So I knew that they were going to go on a killing rampage, and it skipped to my grandma's living room, where there was me, Megan (or megikawaii here) my mom and my biological dad (who in reality I haven't seen for years, but for some reason in the dream I was close to him). We were waiting for what seemed like the longest time, hearing footstepts and noises and screams, until I went to the door and realized that it wasn't locked, so I locked it. Then there was the noise of someone trying to get in, and so I unlocked the door and ran to the living room.
Envy came in with a knife (for some strange reason) and started telling us what was going on and why. I think my dream-self was the only one registering everything, so I asked "Can't you just throw us out the window instead of stabbing us?" and he said something about our hearts having to be in perfect condition for the transmutation to work, and that the shock from the fall would wreck them.
Then I said "How can you tell if all of our hearts are functioning properly? Do you have an ability of some sort to see?" He did, so he saw that mine was apparently the wrong shape or something, and my lungs were all smoky, so he killed my mom and biological dad(for some reason Megan wasn't there anymore—damn her) and said "Since I couldn't properly use you for the transmutation, I'll just have to substitute with your step-dad."
But he said that he'd wait 'til the next day for some reason, so I was going to call my step-dad and warn him, but for some reason I didn't. Then I went to school the next day and I was in a grade 3 or grade 5 classroom with, a few rows down, one of my classmates (Freya). Then who I understood to be the principal in the dream came in, and I knew what happened, so I went with him.
I went to my house (which was actually the apartment I moved out of 2 months ago) and Envy was there, but there were police cars going by and alot of noise, so he left. And I thought, 'Didn't he kill Ed and Al, too? Then how does he expect to get this transmutation done?' But then I thought of Roy, and for some reason it made sense that he'd be able to carry it out. So I found him and tried to warn him about that, but I woke up.
And the whole time I was doing exactly what I would've if it had been real, because I didn't know it was a dream. But it was seriously scary—I mean, if a scary palm-tree guy was threatening to kill your family and you didn't know what was going to happen, what would you do?
But that's about it for now. So I hope that everyone's New Year is a bit better than my dream, anyways. stare