towns, but how is that no more fair then people not being able to get fish because they can't get into fishing.
Bugs, ink and Fish are on the same page but 1 Ink sells for more then 1 fish so people tend to be blinded by this greed and only see the ink. I've never seen a person ask, petition for or inquiry that there should be more fish in the DC. I might say it from time to time buy everytime I say somethign about fishing i get attacked.
people say "it cost money to fish" well it takes time to bug catch and big deal you spent 25g on a grade f bait. catch a freakin Blue bass and you made your money back and then some. Not to mention all the free bait in the DC. I got maybe 20 baits for every guppy i ever got from the DC when i used it. Hell just last night i got a on a mule did the DC while i waited for the RO games to load and i got 2x F grade bait. they'll sit in that mule until judgment day since i don't fish much anymore and never fish with mules since people are Bot report happy in fishing.
Back on subject sorry for the ranting but I'm sure you could at least pretend to imagine what i've seen happen to the marketplace since the DC came out.
You say that doing something to the ink will hurt present/current and future Gians but what about the past/present gaians who lost gold time and effort because of the DC.
If you take ink, paper, bugs and other game items from the DC sooner or latter people won't even notice. future gaians are not going care what isn't in the DC. Only the people who can't learn to not be dependent on DC ink.
Similar situation:
Gas prices in the US are at a all time high right now. The US is dependent on foreign oil. If we were to Drill here in the US we could lessen our dependence on Foreign oil and prices would fall.
Ink prices high again (not as high as they were before the DC but higher then they were before the new set of tattoos)
Gaians are dependent on DC Ink. If we removed Ink from the DC (i use ink because from my past experience people care more about a monkey peeing in its own mouth then the other game items in the DC) and made it where people would have to get ink the old fashion way we could lessen out dependence on DC ink and sooner or latter people will forget that there ever was Ink in the DC just like they forgot that there use to be no DC and the only way to get ink was to get it the old fashion way.
Is it going tick off some people? Yes but we have to stop allowing the DC to put out ink so robotic like. It Hurt me and the people who use to do things the old fashion way. It hurt the prices and econoomy of ink making/bug catching
The Gaians of the past, the people who took their time to supply the marketplace with their bugs and ink just like fishers do with their fish and hats need something done.
It was unfair of Gaia to let this happen in the first place, go on so long and not try to stop it.
I admit there is less ink in the DC then there was at the beginning. when the DC first came out 3/5 of the chances i got were Ink (DC use to only have 5 chances a day).
Bug catchers and Fishers are on the same page. We are the ones able to get into the games, we are the ones that supply the marketplace with the game items we earn and we always kept a fair price. If gaia was going stick it to us bug catches to please a few people wanting ink then they should had stuck it to the fishers just as hard.
Gaia went and gave away all that ink but not one Fishhat and barely a few guppies. How can Gaia be so unfair, how could gaia let people lose an investment of time, energy and gold?
Before you worry about current/future gaians who most likely joined after the DC was introduced, worry about the poor gaians of the past to now who joined before and worked, invested and earn their ink.
Imagine if you had joined today and won a purple ink in the DC. You would likely sell it once you got the ropes of gaia and then what would you think of someone like me who joined 3 years ago and talks about how we use to get ink and how it should go back to that.
A person today that joins and gets a purple ink in the DC will of course feel different about it then a person who before the DC had worked their a** off for 1 purple ink.
I bet i could turn my DC on for a month and have every color of ink in my inventory by September.
If you want things to be fair
1. Remove all game items from the DC. If i had 1 gold for every time a person said they hated the paper and trash in the DC i'd have that halo you talked about.
2. Set up a 5-10 minute listing wait period. Make it where people have to wait 5-10 minutes maybe even more to have their item listed in the Marketplace. this will stop alot of the inflation surrounding new items. Quest items are especially bad for being inflated the first 5-10 minutes they exist.
3. Make it where people cannot sell a store item above store price unless it was a limited edition item (multi-pants or the orphan game items) or special item with a sell back price (game items or the Faunz items)
4. Limit how much a item can inflate within a 24 hour period. No item should ever increase 100% in 24 hours. I have known and bought a few MC items that done that only to see their values lower.
5. Limit how many of a certain item a person can buy in a 24 hour period. No person needs 100 Naturo Kunai Knives in 5 minutes (that is just a random example)
6. Limit how high a person can sell a item for based on the lowest buy now price.
A item that is listed for a buy now price in descending order like this
and so on should not be able to be listed to sell for 123456789g
That would be a spam listing and Gaia should not allow spam listings. items should only be able to sell for double their lowest buy now price.
if a Guppy sells for 3g then a person shouldn't be able to list 1 guppy for 44 million gold. That person should only be able to list the guppy for 6g max.
View User's Journal
Yami's Journal on How Gaia hurts its own Economy
I've been on gaia since 05 and one thing i notice is Gaia does some of the most stupid things that end badly for the users.
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"The thing people forget about playing god, you have to play the devil as well to counter balance it." ~ me