When GIR shuts down, all of his cyan parts turn gray and he reverts to lifelessness. As a robot, GIR technically has no gender, but he is usually referred to as being male,[1] mostly by Zim. In public on earth, Zim and GIR must wear disguises, GIR's most common disguise is a green dog suit that squeaks, with a visible zipper down the front. Another disguise is one that looks like a human child, and another that looks like a government agent by the name of "government man". Unlike Zim, he doesn't mind getting involved with typical Earth culture, and has a strong love of Earth snacks, such as tacos, taquitos, candy, waffles, cupcakes, tuna, chicken with mayo, pizza, and slush-style drinks.
Mudkips>Chuck Norris
Mr. Saturn>Chuck Norris
Mr. Saturn>Mudkip
Mudkips>Chuck Norris
Mr. Saturn>Chuck Norris
Mr. Saturn>Mudkip