cinderwolf and i were training at the hollow stone wen all of a sudden, we heard something. that sounded like....starpaw!!!i yelped.i took off,not waiting for cinmderwolfstarpaw!starpaw!i came in2 a clearing and saw starpaw laying in da middle his eyz only slits, hiz breathing shallow. starpaw!i ran over 2 him and he looked at me,terror glazed hiz eyz.then hiz head drooped.i looked up 2 c darkwolf,a large squirl in his mouth.wen he saw starpaw, he dropped,sheer terror in his eyz.we hve 2 get him bak 2 sunleaf!i told him.he piked up starpaw and started running.we cought up 2 cinderwolf and wen she saw starpaw,she emediety understood.all 2gether,we raced through the woods and then, after wat felt like moons, we finally broke throuhgin2 the camp.unfortunatly,mother and father were there.darkwolf gave starpaw 2 cinderwolf and me,just as mother and father rushed pup!cried pup!she helped us bring starpaw in2 sunleafs den.sunleaf must have smelled our sent becuz she rushed over and told us 2 wait outside as soon as we set him down.we did as we were told and and went outside.wen we got outside mother walked toward the nursery. i padded after her, wanting 2 comfort me mother. i noticed darkwolf talking 2 father.weni reached the nursery i saw that mother waz wit mistridge and silverpup.she must be telling them about starpaw. i thought.then,slowly, she walked over 2 the empty nest were she gave birth 2 us and layed down.i padded over and gave her head a lik. i tell u wen we can go in and c him i i walked out, i noticed silverpup and mistridge laying down beside mother.that's wen i rememberd that mistridge was blackflowers sister.and that silverpup(her only surving pup of her 2nd litter) waz her niece.duh!i murmerd 2 mysel. as i padded over 2 the apprentices den, i noticed goldpool and owlpelt trotting over towards me. oh nightpaw!said golpool. im so sorry!i jus t ignored her though and walked straight toward the apprentices den.thankfully, no1 waz in there.i layed down until i rememberd the promise i had made 2 blackflower.ill let u no wen we can go c him.i had told her. i forced myself on2 my pawz and padded over 2 sunleafs den were darkwolf waz waiting.
its all my fault.he its not i told him. u didnt no that waz going 2 happen! i should have never left him though.he said. at that momment,sunleaf walked through the door.her golden eyz shining wit sorrow.go get your darkflower and whitemoon.she told me.her gray-blak coat shining in snow-leaf.ok. wen i returned, mother and ran inside. i walked in slowly,not nowing wat 2 excpect.starpaw lay so still in the nest that i thought he wa dead until i saw hi shallow breaths rising from so sorry.i heard sunleaf say.but he will never be a warrior. i looked at starpaws battered leg coverd in dried up blood.i looked at sunleaf and back at,i whisperd.NO!then,everything went black.
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