They Call Me: Bartimaeus Ilios
But to my Enemies I Am: Dis
I Have Seen Many Things in My Life: 19
I Was Born A: Male
My Past Is Hidden In Shadows: Bartimaeus was not born ignorant. That is to say, his mother was once a Knight, but chose to turn her back on the order and keep her children and future grandchildren away from it. But Bartimaeus was a curious child, and his mother had not had the heart to destroy every last trace of her connection with the Knights. Needless to say, one day he stumbled upon her research and diary, and found himself stumbling onto the answers to the questions he had been asking for years.
Bartimaeus's curiosity was only satisfied for so long. Enraptured by the truth, he mangled the eye that could not see the demons and angels, leaving him blind to their "lies". He never explained why he did it to anyone, not even his parents, and they were forced to assume it was an accident. Not wanting to let his mother know that he knew, he began researching everything he could find on the matter. His family, quite well-to-do, was more than happy to fund little "vacations" for him when he so desired to go somewhere, no questions asked. After one particular journey to Egypt, Bartimaeus returned slightly... different. He shut himself in his room for days, and brought home strange devices and trinkets. His mother, unwilling to believe her suspicions as to what her son was doing, allowed him to continue with his strange behavior. Perhaps she, like everyone else that had known Bartimaeus, feared the truth of what he was doing too gravely to investigate.
As for his personal family history, life has not always been easy for Bartimaeus. He never knew his real father and his mother never brought it up. When he was seven years old, his stepfather, Marcus Nichols married his mother (Rachel), and soon after his sister, Leah, was born. He loved her very dearly, helping his mother care for her, though she seemed displeased to have him get too close to her, and was afraid as soon as Leah was older the horrible scar would terrify her. This turned out to be true, as his stepfather, who never cared for Bartimaeus, reassured her fear by telling her stories about it.
Leah grew further apart from her brother, and he could only watch and try to protect her from what he knew was watching her at night. For though he could see the demons that stood at her window at night, she had not been born with the pentacle, and could not know they were they herself. This did not stop him from trying to explain it to her, however, though she only became more terrified of him and he eventually let her be, contenting himself with being able to watch her grow up.
Their family lived in relative peace for a few years. Marcus grew to hate and even fear Bartimaeus, who he sometimes beat without reason. His mother did nothing to stop this and mostly pretended her son didn't exist, especially as his habits became stranger and stranger. Just last year, Marcus died while on a business trip to Rome, and things have been silent between Bartimaeus and his family. He is the shadow that hangs overhead, but as he doesn't disturb them personally, abd neither of them are willing to test his temper by speaking to him about anything.
Recently Bartimaeus has been approached by the demon Lilith and agreed to aid her if she in turn aids him. However, it appears he still has ulterior motives, and plans to carry them out with the aid of his new weapon, the Sacrifice, given to him by Lilith. With this dagger he did what he believed he could to protect his family: he killed them, and stole his mother's eye to replace his own.
I Am Who I Am: When Bartimaeus was younger, he expressed a healthy concern for the world around him, like most children do. He was a helpful and pious boy, and continued his good habits of thaking the LORD for everything he received. That all changed the day he figured out the truth.
After that day, and after sacrificing his "normal" sight, Bartimaeus became quiet. Very quiet. He still expressed some concern for the world around him, but it was more a sense of duty now. He knew his purpose and was serious about it from the start. He became studious and intelligent, but not without a quick temper to go along as well. His malice hides behind his corrupted eyes, still shining with feigned innocence. Bartimaeus is not someone things are easily learned about, but to those who don't know him, he is assumed to be a very good person.
Almost too good.
Some Strange Person Gave Me This: a cracked chalice. It was once his mother's.
For Some Reason I Was Always Drawn To: Daggers.
My True Name: Auto Fellatio
My Theme: Testament
The Inquisitor
Room of Angels