This time about all black avatars (Outfitwise).
Seriously. Just because you might like the colour black in real life, it doesn't mean you should transfer it to Gaia. "But I like my avatar to represent who I am!" Right. Can you really claim, really, that your personality is all black? Can you? Sure, I like the colour black and wear all black in real life, but is my avatar all black? No, it isn't. All black avatars are the most common type of an avatar in Gaia. You claim to be unique by having it, but that just makes you one of a crowd. No one is alike, why not let it show? Maybe you're scared to let it show through that, "omgnoonecanknowI'mnotallcoolandgothandrock" or whatever. You are allowed to like colours. Having an colourful avatar doesn't mean you have to go out dressed in all pink and green. It just means you know who you are and show it, instead of trying to be what you think other people perceive you as. And wasn't that what you were trying to avoid? [/rant]
Lunareala · Fri Apr 06, 2007 @ 06:52pm · 0 Comments |
So. It's Valentine's Day. A day to show your loved ones and crushes just how much you care. Riiiiight. Almost was fooled into believing that. My morning began wonderfully, I made my first bus, which was on time, probably because I noticed it had a new driver who wished everyone "Welcome!" in an overly cheery voice, the bus made it to the market square on time so I figured I'd make it to my next bus too. And 'lo behold! There my next bus came and I got on. Ha! Little did I know, the bus changed number plates on the stop and became a bus that went, yes, enough to the same direction I was going to, to make me not realise anything, until it headed to the completely wrong road. So what did I do? What could I do? I got off. And walked towards the direction I knew the bus stop I could catch a bus, the right one this time, was. Okay, so I made it there and looked at my watch. Great. The bus would be here in a half an hour. So I walk to work. For 3km. On 10cm heeled boots. With a plastic bag full of books I was planning to return weighting probably around 5kg. What is this? Show Luna just how much we aaaaaaaaaaall hate her, and do it on Valentine's Day!
Lunareala · Wed Feb 14, 2007 @ 07:24am · 0 Comments |
To anyone Finnish who might be reading this. Translation to come.
Luin ihan mahtavan peliarvostelun Pelit lehdestä aiheesta- Warhammer: Mark of Chaos. Se oli niin humoristisen nuiva että oli pakko kopioida siitä yksi kappale tänne.
Mark of Chaos kertoo miehestä, joka haluaa demoniksi. Vähän eilistä, sillä kiitos Euroviisujen, joka toinen suomalainen lapsikin haluaa demoniksi.
"Taas Warhammeria!" parahtaa moni mutten minä, varsinkin kun 40K-liitteen puute kertoo, ettei nyt nähdä avaruusmariineita. Mark of Chaos sijoittuu fantasia-Warhammerin maailmaan, ja tätä herkkua ei vähään aikaan olekaan nautittu. Mark of Chaoksen duunannut Black Hole pykäsi Electornic Artsille geneerisen fantasianaksu Armies of Exigon, mitenköhän käy pojilta mustempi meininki?
Warhammer-videopelit ovat hyviä, koska pöytäpeleistä tuttu Warhammer on erinomainen ratkaisu pelin selkärangaksi. Warhammer on valmiiksi dokumentoitu fantasiapelimaailma, joka on synkkä kuin Suomen joulu, verinen vastapaino hempeille japsiropeille, joissa tikkutukkaiset ikiteinit tappelevat tyhmiä pahiksia vastaan. Warhammerissa on sitä emaskuloitujen pehmomiesten haikailemaa äijämeininkiä. Keskiajan Saksasta ripattu Imperiumi taistelee Kaaoksen kätyreitä ja demoneita vastaan, mukana ovat myös kääpiöiden, haltioiden ja vihernahkojen goottiversiot sekä skavenit, nuo kaameat rottamiehet. Pöytäpelinä vuoropohjaisessa Warhammerissa olisi jopa valmiit säännöt, jos joku niitä haluaa hyödyntää. Voi kun haluaisi.
I read the best gamereview from a Finnish game magazine called, well, Games, of the subject of Warhammer: Mark of Chaos. It was so humoristicly written that I just had to copy one part of it here.
Mark of Chaos tells the story of a man who wants to become a demon. So yesterday, because thanks to Eurovision, every other kid in Finland wants to be a demon too.
"Warhammer again!" many exclaim but not me, especially when the shortage of a 40-K appendix tells you that you won't be seeing spacemariners. Mark of Chaos is set in the fantasy Warhammer world, and this is a treat we haven't had for awhile. I wonder how Black Hole that made the Mark of Chaos, and also the generic fantasy game Armies of Exigo for Electronic Arts, can pull of making something darker?
Warhammer games are great, because Warhammer known from board games is a great venue for the spine of the game. Warhammer is a readily documentated fantasy game world, that is dark like the Finnish Christmas*, a bloody counterpart for mushy japanese RP's, where spiky haired everteenagers fight against dumb meanies. Warhammer has that manly macho stuff that all the emasculated marshmallow men are wailing after. The Imperium ripped from medieval Germany fights against the minions and demons of Chaos, all complete with the gothic versions of dwarves, elves and greenskins and also skavens, those terrifying rat-men. As a boardgame the turn based Warhammer would also even have a set of rules, if anyone would like to use them. I wish someone would.
*Traditionally in Finland, Christmas time is a dark time, both in the literal meaning and in the symbolic meaning. It is the darkest time of the year, and also the time of year when most suicides are made, because of the lonelyness the family oriented holiday creates in those who don't have one. It is also the time of year, when those with alcoholic problems chase their families out of the house into the snow with an axe and lock them there for the night. And I'm not joking.
Lunareala · Tue Jan 23, 2007 @ 01:33pm · 0 Comments |
The daily occurances of the STUPID BLONDE |
So. In my wonderful series of rants and bitching, it's everyones favourite subject again. BUSSES! It was the bloody same busS again, which had the broken stop signal thing system, so once again, the buss left me on the next stop. YAY! Well, I thought, this is not that bad right? Just one stop, so I make my way to the library. Just to realise something. I forgot my key. I washed my jeans yesterday, so obviously I had taken the key out, and being the IDIOT that I am, forgot the whole thing this morning. And if that wasn't swell enough, obviously I had also forgotten the person who was meant to be here with me this morning, had to do this book presentation thing at the nearby school, which meant she wasn't here. So what do I do? Stand out in the cold and the snow freezing to death! scream Atleast I had something exciting to watch. Yes... They were icing the skating rink. Oh baby, that red icing machine was a real monster. Screw that, it was COLD! I want a big bowl of steaming hot & Spicy Tomato soup. PLZKTHNXBAI! scream
I spell buss with two "s"'s to prove a point, okay! D:
Lunareala · Mon Jan 15, 2007 @ 08:34am · 2 Comments |
Had to wake up at 7am this morning. All I can say is, early mornings & Me? Incompatible. I felt sick and nearly threw up and was scared to death I had catched the stomach flu from work at the library, then obviously my first buss had to be late for those couple of precious minutes that were needed for me to make it to my next buss. I don't think I need to tell you I didn't make it. So there I was, in the cold and rain waiting for my next buss FOR HALF AN HOUR D< Why is it, that everytime you're in a hurry, sitting in a buss thinking oh please please please just hurry up so I'll make it to my next buss, and nearly selling your soul to anyone who'll make it happen, there always has to be some little old lady who gets off one stop before your stop and is so freaking old it takes her atleast 10mins to get out of the buss with her creaky bones, and obviously by the time the buss gets to move again, the green light has changed to red and you get to wait in the lights for another eternity until finally FINALLY you jump out of the buss and run, just to see the buss you needed to get on, curving away from the stop.
&& I still feel a bit sick, but now I'm not so sure that it isn't just that I'm hungry. x:
Lunareala · Wed Jan 10, 2007 @ 07:50am · 0 Comments |
I need, about 52k. I think.

Angelic pendant
Black Gloves
Blue Nurse Skirt
Blue Ruffled Top
Chain Wallet
Colonial Stockings
Dark Halo
Elemental Hair
G-LOL Gangrene Dollie Socks
Neos UpsideDown Boots
Rain Zebra Wrap
Raptor Ice Horns
Shadow Spirit
Ska Prism Belt
Stealth EvoBlack Sleeves.
Lunareala · Tue Jan 09, 2007 @ 09:22pm · 0 Comments |
Lunareala · Wed Sep 27, 2006 @ 07:07pm · 3 Comments |