..."Raiisan" ..continued, from avatar arena!
as you walk into a large tent, where about 50 people are gathered around a fire, a man peers over his shoulder at you, and gestures for you to sit down with them. a man so old, his eyes were barely open, was in the center of it all. his loose traditional style japanese skirt hung lifelessly from him, spreading onto the ground a few inches. nobody else notices you are here, so you decide to just go ahead and listen. "once, in a time long before my father's father," the man begins in a low, raspy voice... "there was a village, that prospered in the lands of the wild north."
"and it was to this village, that a child was born on the night of the full moon. she was a beautiful child, to be sure, but she wasn't quite like the rest of them"
"their eyes were of the earth,((<--by that i mean they were brown ^_^)) and clouded with bias and hate; but her eyes, were...open. they had the entire sea in them, which none of her people had seen before. her gentle nature, and compassion for every living thing, set her apart from them even more so. people looked at her differently, " the old man scanned his audience, as if scolding them silently, not to be like the peple in the story.
"she, like the rest of her people, was born from an egg. her egg looked just like the rest of theirs, --except for the large sapphire embedded into it--. she grew in her egg, and was cared for immensely well, seeing as her caretaker's husband was very ill, and her caretaker was hoping for a boy, to take care of them. "
"when she hatched, the women of her house wept for weeks. 'surely we will die now, since there is to be no man to take care of us,' they all thought."
the old man paused for a moment, and lit a cigar.
"she was, of coarse, of the poorest class, and by no means was she born into luxury of any kind. she cleaned, and cooked for her family, as she was told she should, and she loved them very much, despite their hatred for her."
"you see, when she was just a hatchling, her 'mother' would try to carry her outside, and throw her into the river and kill her, because she didn't want her!"
"--in those days, bears were extremely bad omens, and widely feared." the old man added quickly.
"but everytime she would step outside with little raiisan, always a bear would appear, just fixing it's gaze on her caretaker! so naturally, she was very frightened, and eventually accepted that riisan would, actually, be living with her."
"raiisan was very obedient, and upheld the values that they had given to her, yet still, she was not looked kindly upon. --sometimes, in the coldest of nights, she would sneak out, and run about the tundra, playing with all the animals who dared come out into the harshest of conditions. her village thought that surely, it couldn't be true.
------------------------- note: i got bored, and need to compress this story, so i'll finish it later.