Key’s Riddle~ Many Riddles
“Lavender, What’s three multiplied by four?” asked Lavender’s friend, Lyra.
Lavender put her pencil down to assist Lyra’s help.
“Uh,”Lavender stammered, “ twelve, I think...” she looked at Lyra unsure.
Lyra hunched her shoulders and wrote down twelve, without a care if it was
wrong. (But twelve was the right answer, so you don’t have to check. But feel
free to check if you don’t believe me.)
Ding!! The bell rang, it was the end of school. And so, with much enthusiasm,
put away everything school related like textbooks, pencils, and notebooks.
“Okay,”said their teacher, Ms. Belle, “ Just because you get a long weekend,
doesn’t mean you can be a slacker...and come back that way on Tuesday!”
Everyone in the class laughed. Ms. Belle clasped her hands together and started
to talk again.
“So that is why, dear class,” she said and paused to add suspense, “ I am
going to give you an assignment. I want you to write a 2 page long essay on
what you did on the weekend.”
Everyone groaned with disappointment. One student yelled that it was
going to be the worst long-weekend ever. So did Lyra, but Lavender enjoyed
things like this.
Lavender and Lyra walked through the park because their houses were
just around the corner. It was autumn, so the trees were covered in tinges of
orange, yellow, red, and brown. The trees were so high and there were a lot,
so all you could see up and down were the leaves.
The park was somewhat big. But it didn’t bother the two best friends,
they loved walking through the park. And long distances here seemed to be
walking across the road to them.
“ Lavender,” Lyra said, “Wanna sit for a while? I want to sketch that
river and the trees around it.”
So they sat and they sketched together by the river under a tree. But
when Lavender sat at her spot she noticed some engraving on the tree:
In My Roots, The treasure lyes.
For in my roots, leads adventure that
No man has ever accomplished.
Key’s Riddle~ Key Of The Tree
Lavender touched the words engraved. It wasn’t freshly engraved, the tree seemed
to ache of it’s engraved words. Judging from what those words said, she looked at
the old tree’s roots. And wrapped around the rots was a key which looked at bit
old itself from the colour and rusty edges. But it roots wrapped around the key like
a snake. (The root even looked like one, which made Lavender jump.)
Lavender tugged but it wouldn’t budge. The even attempted to bite the root, but the
thought it was to silly, so didn’t continue.
Now she was talking to the tree. She read the engraved letter over and over again.
“ I see,” she said, “It’s written in riddle.”
She then she put her hand on the letters engraved on the tree. And then she spoke
very softly so that only the tree and herself can hear:
“ For thy’s roots cover the treasure, allow me to have it. For I have solved your riddle...
I have found the key to this park. You are it’s center.” She opened her eyes and saw that
the tree’s root’s unraveled. But the tree seemed to grumble.
“You are smart, girl.” the tree said very soft, yet very deeply. “ But you can do better,
you can go beyond your expectations.” The tree’s engraved letters vanished.
Lyra had finished her sketch and showed it to Lavender. Lavender smiled at
the pastel drawing.
In Lavender’s hand was the key, held by a string to be worn around the neck.
Lavender put it around her neck and grinned in pleasure.
Lavender and Lyra continued their walk. When they were at the part of the
road that had two options: one continued to the right and one continued to the
left, they said their good-bye. And Lavender walked to the right path, while
Lyra walked to the left path.
Lavender reached home where her mother was already cooking up something.
“Hey sweetie,” she said, “ How was school?” her mother was vigorously stirring
something in a bowl.
“ Usual. Same thing.” she said without showing emotion. Her mother stopped
and told her to go to the library because of the boring day Lavender made her day sound.
“ Why?” Lavender asked, “ What made you think of that idea?!” Lavender
said with total disagreement.
“Nothing,” sais her mother, “the librarian mentioned that he would need
some help stacking books to their selves, that’s all.” Lavender groaned, but she
agreed to go anyway, no matter how much she didn’t want to.
Key’s Riddle~Book In Which The Key Unlocks
When she entered the library all was quiet. The door screeched when she
opened the door, everyone looked for a moment, but then continued to what
they were going. The librarian simply greeted with a wave and made a gesture
that said, “come here.”
“Hello Lavender,” he said in a friendly voice, “ Can you help me with some
book placing?” she pointed to a big pile of books on the table beside the desks.
The library was huge, so Lavender knew she was going to be working a lot. There
were probably more than a hundred of shelves and book cases.
She started by placing heavier and thicker books first so that when she was
tired all she’d need to do was place thin and light books. They were all books that
dealt with history, poems, and riddles. Many of these books were old and tattered.
Some were so old that the pages were yellowed with age.
It took her an hour and ten minutes when she finished. She was tired with all
the heavy books she had carried. Especially the heavy books that needed to be
placed at the top of the high shelves.
“ Oh, good!” said the librarian in a very pleased voice. “ Feel free to brows the
books around here. Or you can leave, either one, it’s fine.”
The librarian almost dropped the books he was holding, but he didn’t. Instead
of leaving, she thought of looking around the library a little bit.
Just a little bit, I’ll go home soon, she thought. So she looked around the riddle
books, she likes to give her brain a challenge. She saw many books but she didn’t
quite find one she would like to check out.
However, all the way at the back of the riddle section she found a big book
chained to the table. It was made of what jeans would be made of, denim. The was
a metal plate attached, it was rusty and the engraved words were barley legible.
The plate was put on slanted, and it did not look right to Lavender’s eyes.
“ Field Guide,” she read with some struggle. “ Field Guide? Maybe this person
studied plants or animals...or something..” she tried pulling the book, but the
chains were still strong no matter how much it rusted.
Then she remembered the key. She took it off her neck and tried to unlock
the chains, and it worked! She unlocked the lock and pulled off the chains quietly
so no one could hear. All that was left was the key that keeps the book shut, like
a diary. Lavender was tired of being careful so that no one would see her. So instead
she checked the book out and exited the library.
“Allis, did someone check out my uncle’s field guide?” asked the worried librarian.
“ Yeah, a little girl. She helped you out stacking books.” said Allis, the Secretary.
Key’s Riddle~ Book’s Beast Of Riddles
Lavender invited Lyra to come over, and of course Lyra did. Lyra and Lavender
quickly scuttled to Lavender’s room. There were shades of green and silver everywhere. There were toys here and there and a computer on a desk with
a book shelf beside it.
“So what’s that you wanted to show me? You sounded really excited on the
phone.” Lyra said to start a conversation over the boring walk on the stares.
“At the library I found a book that was all chained up and stuff,” Lavender
started, It looks so old. On the cover it says that it’s a field guide.” Lavender
grinned at Lyra, but Lyra looked worried a bit.
“Well, why do you think it was chained up? And also---- how did you get
it unchained?” Lyra asked with such curiosity. Lavender did not tell Lyra about
the key.
“Well, while you were sketching I found a key in the tree’s roots. But never
mind that, let’s open up the book!”
Lyra was somewhat disturbed that Lavender did not tell her about the key
and that she’s avoiding the subject now, but she forgave. And besides, she wanted
to see inside the book too.
Lavender twisted the key and unlocked the lock that held the book shut.
When Lavender opened the book there was a cool breeze that brewed in her
room. The book started to glow and the papers flung.
“Lavender! What’s Happening?” Lyra screamed. Lavender tried closing the
book but it would not budge.
The pages stopped flipping and stopped. A dragon flew right out of the book
and crashed through the roof leaving her room flipped and messed up. The dragon
was purple some scales fell down and onto the floor to prove it. It was large and
long, it’s horn looked like ivory and it’s wings of a giant bat.
“What the heck was that?!” Lyra exclaimed. Lavender knew she had done
something wrong. And how would she explain that half of the roof is missing to
her mother?
“My mom Is going to be ticked off.” Lavender said with a big groan. Lyra
attempted to open the book, but Lavender shut it quickly.
“ Hey! Next time it’s going to be the whole house!!” Lavender yelled.
Key’s Riddle~ Mr. Philip’s Secret
“That book may have answers!” Lyra insisted, “ It could tell us why that the
dragon had flown out of the book!”
Lavender had never thought about that, but Lyra did have a point. Although,
they both knew that it wasn’t safe to open the book, maybe another dragon would
fly and cause havoc to Lavender’s room, or worse, the whole house.
“I have a feeling,”Lavender whispered, “that we should visit the librarian.”
Lavender clutched the lock and locked the field guide so that it wouldn’t open
by accident.
“ Who, Mr. Philips?” Lyra asked to make sure, “That guy isn’t very organized.
But hey, I guess we can get answers from him.”
They ran to the library and barged into his office. When they kicked open
the door, Mr. Philips jumped a little and his pen skid from the paper he was writing,
leaving a giant line on his paper.
“Gah!” he yelled, “ Oh, Lavender? What’re doing here barging in here? Is it
that urgent?” he questioned but the girls just put the book on his desk and said:
“We need to talk to you about this book.” Lyra nodded twice and then
looked at Mr. Philips sternly.
“Ah, I was meaning to talk to you about this. That book was somewhat
troublesome to the others who checked that book out. That’s why I had it chained,”
he said and then looked at the key around Lavender’s neck, “I see you have found
the key, Lavender. You must be good at riddles, yes?”
Lavender touched the key around neck. Mr. Philips opened his cabinet.
It was an old rusty box with an imprint of a dragon on top, it was engraved nicely. Mr. Philips lifted the top and inside was a key, the exact same key that Lavender
“You see,” he said, “you’re not the only one.” Lyra began to feel envious
because she was the only one in the room that didn’t have a key, so she took
out the key to her house to make her feel better, and it worked a little.
“Now please,” he said, “What’s the problem with the book? Are you
wondering why there is all the—”
“We didn’t actually get a chance to read anything.” Lavender said.
And then Mr. Philips looked amused yet surprised.
“Why is that?” he asked, “you had a few hours to look at it.”
Lavender and Lyra looked at each other, they hesitated. But Lyra had the gut
to tell what really happened.
“Well, you see...” she started, “A dragon flew out of the book before
we even had the chance.”
Key’s Riddle~Nellie The Dragon
“A dragon you say,” he said, “describe it for me please.” He sat down
and opened the book using his key. Nothing seemed to fly out of it. Lavender
and Lyra were relieved and gave a sigh of relief.
“Well, it was purple,” Lavender started, “and it had small wings that
looked like a bat’s...also it had some twisted horns. It looks like those
dragons that Chinese people are accustomed to.” Lyra finished.
“Ahh!!” Mr. Philips exclaimed with familiarity in his voice, “ Little
Nellie has escaped her book I see, her third time. She’s a very young one.”
Lyra had doubts. Something so young was very huge. She looked
at Lavender but she seemed to believe.
“What?! How old is this dragon?” she asked “because she’s huge!”
Mr. Philips nodded slowly, as if he was counting years in his head.
“Five hundred I think...Maybe three hundred?” he sounded sure
when he said three hundred. But Lyra had a look that showed she was
saying “That’s young? Wow, I’d be dead...”
“Yeah, she’s a playful one. It was hard taking care of her for twenty
years. She has a tantrum, and she’s terrified of loud beeping noises...like what
a car makes.” he said remembering the days he had.
“Nellie will respond to light reflected by glass or mirror like a dog
responding to a whistle, automatic.” he added. Which gave Lavender a plan
to get Nellie back in the book.
“But how do we get Nellie back into her book?” Lyra asked. Lavender
answered immediately.
“We can lead her towards the book using light reflected by a mirror,
but we’ll need a big one.” she said, “Where would Nellie go?” Lavender and
Lyra looked at Mr. Philips immediately.
“ She loved to swim and drink water,” he said, “chances are she’ll
be at the river. She doesn’t like to swim right when she gets out of the book.
She’s always thirsty though.”
So it was settled they’d get a mirror by tomorrow, which was going
to be Saturday. They’d also need to hurry, because it was a city, city means
cars, cars mean traffic, and traffic means the loud beeping of cars by impatient
“So it’s settled,” said Mr. Philips, “We meet at the river of the park
leading to your houses at 3:00pm sharp!”
Key’s Riddle~Saturday Plans
It was Saturday, and it was 2:30pm. Lavender was getting ready, wand waiting
for Lyra to stop by because they were leaving together. Besides, it takes two people
to carry a giant and noticeable mirror.
You’re probably wondering how well Lavender’s mother took it when she
found out half the roof was gone, yes? Well, she took it pretty well, that’s probably
because she fainted on the floor. When Lavender got home from going to the library,
she had already found her mother on te floor and screamed.
Don’t worry though, she was okay. All it took was cold water, a bucket, and a
refreshing splash on the face. Everyone was okay, because Lavender didn’t take
any blame. But she did have to lie, she said that she was at the library with Lyra
the whole time, which is why she came late.
“ We’re going to have to call some people to help fix that!” her mother yelled,
“It’s going to rain on Saturday!” which is what she said on Friday.
Lavender didn’t think that this would effect her plans, Mr. Philips called
saying that it would help because Nellie like rain, but there would be no sun. But
the thing was, Lavender and Lyra would have to walk in the rain with a heavy mirror.
Ding Dong! Lyra was at her door step. I had not started to rain yet which
was good in way. They wouldn’t have to carry a mirror in the rain.
“I hope it won’t rain!” groaned Lyra, “That totally wreck our plans.”
It was true no sun, no reflected light. So this worried her, and the house would
be flooded inside.
“Mom! Im leaving now!!” Lavender yelled. Her mother came running down
the stairs and said. “Take your raincoat or umbrella, it’s going to rain.” She took
her raincoat and left the house.
They were at the source of the river, Mr. Philips was there and waved his
hand to show that he was expecting them 3 minutes ago.
“Over there,” he pointed to a big purple dragon, it was Nellie. “she’s taking
a nap...How are we going to wake her up?” Mr. Philips asked himself.
“ Just poke it or something. Just wake it up, it’ll remember you after all.
You’ve known each other for twenty years!” Lavender whispered.
“Yeah but...She hates being woken up. She has a bad tantrum after all.
She’ll burn you maybe, or worse. Everything around it...the park.”
A worried presence leaked out of all of them, what could they do?
Key’s Riddle~Easier Said Than Done
Lavender began to think, then she thought of something that could work.
“What does Nellie like to eat?”she asked, and Lyra snorted to her the answer
was obvious.
“Uh, hello? People, some are nice and fleshy.” she stammered. But Mr. Philips
shook his head, which made Lyra feel embarrassed.
“Explain why I’m alive,” he laughed, “Nellie and other dragons don’t like
humans due to bitter flavour, she said that herself. Also, she’d only eat sheep,
pigs, usual farm animals... she’ll also settle for some trout.” he said calmly.
Everyone looked at the river finding jumping, swimming, lively trout.
“Well, I guess there’s our answer. Anyone know how to fish?” Lyra asked.
Lavender shook her head but Mr. Philips got into the water without a word.
“Just like in my twenty years of taking care of Nellie, but only im 38
years of age.” he dunk his hand in the water and flicked the four trouts at Lyra,
and she screamed so loud that it woke the dragon, the dragon looked annoyed.
“Now you’ve done it, Lyra...” Lavender whispered not moving. Mr. Philips
waved hello and the dragon got up. It’s powerful wings spread, they’d grown bigger
than last time they’ve seen Nellie.
“Remember me Nell?” Mr. Philips asked. The dragon got closer, Soon, it’s
face touched Mr. Philips’. The dragon seemed to grin and licked his face. But then
the clouds grew dark, the sky was grey. A heavy fog seemed form leaving an
eerie feeling. Little patters of rain became heavy drops, it was raining a lot.
“Mr. Philips! The sun’s totally covered up!” Lyra exclaimed and frown
appeared on Lavenders face.
“She’s been out of her book to long,” he said, “she’ll vanish into nothingness
soon!” Mr. Philips exclaimed. A problem occurred of course, but it wasn’t a problem
that could not be solved.
“Just ask her to get in the book!” Lyra yelled. It wasn’t a bad idea, but the
dragon hesitated. Nellie did not want to get in the book, but she didn’t want to
disappear forever either. It took a while but Nellie had made up her mind and
decided to get back inside the book.
“Oh no!” Lavender shrieked as she pointed to Nellie’s tail, it was fading.
“Nellie, hurry!” Mr. Philips yelled. Fading was happening quickly, but
Nellie made it inside the book safely, when Nellie got inside, Mr. Philips opened
the book to Nellie’s page. The picture of Nellie returned, and the picture winked.
Letters seemed to form on the other page.
Key’s Riddle~ Sunday Plans
Lavender was allowed to borrow the book anytime, but she had to contact
Mr. Philip’s first. Lyra was also allowed, but she needed to borrow Lavender’s
key. The good thing was that Lavender’s demolished roof was fixed, but room
needed redecorating.
Lavender and Lyra were at the library again because they wanted to know
more about the riddles and about the field guide a lot more.
“As you know,” Mr. Philips started, “this book is a field guide. And you
know what that is,” the girls nodded, “ this book studies dragons my uncle
has seen and studied. Not all the dragons are like sweet Nellie. Some of them
are somewhat vain or mean.” he paused, “My uncle discovered and 30 riddle
dragons.” he paused.
“What’re riddle dragons?” Lyra asked and Lavender nodded.
Mr. Philip’s knew he was going to be in for some explanations, a lot of them.
“Riddle dragons are dragons that have their riddles form on trees, rocks, or
leaves every five years. When you found your key, there was a riddle wasn’t
there?” he looked at Lavender.
“Yeah there was,” she answered, “Then I found the key.” She realized that
it had been Nellie that had sent the riddle the whole time and not the tree.
“Yes, you had Nellie’s riddle. I had Crystal’s riddle when I was your age.
Anyway, this book is very dangerous. So never ever take the book without
my permission when a new year has been set. You never know which dragon
you’ll get.” he was finished his lesson of the day.
“What was the riddle that formed yesterday? It should be for Lavender
because her riddle dragon was Nellie.” Lyra said and smiled at Lavender.
“Ah yes, everyone gets a last riddle, here’s yours...” Mr. Philips flipped to
Nellie’s page. He read:
Have Ye Forgotten?
What was assigned Friday is due on Tuesday
Ye has today and tomorrow
Don’t Forget Don’t Procrastinate, Lyra too.
“Oh my gosh!” Lavender yelled. “Our assignment at school!”
Key’s Riddle~What I Did On The Weekends
Lavender and Lyra did their assignment together, the pretty much
had the same weekend. But there could be something different that they
did. Maybe a relative came over.
They were at it for a few hours because of all the pages and because
they were goofing off at some times and for the somewhat long snack
But eventually they were finished. They had the book in their possession
and of course read all the riddle dragon’s bios and riddles. They tried solving
them, but then again, some were very hard.
The hours past and what they say is true, Time flies by when you’re having a
good time. And it did, it was 5:00pm and Lyra decided to leave. Lavender
ate dinner early. Her lasagna was fresh from the oven, and it always tasted better
that way. She slept at seven because she was very tired, she dreamed of all
the dragons dancing in the clouds, Lyra and herself was riding on Nellie.
The day has come, Lyra and Lavender sat with 2 papers in their hands.
“You think she’ll approve with this?” Lyra asked, “I bet you any money
she won’t believe us.” Lyra was true, what are the chances of meeting a
dragon and a magical field guide?
“Lavender,” Ms. Belle asked, “Would you care to come at the front and
share your weekend story?”
Lavender got up and heard Lyra say “Good Luck!” She stood tall and
she could have sworn she’d seen a purple dragon dance in the air.
“ It all started when I was walking home with Lyra when I found something
that lead me to the greatest adventure in my life...”

For Thy has found clue number two?
Ye have listened to my advice.
Now visit My House at Lunar Eclipse Pavilion.
You can go there by navigating to my profile first.
Now listen closely reader, I will give you a hint:
Find three things a pirate would seek.
Messege me and you will get
some thing every pirate seeks, something that may ryhme
with....let's say: bold? Or maybe hold?
Community Member
Wehn i was in grade 6, lmao. Kiidy brain. (lol years pass)x3
Meep, dont be to mean during criticizing. sweatdrop
Good comments will be luffed heart