They Call Me: Asmodeus
My Past Is Hidden In Shadows: Asmodeus was once an Angel of the Lord, but fell with Lucifer and his other followers. However, Asmodeus seems to work on his own agenda, apart from the other demons, though he does occasionally listen to his leader. During his first appearance on Earth, he became obsessed with Sarah, Raguel's daughter, and would not allow any man to have her. When Raphael helped Tobias to defeat him, he swore an everlasting hatred for the Arch Angel, and oath to one day destroy him.
He visits Earth every fifty years or so, always in a different disguise and with a slightly variating name each time. He spends many of years enjoying every carnal pleasure he can find, with either gender.
I Am Who I Am: Asmodeus is a trickster. He's not necessarily lazy, but if he can find a way to get something he wants without lifting his own finger, he will gladly take it. He enjoys distilling uneasiness in the hearts of men, usually taking the form of their most secret desire and manipulating them with it. Despite his sometimes cruel pranks, Asmodeus is a relatively pleasant demon to be around, though he bares a passionate grudge against Raphael, and will attempt to slay any of his followers or friends should he find them.
Fear the Power of Hell: A Cat o' Nine Tails that releases fire from each of its "heads", and his magic and charm. He prefers not to fight.
My Specialty: Fire- and Earth-based magic, as well as a powerful mesmer. He is Lust, after all.
I'm Important Lust; Asmodeus
My True Form Chimera
My True Name: Auto Fellatio
My Theme: The Spell