So I thought I'd redeem myself with one of these rare but invaluable entries, full of loverly pictures from my Holiday in good ol' Welsh Wales.
A few people asked me to post some pictures from it, so I thought this would be the easiest way to do it.

You may think these are all looking pretty similar; if you are then SHUDDUP YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE NO CULTURAL APPRECIATION. You've been told ;]

Sheep sheep everywhere. It was hard to remember there are other kinds of species sometimes...

O: CRACKSHEEP! He was like that for ages; looks like he found some catnip ;D

DUNDUNDUN. A sheep skull! Hardcore, methinks.

Hallelujah! Seals! They're not sheep! I named 'em Jimmeny and Earl B]

Just to prove I was there O< Looking nice and windswept; ugh. I only put this up 'cause I like my eyes in it.

My signature pole-thingy-against-the-sky picture: I always take one like this, 'cause sometimes it's nice to pretend that I'm good at photography D=
The following I give credit to my dad for, as he took them and I just loved them so very much that I felt the urge to nab them >W<

The cottage we stayed in.

Some funny-looking sheep O___o

Hope you liked 'em!
Anyone who is thinking of going there, it's a beautiful place, but don't let the pictures fool you: it RAINS.
As proof, here is my Dad and the other kid's dad doing the barbequeue:

Ciao ;O