Hey y'all!
You will not believe what just happened! I had this post all typed out, when I accidently hit the refresh button... Which caused my post to be completly erased!!!
xd Which leaves me no option to type it all over again...
I was gonna introduce myself
whee My name is, as you probably already noticed, Nikki Aino!
I am about 3286 years old and I live in the Netherlands!
My current occupation, is serving my master, oh, and I go to school as well
sweatdrop This is me:

This is my master:

This is my obsession:

Oeh, you got that right! I am one of those shonen-ai/yaoi and shoujo-ai/yuri lovers!
*hears someone in the distance calling:'PERVERT!'*
sweatdrop ehe...
Now, let's show you some of my fave couples!
My all time favourite, Malik and my Bakura-sama
xd (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Yuki and Shuuichi! They are cool, 'Gravitation' rocks! (Gravitation)

These two just asked for it to be paired up
xp (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

And of course, Anthy and Utena. They are just so cute together ^^ (Kakumei Shoujo Utena)

From the very first anime I ever watched, I still got a website dedicated to them two
3nodding Musashi and Kojirou! (Pocket Monsters)

So, glad I'm done with retyping my post
xd Remind me to never use the refresh button while typing a message, ever again
xp You can expect further posts to be completly random.
I consider you warned
wink If any of you has got a question, don't hesitate to PM or ask me here. Answering questions keeps me busy