As soon as the village came into sight it was chaos. People were throwing torches into random houses searching for something. "If this si thier own village...why would they be burning it?" I cocked my shot gun and ran in keeping my head low to keep out sight. I made it back to the shed they were hiding in and knocked silenlty in a pattern. "It's me" whispered high enough for them to hear me. The door unlocked and creaked open. I jumped in and notcied every one was here, everyone but Jack.
"Where did he go?" I whispered. Carlos looked at the ground. "He went out there to see if there was anywhere we could run to" said Carlos. "Dammit why didn't he just wait." I said as I pulled out a assault rifle and threw it to Carlos. I had two desert eagle and handed it to each of the girls. "If you have to use them don't hesitate" I added. They nodded and Jane whipped her tears. I slowly opened the door and a man was standing there.
I aimed my shotgun from the hip and was about to pull the trigger, but I knew the man. Jack waved his hand and I noticed his other hand was holding his side. He was bleeding pretty bad. We helped him inside and Jane who was "our little nurse" as we called her bandaged him up. "What happened?" I asked. "One of those bastards bit me" he said. "After that all hell broke lose" I looked at all the guns I had and pulled out a sniper rifle. It had words engraved on it. "To my son Jack" Jack took the gun and caressed it. "Alright...let's go" said Jack. The whole group nodded.
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