Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Lyrics: Atomic Killa by PsychopathicNinja50187
- Gore-Hop Lyrics I wrote after listening to a bunch of SCUM and Q STRANGE
- wierdness by beauties_silenced_angel
- people say im wierd i say whatever
- old photos by l-Phagnomenal-l
- thinking of someone i dont see much anymore thanks for reading <<please comment and rate>>
- Hopes On A Thousand Miles by Deadlylight6
- plz comment...
- One Sided Love by this rainbow lover
- It started out as a poem about a man lusting after another man, but it turned into a one sided love story. It's the best work I've done in a while, so I figured I would give it a shot and put it up here. Rate, comment and enjoy.
- Stream of Time by Mac di Sigma
- Just a song I wrote. please comment.
- Beautiful Moonlight by DGBlazerine
- For all you dreamers out there...
- because of him by Corky_poo
- this is written about my sister and her boyfriend/baby daddy he keeps leaving her for a whore and hurts her everytime saying i never loved you and i never want to be with you or see you again
- every last word by Joshofthemoshpit
- dedicated to you morgan...just wanted to let you know I love you. the song's s**t but, hey, tis from the heart
- IDK by -The awesome Jordan-
- um this is about one of my frens and i like him and he likes meh but wait why am i tellin you uh well you know just comment or rate or just what ever..um read if you want i could really could careless...oh and if dont sound goo...
- 2 PRiNcEsS pOeMs by Cookie Prince
- Another Princess Poem Cause We Princesses Deserve Our Princes Charmimg Right?
- broken and so is lost by ii_RAWR_RANDOM_ii123
- my poem of what i have been feeling in the inside and keep smiling on the outside
- For Mistress... by Kiaki Rhel
- This poem... For my mistress... Whom I've devoted everything to...
- Sweet Bliss by sweet_beatrix
- for raj
- A Tea Party by Strange Concept
- This is a poem I wrote specifically for an entry I made to the Arena for week 40 [[Sep. 2009]] It had kind of a Dark Mad Hatter feel to it, so I thought I would write about a tea party. Read on, you happy gaian you.