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My story

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and here is chap 7-9

Chapter 7
Kiro stared out the window and wondered where Sana had gone off to. Over an hour had past and there was still no sign of her anywhere. Worried that something might have happened to her he opened the door and walked outside. Just as he did so something collided right into him. When he fell over the person he had collided with landed on top of him. Looking up he realized that it was Sana that had run into him. When she realized the kind of position they had landed it she quickly tried to get off of him but she quickly realized that he was pulling her closer to his body for an embrace. He noticed that her face had turned a very deep shade of red and he smirked evilly. Within moments he had her sitting across his lap and, with very little strength used, he picked her up as he stood and carried her in the house. Once inside, he carried her to the bed and tossed her on. Sana looked up at him wide-eyed and knew that he was angry from the way he had carried her. She moved her gaze to the floor as he went to sit next to her and waited for him to say something. As the silence passed between them she realized that he was trying not to show what he was feeling. When he laid back she flinched slightly but continued to sit as still as a statue. After more silence came between them he sighed.
“Usually when I lay down, you lay next to me.” He growled softly.
When she didn’t move or even say anything he groaned.
“That’s it come here.” He said bending forward to grab her shoulders.
With a gentle pull he laid her next to him. Looking down at her he noticed that her eyes were cloudy and that he was unable to read her emotion. With a small smile he turned to lie on his back and pulled her with him in such a way that her head rested on his chest. Looking down at her again he noticed that this time she was looking back at him with an apology in her eyes. Bending his head forward he kissed her softly on the forehead. He then put his head back on the bed and placed a hand on her head.
“You know it’s not nice to make me worry.”
“I know…and I’m really sorry that I did.” She whispered.
A small smile played on his lips as he gently pinched her cheek. Her eye closed as he pinched her and he noticed how cute of a face she made when he did that. He chuckled softly as she rubbed her cheek. Suddenly he rolled away and stood up, leaving Sana laying there looking at him confused. With a grin he turned and faced her, his hands on his hips. She sat up slightly wondering what it was he was about to say.
“I have a great idea!” He said “There’s someplace that I want to show you before we leave for the mission.”
“What is it?” Sana asked
“I can’t tell you.” He said teasingly. “However, for me to take you there you have to be able to trust me. Can you do that?”
“Of coarse I can!” She said getting up and walking over to him. “If I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t have stayed with you.”
“Okay then put this on.” He said handing her a long piece of cloth
“A blindfold?” She asked
“You promised to trust me remember?” He said
With a shrug she tied the thick fabric over her eyes. After making sure she couldn’t see, Kiro took her hand in his and led her out of the house. As they continued to walk Sana was able to tell that they were walking along the edge of the lake by the sound of the nearby fish in the water. A short while later Kiro led her to the left and into the woods. As he led her through the forest he made sure to warn her of any roots or branches in the way. Sana slowly noticed that the further they walked into the forest the louder the sound of rushing water became. A few minutes passed before Kiro stopped and released her hand.
“Can I take this off yet?” She asked him
“Not yet but if you want you can sit down” He said
A sigh passed her lips as she sat on the ground. She was surprised to find that the texture of the ground was very close to that of a beach beside the ocean. Rustling noises came from where Kiro was standing nearby and she wondered what the hell he was doing. After more time had passed, the rustling noises stopped.
“Okay you can take the blindfold off now.” He said
“Finally…” She muttered.
Once she had taken the blindfold off she stared in shock at what she saw. A serene view of a waterfall entering a large calm lake. The water was clear and she could see many of the fish in it. The ground she sat on was indeed a small beach. Its white sand was shaded by the branches of old trees above it. When she looked at Kiro to show her awe she was shocked even more. Kiro had changed into a pair of swimming shorts and stood there facing the water. For the first time Sana was able to fully understand why it was so easy for him to pick her up with little effort. His muscles were well defined by themselves but the shadows that were cast on him only managed to emphasize this. Looking away quickly, she could feel herself blushing.
“It’s a nice place isn’t it?” he asked her softly
“Y-yeah it is.” She replied nervously
“What’s wrong?” He asked looking at her
“Nothing’s wrong!” She said reassuring him with a smile
“Good. Oh by the way I would like you to change into these.” He said tossing her some clothes. “You can change behind the large boulder.”
Walking behind the boulder Sana looked at the clothes that Kiro had given her. She held a pair of girls’ shorts and a large white t-shirt that obviously belonged to Kiro. Sana first slid out of her sandals and pants. After she folded her pants she tried on the shorts and found that they were just the right size for her. Thinking nothing of it she took off her shirt and, after folding that, she slid into Kiro’s shirt and had to chuckle when she looked down at herself. Kiro’s shirt went half way down her thighs and the sleeves ended at her elbows. To make sure that the shirt wouldn’t slip off of her when she went into the water she took the thick brown string from her shirt and tied it snugly around her waist.
When she walked out from behind the boulder Kiro looked up and was stunned by what he saw. Though the shirt had been enough to replace a swimsuit, he hadn’t expected her long legs to be that emphasized or her waist to appear so small. Sana felt his gaze dragging over her and blushed slightly.
“Wow…” He said softly
Scratching the back of her head she blushed even more and continued to do so until he looked away.
“So…would you like to join me for a swim?” He asked looking out over the water.
Sana grinned and ran into the water. Caught off guard for a moment, Kiro watched her dive in under the water with ease. With a slight shake of his head, he ran in after her. However, as he looked around he was unable to find her anywhere. Suddenly a small wave of water came out of nowhere and splashed him from behind. Spinning around he saw her floating on her back laughing, her arms wrapped around her stomach. When she finally stopped laughing she went to swim over to him only to find that this time he had gone missing.
“Kiro...Where’d you go?” She called out in a playful tone.
Looking around she was unable to find the slightest sign that he was still there. Next thing she knew, Kiro popped up behind her and grabbed her around the waist. She gasped surprised and squeaked as he went to hug her. As he went to do this his hand grabbed her breast instead of her shoulder.
“K-Kiro…your hand is…um…” She said hoarsely
When he noticed what it was she was trying to say he turned bright red and quickly released her from his hug. He looked at the back of Sana’s head and noticed that the tips of her ears had turned pink.
“S-sorry! I didn’t mean to…”
“I know, I know.” She said softly as she turned to face him “Just make sure you watch how you hug me from now on okay?”
With a smirk on her face she flipped backwards and dove under the water. Kiro raised an eyebrow as he watched her swim deeper and deeper until he was he was no longer able to see her. Just as he wondered how long he could hold her breath, her shorts floated to the surface. His eyes went wide and he was starting to worry when Sana suddenly jumped over him in her “mermaid” form. Her tail had scales of aqua and gold while her hair had changed from long brown hair to shoulder length blue. Popping up out of the water again she faced him and grinned. After he swam up to her, her grabbed her around the waist before laying back to float. As she lay on top of him she looked down at him both blushing and wide-eyed. She was unsure wither to freak out or relax. Kiro laughed and looked up at her.
“You need to learn how to relax.” He said softly to her
“That’s kinda hard to do considering how we’d look if someone were to see us right now.” She pointed out.
“That’s a good point.” He said “Well in that case why don’t you just turn over?”
With a nod she attempted to turn over. As she did so Kiro felt a sudden shock of heat but tried his best to hide it. When she finally managed to turn over she lay back down on his stomach and rested her head back against his chest. He looked at her and wrapped his arms around her stomach. With a smile she twisted her head to look up at him. Looking down at her he returned the smile she gave him. As they lay there floating Sana was finally able to fully relax. A short while later Kiro was unaware that Sana’s breathing was starting to slow. It wasn’t until she transformed back into her original form that he knew she’d fallen asleep. Kiro continued to float around with Sana laying on him and felt a peaceful tranquility had fallen over them. In her sleep Sana turned slightly and a soft moan escaped her lips. Kiro couldn’t help chuckling and the sudden movement woke Sana. Opening her eyes slowly she looked at Kiro confused until she remembered where they were.
“I dozed off didn’t I…” Sana asked drowsily
“Yeah you did.” He said softly
“How long was I out?” She asked as he started to swim them to shallow water
“Best guess…I’d say ten, twenty minutes.” He responded with a smirk “By the way you look really cute and innocent when you’re sleeping.”
Sana looked down at her hands blushing from what he said. When Kiro realized that his back was touching the soft sand he pushed himself further up the beach. Without warning her he rolled Sana off of him and got up. Sana realized that he was going to get ready to leave, so she stood up and shook her hair out like a dog. With water flying everywhere she splashed Kiro and he put his arms up in an attempt to fend off the water. Laughing Sana jogged behind the boulder before Kiro had the chance to get back at her. After squeezing out more of the water Sana dragged her fingers through trying to rid her hair of some of the tangles but paused when she thought she heard a rustle in the bush behind her.
Thinking it was just a small animal, Sana started to remove the wet pieces of clothing. She had just finished putting on dry underwear and her pants when she heard the rustle in the bush. Turning around again she, instead of finding nothing, found Moken standing there staring at her. For a few seconds she stood there too shocked to move as he looked her over, before she was able to grab her shirt to hold it over her as she started to scream at him. Kiro came running to see what the problem was, and when he saw how Sana was dressed and Moken standing there staring at her, he grabbed Moken by his collar and angrily dragged him away. Once Sana had her shirt on she quietly walked out to where Kiro was yelling at Moken, her emotions stuck between embarrassment and anger.

Chapter 8
An hour later the three of them returned to Kiro’s place. Sana walked in quickly and briskly went to her room. After quietly closing the door she leaned against it as she tried to calm her emotions. Looking around the room, she noticed that Ifrit was on the end of her bed in deep slumber. With a smile renewed to her face Sana calmly walked to her desk and sat in the chair. Now feeling in need to express her feelings she pulled out a few pieces of paper along with a small box of her art supplies. Taking out a light pencil and an eraser she started to sketch the first thing that came to her mind. Soon enough she spaced out and allowed her hand to flow as it continued to draw, and eventually finish the drawing. The time passed quickly and when she finally looked down at the drawing and discovered what she had drawn, she was surprised at the quality and detail. She noticed that she had drawn a version of herself lying on her side on a black background, all of her skin exposed except for torn pieces of cloth covering her breasts and lower region. The scraps of cloth that draped over her arms and legs weren’t any help to the drawing and in fact seemed to make it more visible how little was covering her body. In the drawing her hair was splayed out on an invisible pillow and her pale grey-blue eyes were half closed and lost in thought. She had just finished coloring the picture and adding the subtle shadows when a knock came on the door.
After allowing the person at the door to enter, she turned to see Kiro standing in the doorway an odd look on his face. Walking over to her he could tell that she’d been drawing again and wondered what she had drawn this time. When he looked at it his eyes widened slightly and he slowly looked it over again. This time he tried taking in every detail before Sana covered it with her hands. Looking at her he noticed how red her face had turned and smirked.
“I take it that the picture is a type of self-portrait?” He asked
“I just put my emotions on paper that’s all.” She said going to put the picture away.
Stopping her Kiro took the picture away from her hands and held it gently. As he looked it over carefully again, Sana felt as if he was looking over her own, almost completely exposed, body. Looking down at her from the picture, she noticed that his eyes had a slight glaze to them. He had just started to walk towards her when Moken knocked on the door.
“Hey you two lovebirds, lunch is ready so get your asses out here!” he said grinning.
For the first time ever Sana was actually happy that someone had invaded their privacy. Kiro, on the other hand, glared at Moken and quietly said something to him as he walked out of the room. Once Kiro was gone Moken walked in and noticed the relived look on Sana’s face.
“So what caused him to have that glazed look in his eye?” he asked
Quietly Sana handed him the picture Kiro had been looking at. Scanning it slowly with his eyes he chuckled and looked up from the picture. With a smile still on his lips he set the picture on the desk next to her and kneeled by her side.
“It’s no wonder that his eyes glazed over.” Moken said highly amused “The picture holds such realistic tones that it looks almost like a photograph of you laying there.”
“I-it wasn’t suppose to come out like that…it’s just how my mind saw it and also how my hand drew it” She said unable to look at him
“Well I have to admit you are an extremely good artist and it took even myself a while to realize that it wasn’t a photo…the shading is so well done and the skin tones seem nearly flawless.” He said to her impressed “I’d probably have the same reaction as Kiro if my girlfriend drew this of herself.”
“W-wait…girlfriend?! I’m not his girlfriend!” She said flustered
“Oh…well then…that makes things a bit awkward.” Moken said standing “Well anyways, lunch is ready on the table so if you don’t mind I’d like it if you were to come out and eat with us.”
With that said he left Sana sitting there at her desk. After putting her art supplies away she made her way to the kitchen and found both men sitting there waiting patiently for her to sit before eating sandwiches and soup. As she sat the two of them smiled and started to eat hungrily. When Sana saw how the two of them were eating she couldn’t prevent her laughter from coming out. Hearing her laughter the two of them looked at her puzzled.
“You both look like you haven’t been fed in months!” she said in mirth
The two of them looked at each other and realizing how they looked with food stuffed in their mouths started to chuckle in a way so that they wouldn’t choke.
When lunch was finished the three of them decided that it would be best to start on their mission in an hour or so. Once that had been settled Moken ran off to his place to pack a small bag. Kiro watched him leave and turned around to find that Sana had already gone to her room. Quietly looking in Kiro saw Sana packing her art supplies and paper along with a small box he’d never seen before. With a smile on his face he went to his room and packed some of his own personal items. Once his bag was packed he checked on Sana again to find her putting the book “destiny” in her bag. Once she had done that she turned and gently woke a sleeping Ifrit. When Ifrit awoke he assaulted her face with licks as she laughed merrily. With Ifrit now in her arms and her bag on her back she turned to leave the room and smiled when she saw Kiro standing there smiling back.
“Have you packed everything you need?” He asked softly
“Yep. I just put the last item in a second ago.” She said as she put Ifrit down.
As she stood again she was caught off guard by the amount of distance Kiro had covered in those few seconds. Standing right in front of her he looked down into her eyes a soft smile playing on his lips. It was then that she remembered the kiss they had shared and glanced away. With a soft chuckle he took her bag off of her back and swung it onto his shoulder. After he had walked out of the room, with Ifrit at his heels, she was left standing there feeling rather foolish. She knew that he could read her like an open book and at times she even liked it, but as of this moment she hated it. Sighing, she looked around the room one last time before meeting up with Kiro and Ifrit in the kitchen. As the three of them walked out of the house they met up with Moken and Anion. Sana’s eyes hardened for a moment as anger mounted within. Kiro caught this look Sana gave Anion and briefly wondered why she was doing it. As they stood there Kiro told them about what their first action was to be.
“We have to go to the town of Harkun and ask the people there have experienced anything strange or evil. This should take us a good day or two if we take horses…” Kiro explained
“There’s no need for horses.” Sana said to them smiling “All of you can ride on by back.”
They all looked at her as if she’d gone insane, but Sana just walked over to the widest part of a clearing and looked back at them with a smile. Within moments a blinding light of blue spread throughout the area and when the light started to subside they were shocked to find a large sapphire blue dragon standing where Sana stood moments before. As a great blue head turned to face them familiar blue eyes gazed at them.
“S-Sana?” Kiro said stunned “Is that you?”
A deep laugh shook the ground beneath them from the great being before them.
“Well are you gonna stand there all day or are you gonna hop on?” She said to them telepathically.
After looking from one to another they shrugged and got on to Sana’s back. As Kiro stepped onto her scaly back he could feel her powerful muscles below his feet and yet a distinct tap came when ever his feet made contact with her scales. Although it appeared that her scales were as hard as stone he found them to be very comfortable to sit on. Sitting right at the base of her neck he found that small spikes protruded from her skin to create a natural saddle. Once the three others found places to sit Sana turned her great head to look at all of them.
“Okay everyone, hold on tight!” She said as a warning before taking off.
The force of her takeoff nearly threw everyone off and they scrambled to find something to hold on to. Even Kiro, who had been wise enough to sit between the two spikes, had a hard time keeping his grip while Sana rose to an amazing height. Once she had leveled out she looked over her shoulder as her powerful wings flapped in a rhythmic motion. Seeing that everyone was alright her eye shifted to Kiro.
“So which way do we head?” She asked him
“Head South-East that should lead up to the town.” He said
With a nod of her head she flew forward in a single smooth motion of her wings. Their journey had begun.

Chapter 9
The hours passed and soon enough dusk started to settle in. Fortunately for the group, the sun set behind them and they were able to watch as different hues of orange and red tainted the lands below. Sensing that the others were growing hungry she searched for a large field and was happy to find one that stood near a small inn. After Sana quickly warned the others of what she was doing and got permission from Kiro, she swiftly flew down. Pulling up at the last second she made a soft landing on the ground and lay down to allow the others to slide off of her back.
After making sure everyone was off Sana transformed into her human form. Looking around she noticed Kiro trying not to laugh at the stunned faces of Moken and Anion. She grinned at them and, to confuse them even more, transformed into a wolf demon. As Kiro watched the others jaws drop in shock he couldn’t retain his laughter anymore. Satisfied that she’d managed to lighten the group’s mood she transformed back to her human form and headed for the inn.
As they walked into the inn they found themselves in a small yet quaint lobby with a door off on the side that led to the elegant dining room and bar. Sana walked up to the large mahogany desk and rang the small brass bell. The others gathered around her just as a short balding man walked in.
“Ah welcome! How may I help you on this pleasant day?” He asked politely
“If you wouldn’t mind, we’d like to have…” Sana started to say
“Three rooms. Two single and one double if it isn’t too much trouble.” Anion said interrupting Sana
Surprised that Anion had spoken out so bravely, and suddenly, the others looked at her dumbfounded. Looking at the man again Sana asked how much it would cost for the night.
“You’re in luck! I just happen to have those three rooms that you requested and as a treat I’ll allow the four of you to stay the night for free! However, there is a slight problem…you see the rooms are on two different floors so the four of you would have to slit up your group.”
“That’s okay, I’m sure everyone can take care of themselves.” Sana said politely
As the group left to go to the rooms they realized that they needed to decide who would be in each room. After thinking for a bit they decided to draw straws. The two short straws were for the single bedrooms and the two long straws were for the double. With Kiro holding the straws in his left hand the four of them all took turns drawing straws. In the end, Anion and Moken received the two singles, while Kiro and Sana received the double. With this little matter settled Kiro and Sana bid the others goodnight as they headed up to their room on the third floor while Anion and Moken headed for their rooms on the second floor.
Once in the room Kiro and Sana unpacked their bags. Once done Sana asked for permission to take a shower first. After getting a nod from Kiro she went into the bathroom quickly. As she shed her clothes and walked under the warm water, she stood there wondering who the voice in the woods belonged to and why it sounded so familiar. As the voice’s last words rang through her head a chill of dread went down her spine.
Kiro sat on the window side of the bed waiting for Sana to get out so that he could have his chance to take a shower. After twenty minutes had elapsed, the door to the bathroom opened and Sana quietly stepped out with a small towel in hand. Looking up Kiro was caught off guard when he saw what Sana was wearing. A loose fitting nightgown of pale blue fell to her knees and was held up by thin white lace straps. The front of the gown was low enough for Kiro to see a shadow of cleavage, while the back went to the base of her shoulder blades. Her hair, which was still soaking wet, hung like a stringy veil around her head and ended in the back where the nightgown began. Bringing the towel up, she sat on the bed and started to towel-dry her hair. While she did this Kiro notice a brown patch on her left shoulder blade. Leaning forward he touched the spot softly with the tip of his fingers and slowly traced it. As he did this he felt her muscle stiffen momentarily.
“Sana…what is this on your back?” He asked
“It’s a birthmark.” She said. “Everyone in my mother’s clan has one.”
“It’s very odd…does it signify anything?”
“Look at it closely…do you see any kind of creature that might resemble it?”
“It looks…kind of like a dragon.” He said as he lightly traced it again
Chills that went down her spine from this allowed Kiro to feel her muscles shiver under his fingers.
“W-well you’re right it is a dragon.” She said. “All of the birthmarks in my mother’s clan look either like an animal or a plant.”
“Interesting…” Kiro murmured “Well I might as well head for the shower since I have the chance so I’ll probably be out in an hour or so.”
Before getting up to go to take his shower, he traced her birthmark once more and smirked when he felt her muscles quiver. Once he was in the bathroom and the door was closed, Sana pulled the covers of the bed down. After getting her art supplies she climbed into the large king sized bed and pulled the covers over her. Closing her eyes, she waited until she had an image in her head before she put her pencil to paper. Lost in the pleasantness of being able to draw again she relaxed and allowed her hand to take over. Once she realized that the sketch was finished she decided that the image deserved soft tones in order to express the feeling of relaxation in the picture. She had just about finished the skin tone when she slowly started to doze off into a pleasant slumber.
When Kiro finally emerged from the bathroom he wore long dark red sleep pants and a white tank. Looking over at Sana he chuckled to see her sleeping peacefully. When he looked over at her again he realized that she had been drawing again. Walking over to her side of the bed he gently eased the paper from her side and looked at it. Surprise filled his eyes when he saw an image of himself, fully relaxed, under the shade of a tree. The soft tones of the shadows from invisible branches above and the light that happened to reach his skin appeared almost real to his eyes. The only thing that kept him from thinking that this was a photograph was the fact that the image was not finished. A soft sigh left his upturned lips as he gathered up her art supplies and quietly put them away. Once this was done he pulled the covers down on his side of the bed and, making sure that one layer of the bedding stayed between them, slid beneath the blankets. As he looked over at her back again he turned and softly traced her birthmark. He felt her muscles quiver again as a soft moan came from her throat. Little did he know that, as he traced her birthmark, a dream had started in her mind.

A small child lay hugging the blood soaked corpse of her mother as tears streamed down her dirt stained face. Her long brown hair fell into her face and her once red dress was now torn and singed by the fire that burned her house around her. Terrified screams and pleads for her mother and father to wake up eventually led to the loss of her voice as the poisonous smoke slowly started to fill her lungs and forcing her to cough violently. Suddenly a small monkey demon appeared behind her and tried to drag her away to safety. Though she no longer had a voice she continued to try to scream for her parents as she resisted the arms that held her. Finally able to find her voice on last time she let out a heart wrenching wail.

“~ana…Sana come on , it’s okay you’re just having a nightmare.” Kiro soothingly said as he held her close to him.
Right after he had turned over to go to sleep Sana had started to cry out in her sleep, sounding as if someone was torturing her. When he first pulled her to his body she resisted him and he was able to see the painful expression she had as tears streamed down her cheeks. Worry filled him and he did the only thing he could think of. He called out her name. With a start she opened her eyes with a start and sat there trembling violently. Gasping for breath she clung to his shirt, her fear overwhelming her senses. Placing a hand on her head and his other arm around her waist, Kiro slowly started to rock her and spoke to her in a soothing tone. When her tears showed the first signs of slowing, he hugged her firmly and used her towel from earlier to gently wipe away her tears. Continuing to hold her close he could feel the shutter of her breathing. As she leaned her head against his chest she was able to hear the beating of his heart. She stayed in his warm embrace savoring every moment until he held her out far enough so that he could see her.
“Are you feeling better now?” He quietly asked her
“Yes…thank you.” She said weakly
The rest of the night was uneventful and both were soon able to find sleep again. The next morning came early for Kiro as he slowly opened his eyes. He felt movement in his arms and, upon looking down, found Sana comfortably cuddled with him. Her arms rested between them and her head was just barely touching him. Her warm breath tickled his skin but he dared not to move. With his arms wrapped around her waist and shoulders he relaxed and closed his eyes again. Moments later a moan rippled throughout Sana’s body. Looking down he watched amused as her eyes opened slightly and still blurry from sleep. Looking up at him she blinked and then rested her head against his chest so that she could rub her eyes. A soft smile touched his lips and he kissed her forehead softly. Looking up at him wide-eyed he was intrigued to see that her right ear had twitched. Lifting her up gently he eased himself out of bed and entered the bathroom to change. A few minutes passed, and when he finally came out found that Sana had also changed and was starting to pack her bag. Following her example he packed his bag and once finished walked with her down to the dining room for breakfast.
When they were seated at a table they were happy to find that the room was empty. Just then a waitress came out and took down an order of what they wanted to eat and drink before promptly leaving again. Kiro looked at Sana with glazed eyes as he watched her looking out a window. He was surprised to see how beautiful she looked as the soft sun covered her skin in a golden glow. He even noticed that her hair seemed to have a red-gold tint to it as it flowed around her delicate features. Noticing that he was watching her she blushed slightly and looked down at the floor. A soft chuckle rumbled through his throat and she looked up at him as a slight shiver went down her spine. Just as he went to say something to her Moken entered the room. Seeing the two of them at a table he joined them and mumbled a greeting. Sana found herself highly amused by his morning greeting and chuckled softly to herself.
“What are you laughing at so early in the morning?” Moken asked her in a drowsy tone
“Oh it’s nothing…” She said attempting to hide her smile
“I think she find’s our morning voices very entertaining cause she reacted the same way when she first heard my voice in the morning.” Kiro said after yawning
“Does she now?” Moken said raising an eyebrow and looking at her “Well then I look forward to the day when I get to hear her morning voice.”
Anion silently joined the group just as the waitress came out to deliver Sana and Kiro’s breakfast and so she took her and Moken’s order. For the rest of the morning they chatted about the mission and where they were to head next. Finally they decided that the best thing to do was to make their way to the village and ask around for any signs of strange activity. With that settled, they paid for their food and got up to leave. Just as they made their way back to the large field Sana stopped abruptly. Kiro and the others looked at her puzzled and were about to ask why she’d stopped when she held her hand up.
“Don’t look now but it seems that we’re surrounded by a hundred or so beings.”
Standing there Sana was able to detect at least fifteen different beings hiding in the bushes. Transforming into her true elven-like form she used her magic to produce her Cortan. Its elongated handle allowed her to have an easy grip when it was in use and one side of the blade curved in such a way that it was able to protect her upper hand. Holding primed for battle she looked at the others. Kiro nodded at Sana and summoned Ifrit to become his sword. Looking at Moken and Anion she noticed that Moken had summoned a double bladed weapon while Anion held her staff ready to strike down any enemy that crossed her path.
“Please wait!” A voice called out
Suddenly a young man stepped out into the clearing with his hands in the air to show them that he was unarmed.
“I believe a misunderstanding has occurred between our groups.” He said turning towards the bushes “You may put your weapons away and come out men these people mean us no harm.”
Upon saying this twenty or more men came out from the brush to gather near their leader, all the while putting away their weapons. One warrior in particular caught Sana’s attention. A young man with soft ear-length wavy brown hair stood off to the side of the group. She guessed that he was no taller than herself but was taken back to find that he wore a pendent from her father’s clan. When he turned his head to talk to someone she saw his elven ears carefully concealed in his hair. The leader of the group saw Sana looking at the young man and had a feeling that she’d like to talk to him.
“Takon! Up front pronto!” He barked at the warrior Sana had been watching
“Yes sir?” Takon said jogging up to his leader, his grey eyes flashing
“I believe the tall young woman over there would like to speak to you. Please take her away from the groups and ask what it is she’d like to talk about.” He said quietly
“As you wish Lord Darnon.” Takon said with a formal bow
With long strides he walked up to Sana, his grey eyes now filled with curiosity.
“Miss will you please follow me?” he asked her

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