I'll let you know what characters I have as I make them and where ^___^
If you play WoW let me know who your persons are and where
(Yes, I have a lot of Alts x.x )
Including Mules/Guild Mules too :/
Info such as builds, levels (profession ones too), armor, etc may not be current since I need to manually update/sync them
Attley Kimi Thistlewood (RP)

-- Pet - Inopholos (Boar)
-- Pet - Sooba (Cat)
-- Pet - Samir (Hyena)
-- Pet - Diados (Raptor)
Kieira Perdita Frostblade (RP)

Hikiji Darkmoon (RP)

(Hikiji is Kieira's Alter-Ego... kind of like her Nobody)
Taviena Sunflare (RP)

Kegaisu Sunflare (RP)

Tac 'opo

Veliaruna Fridtjof (RP)

Zaherah Sagetree (RP)

Armida Leto Gizmorivet (RP)


-- Pet - Morana (Spider)

Kalooeh (RP)

Cardea Moriko (RP)

Tuulikki (RP)

--Pet - Bear (Bear)

Sinifaie Moriko (RP)



Pics/Screenshots may or may not be recently Updated ninja








Mairiku (New/Old)





Althaia & Ornella (Note, Mules... For now. Eventually will probably work on raising them :3

Note - Starting screenshots because I was in a hurry and didn't feel like changing their clothes/finding a good pose/angle =P And yes, I drew the pic of Attley >___> In her RP clothes
Name Meanings
Attley - From the old English word "lear" meaning "of/from the pasture or meadow". Kimi - comes from the Native American origin meaning Secret (Algonquin).
Kieira - Frozen Soul. Ki = Ghost/Soul/Spirit, Eira = Snow(/Ice); Perdita = Lost
Hikiji - Little Frozen Soul [more or less](Hi = Ice/Snow, Ki = Ki: Ghost/soul/spirit, Ji = Child, and/or Little)
Hi: Ice/Snow, Ki: Ghost, Ji: Child =3
Taviena - >__> Doesn't really have one... random mad up name O_o
Kegaisu - Mighty spirit of flame/Strong Inner flame (Kegai = Strong Spirit, Su = Fire)
Tacopolice - >___> What do you think it means?
Veliaruna - Velia: From the Roman family name Velius which possibly means "concealed" in Latin, Runa = Feminine form of Rune; Derived from Old Norse rún meaning "secret lore". Fridtjof - From the Old Norse name friðþjófr meaning "thief of peace", derived from the elements friðr "peace" and þjófr "thief".
Zaherah - Derived from Arabic زهير (zahir) meaning "helper, supporter".
Armida - Little, Armed One. Leto - derived from Greek ληθω (letho) "hidden, forgotten".
Nirali - Incomparable; Different; Intellectual
Mairiku - Mai = Ocean or elegance/Dance/Cherry blossom; yellow flower/May. Riku = Shore/Land ... "Ocean Shore" razz ... Truthfully I forgot :/ I Couldn't get some names I wanted to I combined some and screwed with them until something came up that wasn't taken D: So just going with what it looks like... which works cause it still works razz
Cardea - Fairy Goddess(/Goddess of the fairy) It also means Goddess of Protecting the Home, health, and door hinges and handles (associated with the door to the fairy realm. Also associated with the wind.) Moriko - Moriko = Forest Child/Child of the Forest
Tuuliki - Name of a Forest Spirit meaning "Little Wind"
(Means "little wind" in Finnish, derived from tuuli "wind". This was the name of a Finnish forest goddess, the daughter of Tapio.)
Adalina - Latinate diminutive of ADELA, Originally a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element adal meaning "noble".
Kalooeh - Nothing special... just what I use for everything =P Got the Idea from the cartoon 'Pepper Ann' (KALOOIE-KA-KOOO) and Neopets (during the -eh fad)
Sinifaie - Blue Fairy/elf. Means "blue" in Finnish. More specifically, sini is a poetic term for the colour blue. Faie = fairy, also a term for a type of elf, typically the lighter built ones that often resemble fairies
Althaia - Greek expression meaning Healing herb/Honesty. razz "Alt" xP
Ornella - derived from Tuscan Italian ornello meaning "flowering ash tree".