xxxxxxxxxx★C A D E★ ★REGAN★ ★HACKTHORN★
★ Gender ★
15 [But looks 10, and acts 5-20]
★ Sexuality ★
★ Race ★ Archmage [Time Manipulation]
She's boyish, but she has her feminine side. As the daughter of a politician, Cade inherited
the trademark traits of the Hackthorns - ambitious, independent, and strong-willed. Very
straightforward, and sometimes offends people with her words...without realising it. She
can be incredibly stubborn at times, and a little impatient as well. Headstrong and
reckless, Cade may seem to be a little ruthless at times. However, underneath the tough
exterior, Cade's still just a kid, even though she constantly denies the fact. She's in reality a
very kind girl. She is also a total klutz.
Born into a German aristocratic family, Cade's mother died when she was barely three
years old. Her father remarried, and she now lives with her father, step-mother and
step-brother. She hated the high expectations and demands of regal life, and despite
being a Marquess' daughter, she was often bullied in school for being an albino. As such,
she was home-schooled by her step-mother for most of her life...until she was sent to
boarding school. She currently studies in the private school, and is trying to figure out
how to use the cellphone.
Candy, playing the double bass, bass guitar and piano, Pocky, shiny things, card games,
basketball, metalworks and timepieces
Cold weather, being treated like a kid (which she is), loud noises, small spaces, smoke and
alcohol, tall people
Cade is an albino. However, she doesn't have red eyes and white hair. Instead,
she has very pale skin, pale brown hair, and light, olive green eyes.
She cheats in card games. All the time.
Cade is barely 5'5.
She's allergic to kiwi.
You can design your own outfits for her. However, if you need references, here's a few:
Feel free to mix and match. ^^