Q uQ
I'm trying very hard to get her collection super large, I'm sorry it's small right now.
Basic Information
Name; Basil or Bass
Gender; Female
Age; Eleven.
Hair; It's a curly/wavy blue mess really. It can be styled however, it's only in pigtails in the references because I think I have a thing for twin-tailed original characters.
Skin; She's fairly pale, but not sickly pale and is happy-go-lucky blushing pretty much all the time.
Eyes; I always wanted a green eyed character! Also, the lightest shade on the eyes also doubles as a make-up color if you would like to use it.
Clothing; There's really no limit to her wardrobe, but everything is pretty frilly and has bows and such. The colors are all over the spectrum, but she hardly ever actually matches. Please just dress her in whatever.
Personality; She's a very happy and mellow person, and there's hardly anything that can really get her down. She's also very clumsy, and doesn't really have a sense of balance. When she's not wearing stockings there's evidence of how much she falls because she's usually wearing crazy band-aids. She's very girlish too, and likes makeup and accessories.
Q uQ
I'm trying very hard to get her collection super large, I'm sorry it's small right now.
Basic Information
Name; Basil or Bass
Gender; Female
Age; Eleven.
Hair; It's a curly/wavy blue mess really. It can be styled however, it's only in pigtails in the references because I think I have a thing for twin-tailed original characters.
Skin; She's fairly pale, but not sickly pale and is happy-go-lucky blushing pretty much all the time.
Eyes; I always wanted a green eyed character! Also, the lightest shade on the eyes also doubles as a make-up color if you would like to use it.
Clothing; There's really no limit to her wardrobe, but everything is pretty frilly and has bows and such. The colors are all over the spectrum, but she hardly ever actually matches. Please just dress her in whatever.
Personality; She's a very happy and mellow person, and there's hardly anything that can really get her down. She's also very clumsy, and doesn't really have a sense of balance. When she's not wearing stockings there's evidence of how much she falls because she's usually wearing crazy band-aids. She's very girlish too, and likes makeup and accessories.