Other Apperance(s):
Character Name:HyangRo Cross
Nickname(s): Little Red Hood, Lady of a Thousand Faces, Ro, Dollface
Age: 17
Gender: Girl
Race: Korean
Alliance:Reaper X
Being trained in stealth and such, she isn't the best fighter. She carries a switchblade that's hidden under her sleeve. It was won she one in a fight. Her opponent seemed to have error with her results from the project. They took him away and told her to keep it since the boy may not need it again. it's a weird blade for the fact that it's thinner than most switchblades but just a tad bit longer in length.
Skill(s): Impersonation/Infiltration: With her natural talent with voices, and her given talent of appearance changes, she could be anyone she wanted to be. With these microsopic machines buzzing and thriving inside of her, just itching to shape up, it's not impossible for her to copy someone, in the least. As far as personality goes, She'd have to get information or find out by her own means.With this at her disposal, you'd never know who is really who.
Special Technique:
Reconstruction: Let's say if...Her arm got sliced off...If that was to happen, the nanomachines would take a minute to process what had been seperated before starting to recollect themselves to the majority of the bunch, or HyangRo, more simply put. This doesn't make her invincible, though.In fact, it takes a few seconds for the connection to take place. But the nano machine can, and most likely will return to her. She still bleeds and all because she is only half of her body mass is nano.
Bio:HyangRo was the only daughter of a moderately wealthy man. Even though she lived with the surroundings of a princess, she never felt like one. This is for the fact that her father was almost never around.Her mother died while giving birth to her, leaving her with a doll she bought for her before birth .She was mostly raised by the servants, learning manners and how to cook, and clean.She wouldn't become a spoiled brat, but learned how to serve others with politeness and grace. Most of the time, she'd be seen with her dolls and stuff animals.Amazingly, she had a real talent for mimickry. Maids would check her room after hear a persons voice they didn't recognize, and only find her playing with her favorite doll.Heck, they were even invited to shows when they had the time.
Soon, her father would go bankrupt after his schemes and frauds were found out. It drove him mad and he locked himself up in the house. There was only him and her. They didn't even have enough to keep the house for another few months, let along to keep everyone that worked for him. He had long before sold of his late wife's flower shop The day that little HyangRo tried to comfort her grieving father with a puppet show, he lashed out at her. He beat her harshly, leaving scars on her body. This happened often. He would call her, and depending how long it took her to come, whether it was fear or something she was doing, he'd determined how much he'd hurt her.
One day, she was called to his office. Upon her arrival, her father tried to take advantage of her. She fought him, and got free by biting him. She quickly ran away, throwing vases or whatever she could at him. She looked to the fireplace that happened to be burning. She took the poker, and tried to shove a log out, managing to before her father recovered. The office was going up in flames. Before she could get out, her father caught her foot, making her fall into the flame. The right side of her face to the arm was burned badly. She took the poker she had and stabbed her fathers arm into the ground. She managed to run away get out of the house, before it all went up in the fire. She stood outside, watching the crimson flames dance as it devoured the home, and her father along with it, until there was nothing but ash.
Her body was experiencing alot of pain,but she moved on. She seemed to wander for awhile, barely surviving. Her arm to her face was constantly aching, and she couldn't open her eye. She kept going until she while dropped, starving, and in pain. Everything would go black. She felt that this would be the end of her, but she had resolved herself to it. She'd be able to meet her mother, who was said to be kind and loving. However, she would be denied that too. For she wasn't meant to die yet.
She'd awaken in a strange place, with many other children. She was given food, and and new clothes. Upon starting to eat, she realized something on her face. It was a mask. She also noticed something else. She could see clearly. Her arm didn't hurt anymore. Planted just under her skin of her face were receivers that connected to her nerves. The mask was designed to intercept the transmission of the camera in the mask, in the form of the eye on the other side. (The eye is on the mask) It can be removed when needed, but she'll just lose half of her sight. It covers her face so no one sees the burns on the right side. Even when it's removed, her hair covers that half of her face. And her arm...even though the burn marks were still there, it didn't hurt.
She had to go through alot of rehab, everyday, it seemed, to retrain her arm and eye. She was thrown into fights, having to force herself to use her arm and eye, while learning how to survive.She had to learn how to use a gun and a knife, and even her own body.Her body...she was faster...stronger. It was then she found out that they replaced more than just her arm...nearly than half of her body was replaced...She was a living example of Nanotechnology.
She could be anybody at anytime she wanted to be. With her talent of voice mimicking, she'd make an amazing double for anyone. Hence, her job became more or less to spy on others for information. She even went through training for this. Having to live with a certain personality for maybe a month or so. To become deceptive. Computers were great and all...but even some of the most well hidden secrets wouldn't make it there...But think about it...If it was someone you trusted, you'd tell them, right?
Theme Song: Coming Soon
Other: The only reason she's fond of Rosemary, is for the fact that, if it weren't for them, she'd be dead right now.Being trained the way she was, she can switch personalities right off the bat. When she's not impersonating, she seems to have little to no personality at all.Aside from that, she seems to like dolls and flowers. It may seem weak to you, but for her, it's a connection to her mother. Oh, and the reason for her red hood is that it reminds her of the crimson flames that she left her home and father in, and the blood that she spilt after her beatings.