...Survey. :DD
Ooh! A Survey!
...I Feel Your Excitement. u_u
Anyhows, Fill it Out and I'll Lavh Yew.
Am I sweet?- Am I crazy?- Am I lovable?- Am I funny?- Am I ugly?- Am I an assh*le?- Am I hot?- Am I psycho?- Am I annoying?- Am I a good person?- Am I a bad person?- Am I a dork?-
2)******Would You****** Hug me?- Kiss me?- Love me?- Miss me if i was gone?- Listen to my problems?- Hug me if i cried?- Be a good friend?-
3)******If You Could...****** Give me a new name it would be?- Change any thing about me?- Do one thing with me it would be?- Drop me one piece of advice it would be?-
4)******Just A Few Questions****** What do you like/love about me?- What do you hate about me?- What is my best quality?-
1. Who are you?- 2. Do you have a crush on me?- 3. How old are you?- 4. Are we good friends?- 5. Do we know each other in real life?- 6. Are you hot?- 7. Is my avatar hot?- 8. Will you put this in your journal so i can answer these questions about you!?-
I Love to Write! I Love to Write More Than Anything in the World! That is All the Proof I Need to Know That I Exist! I Write, Therefore, I Am!!! 