Hey Kids...
It's Sunday night, the least happy day of the week. emo
I don't think I ever hate school more than this time in a normal week.
It's like...I was free. FREE! For two whole days I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted! I could walk around in my underwear and sleep until noon!
Now this has all changed. Now I have to do what they tell me to. All the time. I have regular homework and have to get up at 6:00. Now I have to pretend like I like the human race.
Not to mention I didn't do half of the things I told myself I would do over the weekend. I never do. I wake up on Friday, bright and happy, telling myself that over the weekend I'll read this book and that one, get ahead in this class, type up that...All things I know I could do. Apparently I never seem to learn that it's what I would do that matters. Oh well.
I'll try to write again when I'm not feeling so emo. emo Cyia.