Long ago there was a time where everyone hated each other... In all that hatred, down below the Earth, there was life being created out of all that anger, hate, and rage the people gave off. It was and still is uncertain why everyone decided to cause such a ruckus, but after years of this going on, a demon has approuched from the Earth's core and went on a complete rampage on the Earth, destroying everything it took sight on... It was so powerful, no one thought they could defeat this demon... Then one day, when nearly the entire population of Earth was gone, a man and a woman appeared and asked a small group of people why this moster was terrorizing everything and everyone... The group of people were unsure of giving an answer... So the man and women decided to help these people get to safety, fed them, nurtured them, and gave them shelter and everything else to survive... The man and woman saw this foul beast and tried reasoning with it... As it roared ferociously at the man and woman, the woman calmly walked up and gave a pat on the creatures leg... The demon strikes at the woman, picking her up and as he went to devour her, He looked straight into the woman's bright golden eyes... The demon felt as if he was going to collapse... He puts the woman down and fades away... The woman explains to the people that this demon was to be known as The Demon God of Hate... The woman then explains how the demon felt the pureness of her heart and put her down and faded away... Since then the Earth has been less cruel, and the man and woman decided to walk off in the distance... As the people look up into bright and stary sky, they see little pieces of paper fly downward in front of them... A little girl picks up the pieces, and notices that each have a picture of demons similar to that of The Demon God of Hate... She showed these pictures to her father, asking him what they are... He reads the pictures: Demon God of Kindness, Demon God of Love, Demon God of Trickery, and Demon God of Hate...
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