heart Well heres my essay......
Memorial Essay
I hate you! I bet almost every one has said those words before, but do we really mean them? Hate is never permanent; hate is only a state of mind, not a state of being. I personally have never felt hatred; I have felt angry and even extremely disliked a person for a short time. I believe the following quote by Martin Luther King Jr. is a wonderful perspective on the emotion hatred.” Let no man pull you low enough to hate him.” No matter what a person does, you should learn to forgive and forget. Don’t hold on to the emotion until it tears you up inside.
Hate is an ugly emotion. It is like a sword, it slashes and destroys the hearts of others. It also brings out the worst in people. Hate ruins people and friendships. I regret saying and doing some terrible things when I have been angry. Here is a personal example of when I have gotten angry. I distinctly remember one spring when I was bout six years old. I was playing in the backyard with my friend Cade, he wanted to show me a cool trick he could do on top of my swing set. Looking back my swing set wasn’t very tall maybe seven feet or so but when I was six, it looked way taller than that. A towering mountain over the landscape of my backyard. My dad was in the house so I went to ask him if he wanted to watch. He said that my friend should not climb on top of the swing set because it was much to dangerous. I became very upset at this remark and being six there wasn’t much I could do but throw a fit. I told my friend to go home and I started to run to my next door neighbors house, I had been playing with that friend earlier the same day. I burst through the door ignoring my friends’ mom asking who was there. I scrambled up the stairs like a gazelle speeding away from a hungry lion. I desperately tried to find a place to hind and what do you know, a huge recliner in the guestroom with just enough room for a six year old to squirm behind. How convenient! I sat there motionless for what seemed like at least an hour or so. Finally I heard my name being called my friend’s mother and I answered her calls. She came up and found me huddling looking ashamed behind the char. She told me my dad was looking for me and was scared half to death. I slowly marched down the stairs to face whatever punishment my dad had to offer. He was very angry the rest of that week. That is how anger gets passed on from person to person. Hatred is an emotion that is very hard to deal with.
The hardest thing when you have hurt someone by feeling hatred is the guilt. Guilt will make you want to rectify horrible things that have happened between you and someone else. A friend might forget what you have done, but you might not. It is always better to prevent a situation where anger can lead to hatred than let hatred get out of control and possibly loose a friendship over it. Guilt is like a balance that keeps situations from getting out of hand.
Hatred is what is tearing the world apart. Imagine if you will a world with out hatred. With out hatreds wars would be avoided. Hatred can hurt anyone. On a global level or just in your own neighborhood. Hatred has been going on since the beginning of time. I don’t think hate is avoidable. Everyone will get angry some time in his or her life. The issue is how those people choose to deal with their anger,to control it or to let it overcome them and turn into hatred. Hatred is a virus that eats us from the inside out. More than one person is affected by hatred. When two people get in an argument they affect their friends family, people they know. The people you love can feel your pain. Weather it is a pain to get help or a pain that you just backstabbed your best friend, hatred will you let it control you?
Hatred is a killer. It tears people apart, turns into unavoidable situations, and can destroy anything in its path. Situations can be controlled only if the person has enough self control to walk away. Life is a learning experience and the next time you get angry, take a deep breath and think.
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