Name: Arche
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years in this body; 19 years total
Main Element: Light
Secondary Element: Arcana
Magical Orientation: Luna
Preferred Technique: Vaframentum/Illusion
Tarot/Divination Symbols: Wheel of Fortune, The Lovers, The Juggler
Main Traits: Mischievous, naïve, quiet, trustworthy, unsure
Biography: Many years ago a child was born; a simple enough story. She was named Ritsu, and she possessed the ability to manipulate light and sound, as well as the ability to absorb the soul essence of another. She grew up, training herself to be a skilled healer and illusionist, and soon discovered a world named Euphoria, in which lived many who were more powerful than she was, using the elements and able to teach her. She lived in Euphoria for several years, growing older and becoming more skilled and mature each day. And then, as many girls have the tendency to do, she fell in love. His name was Jynx, and he became the most important thing in her life.
But this is only the beginning of our story.
In only a short time, tragedy struck: the man with whom she was so desperately in love died. Terrible things happened, and despite her protests, he was taken from her. She fell into depression, neglecting herself, her training, and her family. In the course of time, she decided that her best options were to either bring back the man she loved or die trying. Ritsu began training again, and over the course of many months built up a web of spells in her home, pouring her energy into them, all in the hope of being able to open up a portal to where Jynx had been taken, heal him, and carry him home. Unfortunately, magic can be a fickle tool and life never really goes as planned. Ritsu managed to open the portal successfully, but became trapped in the spells holding it open; unable to properly support the portal from outside, she began to become part of it, her energy drained until she began to dissolve into the pure light essence left in her body.
The essence refused to dissipate, trapped in the portal and floating through various realms, all of which lacked true elemental magic. Eventually, it came to a place called Namrylia and managed to tap into the power there; the whole process took months, during which time the essence was found and cared for by a magus who went by the name of Zanis. He helped coax it back into a human form, and by the time it was done, the body that Ritsu's essence had constructed was eerily similar to the man that Ritsu loved. Her new body also gained most of Ritsu's elemental powers back, though it absorbed some of Zanis' powers, giving it a grasp of arcana. And so, reincarnated as Arche, Ritsu began again... in a way.
Arche only recently gained her powers, but developed them quickly with Zanis' help. She remembers absolutely nothing of her past life save vague memories of Euphoria and clear memories of Jynx. In fact, Arche does not even know that she is a reincarnation; she believes herself to be her own person, and Zanis refuses to tell of her the truth at the moment, fearing the results; he instead told her that she had an accident while going through a magical portal that caused her to lose her memory. Arche has made it her life's mission to find the man from her memories, believing that he will be able to answer all her questions. Her best guess was to try and find a way to Euphoria, and so with Zanis' help she was able to open a portal and re-enter the realm of her past life.