Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Your Eyes by BurningStarDust
- I wrote this when I found out some depressing news about my boyfriend who is now my ex. My friend writes poetry also and she convinced me to submit. Hope you enjoy it!
- Death curse by PortGASS25th
- its very touching but it is dark gruesome and maybe cruel if people who are evil like this stuff anyway
- 1 hiku poems by shontellevonxo
- 1 hiku poems i made so you guys can get some more poetry excitment on gaia(i am aware gaia is the most boring site in the world)XDENJOY....well you dont have to but yeah i like comments ...good ones possibly and humor
- Neverending Sun by vampire creep in hiding
- This poem is a vampire related one. I just like vampires! Don't say I'm strange because I know.
- Star Light by Aquamoon341
- where i live it's nearly impossible to see the stars at night, there's so much light pollution just from street lights. the first stanza is a simple nursery rhyme that everyone should know, it's mostly there as a reference, but...
- Happy Independance Day by Aquamoon341
- i wrote this during my time in Ecuador as an exchange student, as you might imagine it was early july, and i always look forward to the big fireworks every year.
- Friends by xmariefuntimex
- I wrote this because i feel like im looseing my best friend soo i hope she sees this same day.
- dwell upon snow by hmong goddess
- one of my memory of snow in Georgia
- Christmas Snow by Hermy97
- Its not that good
- Please be a Friend. by redwhispers
- This is a poem I wrote in the effects of all the teens that commit suicide. Many and most of them were abused as children. The others were ignored on there attempts for talk to friends and family. I see suicide as an escape for...
- Freedom... by x-G3T M0N3Y-x
- Well i got really bored and wrote this down...so yeah...^^
- Death by Sofie_Pofy
- My view on death.
- My American Dream by brokebitchbutfun2bwit
- My Island
- Confused by iCooki3dough
- A poem I wrote for A Lit. Assignment. We had to write a peom about what we Think Lathora felt.
- Goodbye by Peace_Sign_Val
- This is the 4th song I've written... I wrote this when this guy I REALLY like moved away (well I started it) then I had to write a story for my English class...so I finished the song to go with the story. It's more of an up be...
- dream walking chapter 1 by slayer of none
- funny thing is that it realy was a dream i had :s Ps: i am hafe a sleep and my spelling isn't very good for i play it by ear so give me a brack
- Seal me away by Singing Bloody Insanity
- It may not make much sense and all, but I had an urge to write this. =P I don't care what other people say, I know it sucks.