if you wanna ask someone out here's what to do:
>Get to know them, if you barely know the person but you seem to like them, then get to know them better, that'll determine if that person is right for you.
>Be Yourself, don't act like someone you're not, then they'll believe it's you, stay true to you.
>Get comfortable/ready, you don't need to ask them out right away...only when you feel right about it.
>DON'T let your friends tell him/her, it's not cool to let someone else do it, it has to come from you and straight from your heart.
>You CAN BE creative, if you can't say you're feelings out so well, write a love poem/letter (but something that is easy to understand) to them, but nothing to creepy or else you may scare them away.
>Straight from your heart, be true to your feelings and be true to him/her when you tell him/her how you feel.
If you like any more advice send me a PM. I may be able to help you out.
Good luck and love, Nekonigiri
Paikachu · Sat Sep 12, 2009 @ 01:38am · 0 Comments |
"I Wanna Go Further with My Bf/Gf" |
Hi Nekonigiri, i want to go further with my [bf/gf], but i'm not sure. We've been datin for almost a year and we've known each other for a long time before we became each other's lover. Plus i'm 17 years old I feel uncomfortable about talking to either of my parents about it. I really wouldn't mind actually to... "do it," but like I said, I'm not sure. --Unsure about Sex
Hello "Unsure about Sex", Listen it's totally fine if you don't want to actually take the next step in your relationship, but it depends on exactly how far in sexual activity are you talking about? Since you're 17 I wouldn't advise you to go for the whole 'home run." Plus its up to you and you lover to decide if you are BOTH ready to take your relationship to the next level. If you BOTH are ready, then obviously go slow with it, I would say everything EXCEPT Sexual intercourse. BUT if you want to go that far make sure you are BOTH protected (meaning, condom AND birth control). I hope this helps you, good luck Your friend, Nekonigiri
Paikachu · Mon Jun 29, 2009 @ 04:21am · 0 Comments |
I want to write down private thoughts like in a journal but my mom/dad/brother/sister/etc always finds it. What's the best way to keep a journal from people who i know won't be able to find it and read it. -Longing for Privacy
Dear Longing for Privacy, Here are some options that you can do. 1.) find a spot where anybody (except you) will know where to find it. 2.) Give it to a friend that you trust to hold on it it for you 3.) Make an online journal (Xanga or Livejournal) Try one/all of these see what works for you. Gook luck smile --Nekonigiri
Paikachu · Sat Apr 11, 2009 @ 06:07pm · 1 Comments |
Q: how n' the world do u break up wit sm one *bangs head against desk repeadidly* i dont no wtf 2 do ?_?
A: hmm well you certainly don't want to hurt the person's feelings.
You basically say something like this.
"Listen, I think you and I are great but personally i feel as if I need to move on, can we be friends"
now the person may ask why you want to break up with him/her. You just tell them politely why you wanna break up... if it's for another person then that's not such a great reason to break up with someone or if you're friends don't have a real reason and are tellin you to break up.
The person may also want to be friends with you, but if they're being like, childish and saying "no we have to be together, being just friends is stupid"
I mean some one broke up with me like this. He asked me if we can be friends instead. It's hard depending on the relationship, like on how far you went with the person. Like if you had any kind of sexual intamacy it'll be a awhile for the person to agree to being just friends. If it was sweet and simple like just kissing, hugging, and holding hands. It might be easier for them to agree to it. Then again, it depends on the person's personality.
Sorry for making this so long, but this is the load down i can give you on this wanting for advice.
Good Luck!!
Paikachu · Thu Jan 01, 2009 @ 03:05am · 0 Comments |
Can Crushes Be True? Crush vs. Guyfriend |
This One's Like "Part III" Of The Last Two Entries
well the guy that likes me(tim) doesen't like casey(aka the guy that asked me out) and casey doesn't like tim....t think they go way back but w/e....and i asked my friends if tim realy liked me and they said that he was going to ask me out( i was not there that day)
Uh huh... This seems to be gettin' interestin'. Any ways, did you're friends actually asked him? Sometimes friends, want to be nice to you, because they are your friends.Well, only the truest ones would do that. Any ways, as for the whole guy friend and crush relationship, don't get involved in it. Don't let either one try to make you get in to it. Because it's something between them, not you. Ok, well, if you're crush (Tim), truley likes you....no matter how much you like.....I suggest you first get to know him as a friend first, then if he's really truely the kind you would like for a bf, then I'd say go for it. But let's say he want's to be bf&gf right then and there. Do you totally know him? If not, then basically, it's a totally call off. Because guys like that, don't need to be bothered with during you social life. Ok, if he's fine with that, then that's cool. This is one of those basic tests that you do with a guy when he confesses his love to you, to make sure that he's totally true. It works pretty much every time. And again don't get into the "Tim vs. Casey Showdown". You don't have time for that kind of stuff, especially when it has absoultly nothin' to do with you.
Paikachu · Sat Jan 07, 2006 @ 01:00am · 0 Comments |
My Crush Asked Me Out, and Now My Guy Friend Is Pissed W/ Me |
This is actually like "part II" of the entry right before this one
ok well... the guy that asked me out and i turned him down......well the guy he hates sooo much is going to ask me out .....now casey is pissed off at me what should i do? singed even more confused than last
Dear Even More Confused Than Last, Let's see, did you exactly see why your guy friend, dislikes the guy you like? If you didn't, then you should check. Another thing is that, it's one thing that your guy friend is pissed off that you like him. But being pissed off at you? Maybe he's not exactly pissed with you, maybe he's just pissed with your crush (as I said already). But if he is pissed off with, you maybe he really ain't that great of a friend. I suggest that you try to talk to him, maybe you're misjudging the problem. Also, the guy that you said that you liked, has asked you out. That's great....but make sure this guy is no joker before totally except it. Just like I said before and plus keep this in mind, the coolest guy in school, can be the biggest jerk. But the shyest one, can be the most sweetest.
Paikachu · Sat Jan 07, 2006 @ 12:35am · 0 Comments |
Just Friends, and My Guy Friend Dislikes The Guy I like |
hey! well there is this guy that i hang around. he lives nere me ,and all of my friends r all saying that he is going to ask me out...what do i di. he is like a brother to me and we goof around and thingd. he is shorter than me and all of my firends think differntley about him...and also i like this other guy ...but the thing is that cassey aka the guy who wantes to go out with me, does'nt like him singed confused! Dear Confused, Did he tell you that he likes you? Or your friends are just sayin' he likes you? If your friends are sayin' that, ignore them, their being idiots. If the guy told you that he likes you, just tell him face to face, and politely, that you don't like him. For example you can say: "I understand that you like me, and I like you too, but not that much. I like you like as a brother, and that is it. I want out relationship to stay that way. So I want to stick to being friends." That's it. If the guy doesn't want to accept it, then he isn't worth it. But no matter what you say to him don't say that you like someone else. That'll just make the guy really feel bad, and you don't want to do that, right? You did mention that he knows the guy that you like and he doesn't like him, just let it be like that. Tell him that you als respects his feelings for the guy you like and the feelings he has for you as well. But there maybe a reason why he doesn't like the guy. Did you ever try askin' him? Maybe your guy friend will tell you, why? Maybe he suspects things about the guy, that aren't so great. Until then, just lay low with your crush the guy. You also mentioned about him bein' short and all. It may seem alittlle akward to go out with a guy who's shorter then you, maybe his hieght will improve better later on. Also keep in mind that what's on the inside counts more then what's outside. Because the hottest guys ever might be the biggest creep ever, but the quiet guy, might be the most sweetest guy you've evere met. -Nekonigiri
Paikachu · Sat Jan 07, 2006 @ 12:19am · 0 Comments |
Rules about the advice From Me |
Hey, Hola, Bonjour, Shalom, Aloha, Nihoe, Konichiwa (you get the idea).
Welcome to my journal. You can ask me for advice about friends, school, family, home, boy/girlfriends,...basically the stuff that revolves around them. But hey you have to know a few things before you go ahead.
On Sending Your Question:
To ask me for advice you e-mail me, no private messagin' me. My e-mail is: Japanimationgirl@yahoo.com. Type in subject: Advice please
What You Should Write And The Options Are:
Well, obviously you're question, is the thing you should. If you want to, you type Dear Neko,....., Dear Nekonigiri,....., or nothing, just type in the problem you're havin'. Your choice.
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When you send me you question, I'll send a reply ASAP, can't promise when, but I will reply. The only people who will know about your question are me and you. Other people will see it in this journal.
You have to follow these rule and this information. You also have to let me print your question in this journal.
Thanks, and I hope my advice helps.
Paikachu · Thu Jan 05, 2006 @ 02:10am · 0 Comments |