OK so this may or may not be important to you because you may not watch anime but when you watch it one thing you should do is use earphones. Now I don't know if you are living in a house by you're self but just take some time to think. 'I'm at the house with my loud dubbed or subbed anime blasted through the house. Could this be annoying to others?' The answer would be YES VERY IT"S SUPER ANNOYING sweatdrop sorry about that but still. Try to wear headphones if you have them. if you don't have them just turn the volume low or don't watch it now. I mean is there some law that says you must watch anime everyday. Sure anime is great but if it's annoying the people in the house thats not good. And if you're ears are hurting and you can't use earphones the just use the one's that don't go in you're ear's.
So pretty much every thing is covered on that topic. Bye for now...