Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
Legendary Catches
On Mint's Chalk Board.
(Called myself Mint, i'ts SHORTER.)
These Pokemon are Legendaries. Equip many items you
think'll help you on your quest to suceed in catching them aswell
as filling up your pokedex!
Note these answers and do them on your DS if you'd like.
But I recommend that you look at them closely...They're very
hard to catch some of them!!
loaction: Spear Pillar (In Mt.Coronet)
Requiries:HM moves: Rocksmash,Strength,Surf,
Maybe--Rockclimb and defog.
Event Requiries: Must have defeated Veilstone Gallactic HQ,
Uxie,Mesprit,and Azelf has been freed by you.
Level Found: Level 47
Location: Spear Pillar (In Mt.Coronet)
Requiries:HM moves: Rocksmash,Strength,Surf,
Maybe--Rockclimb and defog.
Event Requiries: Must have defeated Veilstone Gallactic HQ,
Uxie,Mesprit,and Azelf has been freed by you.
Level Found: Level 47
3. Mesprit
Location: Around The Grasses of Sinnoh.
Requires: Step On Grass Until You find Mesprit,
MARKING MAP on poketch to help you find where
it's hiding,Ultra balls.(do not try with great or normal pokeballs!!)
Event Requiries: Defeating/Capturing Dialga/Palkia,
Visiting Lake Verity,then it flies off.
Level Found: Level 50
Location: Lake Valor
Requires: HM SURF, Ultraballs(do not carry only one!)
Event Requiries biggrin efeating/Capturing Dialga/Palkia.
LevelFound: Level 50
Location: Lake Acuity
Requires: HM SURF,ultraballs (You get now...)
Event Requiries: Defeating/Capturing Dialga/Palkia.
Level Found: 50
6. Heatran
Location:Stark Moutain
Requiries: HMs,Nation Dex Update On Pokedex.
Event Requiries:Talk with Buck to put the iteam
he took back after joining teams with him.(Hes in
one of the houses in the survial Area.)
Level Found: Level 70
7. Regigigas
Location: Snowpoint Temple.
Requirires:National Dex, Regirock,Registeel,Regice
to be transferred from Emerald,ruby or sapphire version.
Event Requiries: National Dex Obtained.
Level Found: Level 70
Location:Turnback Cave
Requiries: National Dex obtained, HM's.
Level Found:70
Location: Around the Grasses Of Sinnoh.
Reqiries: N/A
Eventful Requiries: Go To Full-Moon Island To Help The Canalave's
Sailor help his son (But first go to his house) , National Dex.
Level Found: Level 50
10. Manaphy And Phione
LocationS: Manphy= Transfer Manaphy Egg From PokemonRanger.
Phione: Breed From Manaphy.
Requiries: Pokemon Ranger DSgame, National Dex.
Event Requiries: N/A
Level Found: Level 1. (For both)
11. Darkrai
Location: New Moon Island
Requirires: Membership Pass, National Dex.
Eventful Requiries: Mystery Gift
Level Found: Level 40
.........Im just so tired. -.-
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