Okay, I so my life is a total fail! My father died 10 years ago, ever since then my mother has worked her butt off. She never got my name right, since she see a like of kids my age. She's a teacher, at my school, too! But... she's not my teacher so we don't really talk. I wonder how a family eats & talks togther. I wish I could do that one day....
Okay, so my life is so awesome right now! I live in this big ol' house!. We had it for 10 years now, my dad discover something, so the people gave him millions of dollars! I don't know what it was but i glad he found it! But my dad is sick, and everyone is saying how he is going to die or soemthing like that. But that's not the thing that displeases me, it that they talk about the money. Who will get the money? I wish I had a normal life....
I am Haruka Narusaru , 1st year of High School. I can't believe it has been only a hlaf of year! I can not stand this! My mother works as a teacher for the grade I'm in. And I know what your thinking! "Your mom is a 10th grade teacher, you should be happy, with getting it all easy!" Thats the thing, she's the teacher for Class A-2 while i'm in Class C-1. No one really talks to me now cause of that. They think i got all the answers! But i don't even talk to my mom, she never has time for me anymore, sence.... Sence my father died, i dont remember but my mother said that he was really nice and caring. Oh how i miss him s-
"Ohh! I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attion!"
That's when i saw something that changed my life, probaly forever too...