Oh, here's some of the avis i've draw for my friends and stuff.
!!! says naru, cause i changed my username! >o>
I finished this drawing for my friend Pancake Parifait!!! awesume or awesome?
Thish one's for Yakunie -chan!!!
Art trade with PQUS. But i haven't heard from her... T~T
i have a deep and darkfeeling she cheated...
Thish one is for my friend Jvss1993, in her jammies! <333
Madame Yakubi Meggersly Uchiha= Taiiru
Dunno. Kinda looks like a girl teh me.
I drew this for Amaya-chan! {the super intense one!} I tink spelled her name wrong.... ^^:
Here's one for the twins, taichiru & tairu.
avi art currently working on:
- c r a y o n B o x x -done!
[.Fer.Suuure.Maybe.] - done!
Tachiru xP -must start...
Sky_Painter {the ebilest person of all} - i want to do her last. >D make her wait.
Shiriyuki -must tektek
Cocoskitten - ish starting...
!!! says naru, cause i changed my username! >o>
I finished this drawing for my friend Pancake Parifait!!! awesume or awesome?
Thish one's for Yakunie -chan!!!
Art trade with PQUS. But i haven't heard from her... T~T
i have a deep and darkfeeling she cheated...
Thish one is for my friend Jvss1993, in her jammies! <333
Madame Yakubi Meggersly Uchiha= Taiiru
Dunno. Kinda looks like a girl teh me.
I drew this for Amaya-chan! {the super intense one!} I tink spelled her name wrong.... ^^:
Here's one for the twins, taichiru & tairu.
avi art currently working on:
- c r a y o n B o x x -done!
[.Fer.Suuure.Maybe.] - done!
Tachiru xP -must start...
Sky_Painter {the ebilest person of all} - i want to do her last. >D make her wait.
Shiriyuki -must tektek
Cocoskitten - ish starting...