The Druid's Tome |
This is just stuff on Akira's past, stuff out of boredom, etc. STUFF!! |
Akira Tir`eine
Community Member
Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 @ 05:32pm
School sucks...
So, I'm at school right now, supposed to be typing up a script, but I already have it partway done at home, so it would be pointless to do it again xp
So here I am, on the computer....on gaia biggrin
~nuzzles gaia~ I love you ^_^ heart
o.o I just went for pictures for our yearbook, and today was not a good day for that....I slept on a couch cuz of scary creepy ugly bug in my bed... (my kitty ate it ^_^ but there might be more gonk ) and I don't sleep well on couches, not counting the fact that once I found the bug, I couldn't sleep for about an hour.....and then I woke up late, so I had no time to really get ready, do my hair, yadda yadda.....(I woke up ten minutes before my bus D: ) So, here I am, tired as hell and looking it, hair all crappy and unkempt, and to top it off, I'm sitting down where the photographer tells me, and I arrange my black sweater and realize that it's COVERED in cat hairs stare
Oh well, back to talking of this bug....it was like pink, and it kind of looked like a worm, but it moved like a centipede, yah know, the wavy-multi-legged thing... and I found it when I flipped back my covers to hop into bed.....odd thing was, and disturbing too, I usually turn off my light then pull back my blankets and get into bed, but I had my lamp on cuz I was planning on reading a bit before bed......so yeah....it was pure chance that I saw the damned thing....I dropped my cat onto the bed and I went to turn on my light, and when I came back to the bed, there was this little wet spot on the bed, and Lucifer was eating something ^_^ It was funny to see him eating it, but really gross, cuz he left the itty-bitty-bug-head there for me xp I showed it to him, and 2 seconds and another wet spot later, it was gone ^_^
Thank God for all-devouring cats biggrin But yeah, I ended up going upstairs to the couch to sleep, and I won't be back in my own bed till I get all the sheets off and wash everything xp
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 @ 03:48am
more on shitty day #3456463453://346g
Oh, and a random comment to add to my previous entry....not completely random, part of why my day was shitty (I kind of half-forgot it when I started ranting and raving about my shitty band group who all completely ditched out on me...btw, did I mention? My friend Andy actually came up to me and told me that I was so important to the group that they had the First Alto (lead alto) play my part....stare and he was half-laughing at me, saying "Yeah, all your groups ditched you" Thanks. Jackass...) now back to my random-ish comment I was planning on going to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy tonight, a movie I got totally pumped up to see (Douglas Adams is pure genius, and his book into a movie is so exciting D ) but my friend that was supposed to go with me forgot .... so her parents are gone and she has no money, no idea if she can go, and no way to contact them (she apparantly can't call their cellphone before my dad goes to get tickets "I'll call back around 830" "But my dad's going for tickets at 730..." "Oh. I'll try to call back around 8, then." "But my dad's going....oh nevermind" was more or less it. So, now I'm stuck at home on a Friday night....
I called around, and everyone I'd want to hang out with either a)Ditched me from the movie; b)Is at a play a local high school is putting on; or c)Not answering their phone(s).
And yeah. Nobody's online....nobody can do anything...my dad's going to see the movie with his friends and my brother, but his friends means this lady Deanne, who hates me cuz me and Kyla ate all of one kind of three meats like....3 summers ago at a camping thing....and she also hates me cuz I supposedly made her kid cry cuz I was teasing him about his long, girly eyelashes (which all guys seem have!! No fair gonk ) although, I commented maybe twice after someone pointed it out, and I was the one who told people to lay off after a while.....so yeah...."my dad and his friends and my brother" = no fun.
Just to top things off, my mom has been home all week, so our arguments have crescendoing to a Sfortzando Fortissimo that probably echoes down the freaking block. I'm sure the people in the nearby Walmart can probably hear us... stare Yippee. (and sorry about the music reference, I just spent an hour and a half at a band clinic... xp )
So here's little ol' Rachel. Stuck at home. All alone. Having a very crappy day. All. Alone.
Akira Tir`eine
Community Member
Akira Tir`eine
Community Member
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 @ 03:25am
shitty day #3456463453://346g
Gah...having such a crappy day. I'm a band geek (and proud of it 3nodding ) and I was in two ensembles that would have performed today (at an event known as "Band Days" wink . I play Baritone Saxophone (a big mother of a sax for those of you who don't know...) and every year since I started (4 years ago on bari) I've been the base part to a saxophone quartet that is always the pride of our school. Well, this year, we got it started kind of late on the song we were playing, so our practices were kind of crammed in at the last minute. Well, their practices. People need to learn how to schedule times that suit everyone. I would find out about practices when I'm supposed to writing a test, there was one on Tuesday, when "Franƒais à l'avenir" was going on, a big cross-country dealy for graduating frenchies like myself, so there was no way I could make it (I was at the damned University, for God's sake gonk ) so yeah....they kicked me out of the group cuz I couldn't make practices, which is bad enough on it's own, but today I just found out that they got a CLARINET player to play in our group on an alto, while our alto played my bari part. She'd just got the damned music that day, and here she was, playing an instrument she doesn't really know, and a song that she'd never practiced with the group (Oh wait, wasn't that why they kicked me out? Cuz I didn't practice with them?) Only thing is, I actually took the time to learn the ******** music, but here's this n00b, playing my song, with no skills on the ******** instrument. I hope they failed.
~bitter~ and then there's my other ensemble group. We were playing a song called "Pachinko" ... it's about a Japanese pinball-like machine...it's a really fun song...and it was actually made for full band, so we had about 15 people playing various parts so that it would work out. It was neat, I went to most of the practices, all that I could at least. They still kicked me out. I'm guessing it was the same person that decided me out of both groups. This Ann person at my school who is a conniving b***h. I used to be friends with her, then I realized how immature and annoying she is. All the time. Apparantly she played my bari part in the pachinko ensemble aswell, but she messed up big on the solo biggrin That makes me happy. Cuz I had that solo masterized 3nodding They shouldn't have kicked me. I play the third largest instrument in our band (tuba and double bass are bigger) and I'm bitter and mad. biggrin They will enjoy me on Tuesday at our next rehearsal twisted
Well, rant #2 (? I think it was) is now over, and I think I'm going to go to Barton. I need to roleplay...get my mind off angst and feelings of murder evil