Wow Kids, Get a Load of This:
A writer's life is spent creating and living in their own worlds.
Spooky...And yet kind of believable. All too often do I have to remind myself that I am not, in fact, Madeline Manson, a 14-year-old triplet with amazing freaky-deaky powers. Though, while she lives a bazaar life full of lies and deception, it seems like it'd be much more simple if I were her. That makes absolutely no sense at all, does it? Anyway, I got this from a book I'm reading (Which I lovvvvvvvvve) called The Teen Brain Book by Dale Carlson, who turns out to be a girl. I think. Lots of little hints throughout the book seem to point you in that direction...or maybe I'm just insane. Who knows. Either way, it's relativity thought-provoking.
On another note, I've got a ton of homework to do this weekend.
Why do all my teachers seem to enjoy giving me twice as much homework on the weekends than though the week??
I've got to do it. emo
More later, kids.