But where was Mat? Aoi woke up and saw his sword on the sand nearby. A note with it. Then a crystal thingy shattered and he appeared....in the form of a wolf. So he had choosen darkness. If Melissa could remember him I had a feeling she'd go off on him. Saying he was pathetic for choosing darkness for some reason. Beasts appeared and they took care of them. Aoi using Mat's sword sense he couldn't use it as a wolf. So sad really. I really wanted a true fight with him. I think Mat sensed my aura though. I walked out from the shadows and before him. The wind blew and my crimson cloak with it. If I was not frighting right now I wasn't sure if anything was. Curse him. Everyone was afraid of something. But what was he afraid of? His claws glowed black at the very sight of me. "Oh so scary." I said. "So...this is what you've decided to become, a beast of the night. You really think you darkness can match my shadow abilities?" Did he really think that. If he hadn't got Melissa back by now. How did he ever think he would? She'd choose what she wanted and he wouldn't except it. Like the Melissa he knew was still there. Obviously he'd have to be taught the hard way. "Mat, can we really take him at this point?" Aoi asked him.

So he was going to fight. "So, that's the way you want it, is it?! Fine then, I'll kill you myself and everything or anyone that threatens me and my love! COME AT ME!" I yelled. I pulled out my blade, from my shadow, and charged at him. He bared his claws and did the same. I swung at him,, and he used his claws to deflect it. Powerful little basterd he was. But I would not be defeated by this child. This novice. I wonder if his Dark Aura had anything to do with it. I swung again, and then another deflect followed, Mat spin-kicked me and I smashed into a tree. Definetly not enough to get ride of me though. I struggled up, and I let out a huge yell of my singing, it was like a sonic boom, that was so powerful, it sent him flying right through ten trees! Ha! Don't undestimate a master of the opera and all arts. Mat seemed taken aback by my power. "What in the hell was that?! So much power!" He said. He struggled back onto his feet. And that little girl Aoi came out from hiding and joined the battle at last. Wouldn't help though. "Just because your friend has joined doesn't mean you stand a chance against me! Fear my wrath! FEAR THE DARKNESS WHICH YOU KNOW YOU CAN NOT FIGHT!"

I turned to leave. This would be harder then I thought. But as I thought I sensed a place where I could defeat him. Where he wouldn't be able to even touch me. A world shrouded in so much darkness it would kill him to escape. To find Melissa. To fight me. It'd be inpossible. He wouldn't be able to win. How would he fight something he couldn't touch? He couldn't....that was why I would take him down. And this time...I would finish him off...for good. Because his little friend Aoi...wouldn't be there like she was this time. I laughed like a madman as I went back into the abandoned opera house and into my lair through a secret passage. I quited myself when I enterd the lair though. Melissa was asleep. And I didn't know if she was in a coma, or just a sleep that would last a few hours. She didn't stur once though as I climbed into bed, in my night clothing (boxers), and placed my arm around her. She was warm, and her skin was soft. Baby soft. Pure, and perfect. Gentle. Did she have any flaws to her...besides her not being much of a fighter (not her fault considering princess' weren't meant to fight), and that she tierd out so easily? I don't think she did. I wanted nothing else right now then too have her to wake up and cuddle with me. And for that blue haired boy to stay out of my way. Whatever intentions he was trying to get Melissa to realize wasn't working. I had no bad intentions. What were they? Killing people? Ha! At this point Melissa really wouldn't mind cause she knew that was due to either protect her or....because it was teaching people that had hurt us a lesson.

He looked around, and still no one appeared. Another thing he caught onto fast though was that this world was recently made by strong magical ways. Dark magic was everywhere in this world. Two diffrent kinds of dark magic. One was that smell of the ocean, where my angel was from and though she was once more for light her magic held a dark tint to it now. And then he knew there was another force that made up the world...the feeling of depression and hatred...my magic. He dashed off to the outskirts of the shrouded dark town and saw something far away. This area he was at now resembeled Sunset Town. But there was no water around us. I realized imidiatly what he saw. At first glance it looked like a huge lump of sand in the dried up seabed. An island. But how? Did Melissa create that with her magic or something. No. But...then...how did that get there. Someone from the outside world had to be interfearing. Mat used his claws and he climbed up. I followed quickly, and covered by the shadows. On the little island there was a village. Small. To Mat it seemed familier. He seemed to realize what this place he stood now was just then. "Tsuina..." He mumbled under his breath. Tsuina? "Aoi's home" He said. Aoi's home...now I understood. This was some sort of replica of Aoi's home. Don't know how it got there though. I and Melissa both didn't know anything about her home or orgins. How'd it get there.
Somehow a rip appeared in the darkness and he looked through it. It looked like the same village of Tsuina but not covered in the darkness. He climbed through our and back into the real world. I tried to chase him but I couldn't get through. Damn...I'd have to wait for him to come back. I knew he would. Just to investigate...see if he'd find anything to lead to Melissa's whereabouts. I had a feeling that he was going to learn a little about the world from some one on the outside world...someone who somehow knew about it. At the moment he failed to truely realize that the balance of light and dark had been distrubed like calm waters. Thus creating the World of the Shrouded. The place where he was. This world was sort of like a different dimension. A dimension to imprison others and let them slowly, and possibly painfully, wither away, becoming lifeless corpses to forever rot. Something that wuld happen to Mat once I killed him here. This world was built by two different things in some ways. My darkness and depression...my hate of the world. Melissa's ocean life, and her poor broken and tainted heart. But also in a way the two forces of which Mat was struggling against.
A few minutes passed and then Mat came back into my sight. I'd trick him though. Make him think something that wasn't really happening. I speed off a distance. And then I took my human shape again, coming out of the shadows, and then used my shadow to manufest a replica of Melissa. So real looking he'd believe it was her. When I saw him coming towards us, he saw me. I took the replica in my arms and gently kissed her lips. My replica acted like Melissa too. She kissed me back. Mat saw. He was obviously pissed....HA! I noticed his claws were green but then they changed to black when he saw me. He lunged and tried to stap me, but his hand passed right through me like I was thin air. Melissa screamed and vanished returning to be my shadow as it was before. I wasn't though. We attacked at the same moment, but only my attack connected. I could physically hurt him. He was in my world now. And in my world....he couldn't touch me. Or lay a hand on me. Nor finger, nor foot...NOTHING! While I could bash my fist into him and he couldn't stop it. Couldn't grab my wrist.
Realizing he couldn't win apparently he ran for it. Oh no boy. I Lelouch Phonix Lengrange had score to settle with you. I would take care of you once and for all. I followed him, and wherever he was and went I was there in a heartbeat. Like a horror movie or nightmare that you couldn't wake up. Or the kind that you lived in this case. I pulled out my huge sword covered in flesh and blood (not really...this was only an effect of the World of the Shrouded) and I sprang at him. Mat tried going full speed but I was closing the distance he placed between us fast. I swung at a fast pace, making it almost impossible for him to dodge. He made a sharp turn to get some more distance, but I caught up in less then a nano second. Like I was there one second the next I was somewhere else. "In this world..." I told him. "You are completely powerless. Nothing you can do will help here!" And this was true. Or so I had thought. "That's where your wrong!" He retored. He dipped his claws into the liquid he got from when he left for a short moment. Oh crap. I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach suddenly. He jerked around and before I could stop he stabed me. You would think I would scream but instead I said, "but....but how?! Nothing from the outside can even touch the ground!" I feel to the ground in slight pain and the other half in shock.
How? How had he done it? This was my world? How could he touch me...in my world?! MINE!? It was impossible. Unexplainable. What was the glowing green s**t on his claws?! That was the only reason he had been able to hit me. What was that stuff? He used his chance to get away and retreat into the darkn. I could still see him because of the glow though. I chased after him ignoring the pain in my wound. He slashed a rift through the space time continuem (whatever you prefer to call it) when he reached the Sunset Town area of the World of the Shrouded. As I tried to go through the portal got to small for me too. But I heard some man's voice say to Mat very distantly, that I thought it was in my mind, "You must return to thel ight and master the darknes to be able to save the one you love. Only you and Aoi can defeat the one who pursues to destroy her light forever." I wasn't aiming to hurt my angels light. She possesed no light. She gained darkness on her own. I'd just helped her grow stronger with it as she wanted. Before the rift closed Aoi woke up and saw him staring as the rising sun and he said. "I am no longer of the darkness anymore. I am now one who embraces light and dark. We have a job to do!" The the portal closed. In so much anger I was. And in my furiouy I knew I'd failed again to kill Mat. My angel was not ever going to be happy-and neither would I-till he was gone. Though she didn't remember him now. If he somehow restored her memories then it could end everything. I had to stop him.

And this...I...would...make come true...whatever...it...took.

To be continued in Chapter 46...
Note:Next chapter will switch back to Melissa's view...