Yup, I went to Bellerose Con yesterday...it's in a high school in St.Albert, and it was actually surprisingly amazing. whee
And their Shrimp Rame is teh pwn...no, not ramen, RAME.xP
I met my friend Kee for the first time irl...she's RubixCubix here. And Reno-chan (who I did meet at the Animethon in August) was walking around in her 'timid schoolboy-uke' cosplay, begging people to take the place of her 'abusive sensei-seme' 'cause she cancelled.xD And she was also going around smacking people with her 'yaoi rose', which is a fake rose that pwns all other fake roses in that when you're hit by it, you have to make out with her/someone of her choosing. Fun fun.
One of favorite parts was the 404s show...they're an improv group based in Alberta, I believe...and they're absolutely amazing.;P I even got to go on stage for their 'Questions Only' game, though I kept asking questions along the lines of 'Do you have any yaoi pancakes?', 'Where are all the yaoi fangirls?' and 'Do you like yaoi pancakes?' so I got buzzed out a few times.xP
And for the pick-a-line-from-your-pocket-and-say-it-at-a-random-time game (sorry, I can't remember the real name xP) me and my friend Ian both put in the line 'Je suis fromage!' and it was the first one...that was amazing.xP
When they did 'Scenes from a Hat', my scene was one of the last picked, and it was 'What's happening in Vic Mignogna's head.'. The only reason I submitted that was because it was done at the Animethon, and Vic was actually there...but one person just did a small thing and then Mark said that 'not enough people know who he is, but if he had been a guest maybe, but he's not so no let's move on.'
That made me sad...so at the verrrrrry end, I went on stage, said hi to them, and took the mic from the MC. Then I yelled out, "You should all know that Vic Mignogna plays Edward Elric, Dark Mousy, and Fai from Tsubasa!" And the squeals when I said Fai were...well, deafening.xD
Then I went off stage but my friend Audrey said "Go back and talk about your cosplay!!" And so I snatched away the mic again and: "Roy Mustang is DEAD SEXY in a Miniskirt!". More squeals followed.xP
When I was done that, pinknotes-chan approached me and she was like: "Are you in the Rangers? The Rangers rule you know, we're like Vic's fanclub and---" Ramblefest lol. Then I was like "OMFG. It's Animeluver7!!!" Lol...that's our fearless temporary Fuhrer. And so I went off with them and my Naruto troup of friends and we played Risemball (a dice variation of dodgeball), ate pocky, and sang Vic's songs---badly. Then Crystal-san took a videop of all of us that she's gonna send to Vic...and we had a ranger group pic, too! That was seriously amazing.^^
I was in the cosplay contest twice; once in a group of me and six Naruto cosplayers from my school, and another by myself. Our group did a spoof of fanfiction, and I did a random rambling improv monologue...here 'tis:
"Hey again, everyone! You wanna know something? Believe it or not, I'm a homunculus...the eighth homunculus, created by a RoyEd yaoi fangirl (a few audience squeals). She stuck me in a miniskirt and stole me a pair of Roy's gloves, as you can probably see. But when I was created, she dubbed me their unofficial lovechild...which, seriously, poses some problems...as she is my creator, and thus I am like her in many respects. Including the fact that I am sexually attracted to both of my fathers. But that's not what I'm here to say much about...after all, I was introduced as the Anime Ranter, ne? So first of all, I'd like to say that I think Naruto is an overrated show and---(boos from most of the audience)---AND Sasuke is...well, first of all, how many here are Sasuke fans?(a few hands raise) Well whatever, I don't really care, 'cause (reaches into pocket and pulls out random piece of paper) that fangirl got a note from Sasuke dearest, which of course I had to steal and read to all of you! It says 'Dear fangirl, I have gone off to live with Orochimaru on Emo Farm. Goodbye forever. Signed, Sasuke Uchiha' So there. And before I go, one last thing (holds up gloved hand in a snapping position---the glove has a Roy flame array on it). Ohhhhh SNAP!"
Yeah...sorry about the length.xD
Anyways, my group didn't win in any category, and neither did I...but after all of the winners went through the prize box, we got to and I ended up grabbing an Inuyasha poster, a pack of Pokemon cards and two packs of Yugioh cards...would've been three if that crazed fan hadn't snatched them and ran off.xP
I also bought a few things, too. The gloves I wore for most of the day were 10-dollar factory-made Roy gloves, which replaced the crappish home-made ones I had. I also got the most AMAZING flame array/homunculi symbol thing drawstring bag in the HISTORY of flame array/homunculi symbol thing drawstring bags! -lol-
I'll link some pics later.^^
Oh, and I random person literally just gave me their Gundam Seed poster lol. But for some reason, I don't recognise any of the characters...and so I might just sell it.;P
Anyways, that was my conventure (LOL) in a nutshell...albeit a very large nutshell.xD But I still wish Vic had come, though he'd never get away if he did.-dies-
'Til next time! 3nodding
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What I think and...such?xP
Basically, just...well, whatever I've done that's exciting (to me, at least), be that an anime convention, an interesting school project, a cosplay, holidays, whatever. Meh, 'tis my life...so it's never really boring. 'Cept in the winter.
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