okies. it is THURSDAY night, with lots being accomplished and more to come tomorrow....
today I went in with mom in the morning to work and then headed over to church to mess around with the brand-spankin' new projection system... turns out I couldn't do anything with it because it didn't have any programs on it to actually make powerpoints and stuff (basically the Microsoft Suite) so that ended that pretty quick... we could've had the whole thing hooked up and everything for a set price from a certain company, but apparently the people in charge thought that it would be cheaper to do it themselves... actually its costing us more money that it otherwise would've... anyways I kinda got into a position of power because I had made the movie, so now i'm supposed to help out with the projection system from now on... how the heck I'm gonna do that when nothing's installed, I have no clue. stare
so then after I decided to screw that, i realized I had an hour to go before mom picked me up (a farmers' permit can only go so far... =P) so I messed around on the digital baby grand piano. yesterday I somehow got some sort of brown unidentified sticky substance (any ideas?) on the spine of one of my favorite piano books so I was kinda ticked about that... and its contagious, too- it kept spreading its brown sticky-ness from one book to another until the whole pile was a mess... >.<
alrighty... then after mom picked me up, I headed over to Jennifer's to spend the day there. Most of the time I spent on computer (because after a look at her kitchen I didn't feel like cleaning it all of a sudden... x.x ) talking to ppl (lol and solidifying my hunch... xD) and when I wasn't doing that, I was drawing... last night I made Karen model for me in different poses, and I've been drawing those... rolleyes so I've made great progress on a project of mine! 3nodding
and then tonight dad was calling a whole crapload of boys from my grade (like the oh-so-masculine Zack D. xD (<sarcasm (a rare event but i'm in a good mood)... he's a scrawny little kid who would rather smoke pot (not implying anything, of course...)in his bedroom texting complete strangers than do hard physical labor... xD) to see if they would like to help him unload straw tomorrow, and they all said that they were going to Valleyfair tomorrow. That got mom thinking, and lo and behold- I'm going to Valleyfair tomorrow already!! wow I didn't realize how fast that was coming up... amazing... so now dad is left without help and I am saved the task of slaving over a hot oven (making delicious cookies lol xD) for my fellow classmates... xD lol its fun to bake stuff though... ashley remember the rhubarb puke cake? xD
so tomorrow should be interesting. In the morning I have to help with lonnie's band camp "olympics" and crap (hopefully some certain people *coughcoughmunchkincoughcough* will be there... lol and I'm kinda good friends with Gabi, and she usually helps... seems we have a lot of events together... I know her bro is helping... but anyways that all ends at 11:30, then for an hour I'm gonna have to find something to do before the bus leaves for Valleyfair at 12:30... hey I've wasted more time than that at school before... shouldn't be a problem... cool and then its fun until we get home at midnight! 3nodding hopefully no one will throw up... that would be sick... >.<
yup yup... ha this is kinda funny how I think nothing has happened and how I can't ever talk about anything yet I come up with these things... xD anyways have a good day everyone, and try not to hurt yourself. =]
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