Ann River/ Himeka Yozukanara/ Piers -

She is Nate River's, (( Nears' )) Older Sister. Due to a Series of Tragedies, They Got Separated About 7 Years Ago. She is 23 Years Old, and Currently in Possession of a Death Note Belonging to Her Shinigami, Bedleme. (( Pronounced Bedlam. )) She Meets Ayame One Winter Day, and They Immediately Connect as Friends, Each Other's Very First. She Met Ayame's "Brother" L, and Was Quite Taken by Him. She Will Do Anything to Stop Kira and Earn Her Brother's Forgiveness For What Happened Those Many Years Ago.
Miharu Mizunashi-
Editing. o3o-----------------------------------------------
Full Metal Alchemist -
Wedy Aiberenam -

Wedy is a 15 Year Old Russian Girl With Noble Ambitions. She Ran Away From Her Family After Her Father Got Remarried to a Horrid Woman. She Left Behind Her Father, Her Farm Home, and Her Older and Younger Brothers. She Has Two Automail Legs From a Train Accident When She Was Younger and in That Accident, Also Lost Her Left Eye. She is a Skilled Young Automailmechanic. She Crosses Paths With the Elric brothers One Day, and of Course', Joins Them Momentarily on Their Journey. Over the Time She is With Them, She Takes Quite the Liking to Edward Elric...