Your "life path" -- based on your birth date of May 26, 1989 -- is 22.
How Is Your Life Path Calculated ?
This is calculated in four steps:
1) Add up the digits in your month of birth (if more than one digit)
2) Add up the digits in your day of birth (if more than one digit)
3) Add up the digits in your year of birth.
4) Add up the answers from (1), (2), and (3) above.
With all the above calculations, we keep adding until we end up with a single digit, or an 11 or 22 (which are special cases in numerology, known as "Master Numbers" wink .
In your case S-----, you were born on May 26, 1989.
Your month of birth is May, which is the 5th month. As 5 is a single digit, there's nothing to add here
Your day of birth is the 26th. Adding 2 + 6 gives us 8.
Your year of birth is 1989. Adding 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 gives us 27. Adding 2 + 7 gives us 9.
The totals, then, are 5, 8, and 9. To get our final answer, we add these three numbers together: Adding 5 + 8 + 9 gives us 22 (note that we don't add the digits of 22 together, since 22 is a 'Master Number').
Your life path says a lot about you, so please read the following very carefully ...
S-----, your Life Path of 22 ...
Wow ... your life path is known as a master number in numerology
You are considered to be the more powerful and the wiser of the two master numbers. Sometimes number 22's are called the master builders in life as they are capable of imagining and then creating the huge systems and networks that support the very fabric of civilization. It is usually a 22 that is the propelling force when it comes to shifting the consciousness of great masses of people or improving the life quality of millions of people.
You are an optimistic individual who has the rare capability to manifest your higher ideals into reality. You are blessed with the ability to realize even the most far-fetched and seemingly impossible ideas. You are a clear communicator and eloquent with words.
You are natural born leader and others willingly follow your direction. Usually you are attractive in appearance. You find your soul mate very early in life and usually stay with that one person until the end of your life. Usually this soul mate is presented to you almost as a matter of grace so you can focus on the larger more important matters you are fated to attend to.
You are brilliant, inventive and above average intelligence. Others find you to be charismatic and inspirational and your life is often filled with appreciative employees and friends. Your very presence is reassuring and comforting to others and many seek out your advice and wise words. In fact, many 22's become recognized sages and spiritual gurus by the end of their life.
([..... Is this why I like reading philosophy books? xD])
As part of a karmic quirk, you were probably born into wealth and privilege and it is likely you received a better education than most people. These were the tools that the cosmos gave you to excel on your life path. The only drawback of such a path is that others may become jealous and see you as "being born with a silver spoon in your mouth."
([And here I'd have to say Buuuuulllshiiiiiiiit.... though there is the chance that the 'cosmos' put me where I am now so I would have a better idea of life's hardships, but still have the chance at better opportunities])
Number 22's are almost assured enormous success, prestige and fame at some point in their life. Those who don't become famous in the obvious sense are often the unsung geniuses behind progressive inventions and technology. However most 22's are not motivated to achieve as a matter of reward. If you are a 22 you probably enjoy what you do and would even do it for free.
([O-o yus.... razz Probably why I tell ppl that even if I was a frickin million/billionaire, I would still work... I like working, even if I am still a lazy a** sometimes :3])
You also make an exceptional parent, teacher, counselor and spouse. Perhaps the only thing you may not excel at is being a follower.
([lol, yeah, not a very good follower :p... not the best leader either though :/ I like being more behind the scenes... ])
You are also very emotionally balanced and a guardian of all that is harmonious and beautiful in life. As you are a great lover of art, you may also serve as a patron to artists, poets or musicians.
([Oh yeah, the semi-Bipolar girl is emotionally balanced razz >_> Well... wait, I guess I am depending on how you interpret that I am :/ ])
As you are also considered to be an enlightened number, you will also be very charitable and philanthropic during your lifetime. Many charities and organizations will benefit from your wealth, as will your relatives, friends and family.
([That reminds me... YOU!, go to it... now!])
Despite your achievement, you will also be much beloved simply because you are such a humble individual. On a metaphysical level you might even have the ability to transform negative energy into positive as you are so wonderfully connected to the divine.
([Nice to know the "Putting anger to good use instead of kicking someones face in right away" Method is put to good use :/ ])
You are also very at peace with both your subconscious mind and higher self. You are distinguished by your ability to apply spiritual knowledge and in a practical way. You are secure emotionally and seemingly incapable of being distracted from your chosen path. You consider yourself to be above petty emotions and resentments and accept your tasks and emotional obligations with gratitude and a noble sense of duty.
([ Can't really say I'd agree with the being at peace and being emotionally secure razz , but then again, there's a lot more factors contributing to it to, so while one thing may be correct, another may not be because of another factor.... shouldn't be taken literally anyways ])
Your Expression - which describes your potential natural talents and abilities - works out to be a 9.
How Is Your Expression Calculated?
What we are going to do now is turn all the letters in your name at birth into numbers,
using the following chart :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
In practice I put the vowels above the name and the consonants underneath. This is because your Soul Urge is derived from the vowels alone, so it makes it easier at the next step to do it this way.
Again there is one exception to the rule and this is with the letter ‘Y’. If it acts as a consonant and is pronounced it is classed as being a consonant. If it is not pronounced or acts as a vowel it is classed as being a vowel. The ‘Y’ in Yolande, for instance, would be classed as being a consonant, but the ‘Y’ in Larry would be classed as being a vowel as it acts as a vowel.
Let’s work out your Expression number :
The top row: Adding <cutout> gives us 30. Adding 3 + 0 gives us 3.
The bottom row: Adding <cutout> gives us 51. Adding 5 + 1 gives us 6. .
We now add the total of the top and bottom rows, which gives us 3+6=9.
And so, S------, your Expression is 9.
What a '9' Expression Means About You
Now that we've done the calculations, what does this actually mean?
S--------, your Expression of 9 ...
Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities
The ultimate height of your personal expression in life is the chance to offer to others. You are spiritual in a very practical way and others are often drawn to your empathy and compassion. You work well with people of all ages but you particularly delight in inspiring creativity in children and young adults. For this reason you make a fantastic teacher, counselor or psychologist.
([This doesn't surprise me >__> even if I don't like psychologists, ppl tell me all the time I should be one... or a counselor -.-[ wink
Others trust you implicitly because you are so kind, considerate and consistent. You are often the one that is still there when everyone else has abandoned someone for being a "lost cause." You are an extremely loyal and dependable friend.
([Which I've learned being like that often bites me in the a** :/ but I for some reason keep doing it stare ])
You are a very intuitive individual who is deeply connected to others in a spiritual way. Many nines are prophets, healers and psychics. If you are not psychic then at the very least you are deeply drawn to studying matters of the occult or religion in some way. As you are so driven by your intuition, you are not often found in a day job but rather in an occupation that allows you to go where your heart leads you.
([ O-o ])
As others don't understand your idealism you might suffer a great deal of skepticism or criticism in your life. While very young you may have learned to cloak your personality in eccentricity so that others don't take you seriously. You may have also gained a great deal of weight or developed a disability that gives you the excuse not to have march in step with the mass population. Often these illnesses and personal problems exist in order to eventually to jumpstart a leap on the spiritual path to enlightenment. Your trials and troubles often eventually qualify you as a "wounded healer" by the end of your life.
([ O-o oh holy s**t.... I was just talking to someone about why I think a lot of s**t happens to me ])
You are very concerned with the issue of how to express unconditional love. This is a very troubling concept for you as it is difficult for you to accept that one could love another so much and get no cosmic reward in return. It is often part of a number nine's life expression path to be stuck with a difficult soul mate or experience a lot of rejection. This is the universe's way of forcing you to connect with others on a spiritual way rather in a way that is lustful or possessive.
([ See, this is why I like stuff like this... it's almost always scarily accurate... esp if done right surprised ])
Love is the most important thing in the world to you but you often have problems finding a soul mate. Many nines do not make good parents because they are too driven by impulse to be a consistent presence in a child's life. Your partner or lover may also find you frustrating because you live so much in the present and rarely think of the future.
([ Bit contridicting to earlier, but as I said... different factors])
You are very warm and friendly and almost all that meet you are immediately impressed by your gentle and kind personality. As the last thing anyone could ever call you is shallow, you sometimes don't pay that much attention to your personal appearance. Also putting other's priorities ahead of your own often leads to a great deal of self-sacrifice. One of your challenges is to make sure that you take time out to take care of yourself and your surroundings.
([ sweatdrop Soft and gooey center with a thin, hard, somewhat cynical shell razz ... like a chewy gobstopper! mmmm gobstoppers ^-^ ])
Creativity and art mean a great deal to you and many of you are great poets, musicians and artists. Art is an ideal way for you to express your love of harmony and the divine order of the universe.
([ <3 ])
Now, Let's Examine Your Soul Urge
(also known as your "Heart's Desire" wink
We have already done all the mathematics necessary to work out this number. It is simply the total of the top row (the vowels) of your full birth name.
In your case, this totals 3.
S----, your Soul Urge of 3 ...
What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life
Your soul urge is about the cultivation and expression of your personality. Usually this energy manifests as a great achievement in the theatrical or artistic world. You shine at any kind of activity that involves public performance including acting, singing or politics. In fact, you love performing so much that you would do it for free. Exhibiting your talents is second nature for you although many of you also develop lucrative careers from doing so as well.
([ :3 ])
If your talents are not developed it seems that your unique soul urge may also manifest itself in lesser ways such as the development of a beautiful speaking voice, a distinctive way of dressing or a talent for being the perfect host or hostess. You don't necessarily care who or how many people you make an impact on. If an opportunity presents itself where you can be the center of attention than you will take advantage of it.
([ Damn you numerology... daaaaamn yooou for knowing! ])
Perhaps your biggest asset is your rich imagination. This is your inner treasure chest from which you find the solutions to all of your problems and every body else's as well. You also have an incredible knack for story telling and mesmerizing others with your tales. You adore the innocence of children and nothing makes your heart happier than the sound of a child's laughter.
([ Again I say Daaaaaaaaamn yooooou ])
However your tendency towards non-stop chatter sometimes works against you as others perceive it as self-centered or a way of stealing focus. Also you are so clever with words that it may be hard for others to ever win an argument with you or even get a word in edgewise. As a result, you may often be left behind or not invited to engage in discussion at all.
([ Hey, I've gotten pretty good at controlling the chatty side :/ ])
You really don't handle rejection well and if you can't get the approval you crave you have a natural tendency to retreat into your own little world. Isolation is very unhealthy for you, as your imagination tends to distort situations and create paranoia and suspicion where it need not exist. Rather than sulk about a professional or relationship set back your best course of action is to pick yourself up and try again. If depression still persists then you need to throw a pail of cold water over your burning ego by going out and doing a deliberate act of charity or philanthropy for those who are less fortunate than you do. Only this will truly serve the higher calling of your soul and have you viewing the world through rose colored glasses again.
([ But I already try to do the pail of cold water thing.... >__> I also tend to tell my friends that sometimes too... Damn this thing for being right >-> ])
A great sense of humor is also one of your greatest assets and if you were a doctor you would heal by helping others to "laugh themselves well." You can't bear pessimistic people or persons that take life too seriously and will go to great lengths to lighten up sober types up. A drawback of this is that sometimes others perceive you as saying inappropriate things or not respecting the belief or wishes of another. One of your challenges in life is to recognize that there is a critic in every crowd.
([ I'm a hypocrytical, complex person razz I'm an optimist, even though so much of life has also made me a pessimist >__> I expect the worse, but try for the best :/ ... or am I a realist that has her head in the clouds, but feet on the ground >.o Me at work if someone seems kind of serious I'm usually acting like a dork going "Smile.... come on... smiiiiiiiiiiiiillllleeee..... I saw that! I made you smile, bwahahahaha -maniacal laugh- ])
However, no critic could ever be as hard on you as you are with yourself. As you are a perfectionist and a master of timing and delivery, you take it very hard if for some reason you miss an opportunity. This is because you set standards and expectations of yourself that are very high. It is hard for you to realize that your low are most other people's highs and that the best remedy for feelings of failure is to count your blessings.
([ ok, timing not so much >-> ... maybe... and this thing is awesome... I'm sorry, but it is O-o ])
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