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Brilliant Shenanigans ch.1
AN: I don't own Naruto.

"I don't need a bed of roses, 'cause roses wither away..." Tenten sang in tune with her radio as she chucked throwing knives at a cork board in her basement. "What I really need is honesty... and someone with a strong heart...and gentle hands...Take me as I am..." Tenten sighed as she realized her hands were now empty. Twenty four sets of throwing knives, three to each set, all emptied into the cork board on the far end of her basement. "I have good aim, but not much else..." She said with a sigh, taking her soda off of a coffee table, taking a sip.

She flopped down on the sofa, long ways, stretched out across it, crossing her legs, nodding her head in time with the music. "Oh, yeah, someone with a strong heart... and gentle hands... Someone who will take me as I am..." She sang before sighing again. She leaned to her side and took the stereo remote, flipping the radio station, growing bored with country. She decied to sing along with the song playing on the new station. "She can't keep a secret for more than an hour..." She laughed a little as she thought back to her last crush. A girl named Sakura. A hot red head, bleached her hair all the time, made it look pink. "The way she sees it's me on her caller ID, she wont pick up the phone she'd rather be alone...But I can't give up just yet, cause every word she's ever said, still ringin' in my head..." Tenten laid her head back on the arm of the couch, chuckling a bit. 'The b***h only pretends to be bi, once she's got a girl interested in her she only uses her to get guys...' Tenten tried to push the memory of homecoming from her mind, but couldn't. Sakura'd pushed her against the wall and kissed her, only for her to run off with the football teams running back, Kiba, later that night.

Tenten heaved a sigh and stood up, finishing off her soda, she crunched the can in her hands and chucked it in the waste basket, of course it landed in, like always. She straightened out her jeans and adjusted her shirt. She wanted to look in a mirror, but didn't really care that much. Her shirt had no stains and was clearly readable: 'Barbie is a lesbian' and her pants were clean. Her long hair was thrown up on top of her head, held up by a clip. She walked up the stairs, looking for one of her parents.

"Yo, mom," She said when she found the person she was looking for.

"What, Tenten?" Her mom asked.

"Can I have some money? I wanted to walk into town for a bit." She asked, looking hopeful.

Tentens mother sighed. "What happened to the twenty I gave you a few days ago?"

"Uh, I spent it. Twenty doesn't go far these days, mom." She said.

"I know, hold on a minute." Tentens mom stood up and went to look for her purse. "Here," She said, holding out a 20 for her daughter.

"Thanks, mom."

"Yeah, yeah." Tenten was about to leave when her mom called out to her. "Oh, Tenten!"

"Yeah, mom?"

"Neji called today, you might want to call him back."

"Neji called? On the house phone? Why didn't he just call my cellphone?" She aksed.

"I don't know, but you might want to call him back."

"Right, will do." Tenten said, feeling her pocket to make sure she had her cell phone. Sure enough. She dialed Neji's number as she walked out of her house, down the front steps onto the sidewalk. His cell went straight to voicemail. She sighed and hung up. "Now he's not answering his phone..."

Tenten sighed and chuckled a bit as she reflected on her friends. Neji, the biggest metrosexual she'd ever met. Lee, a young gay boy who was obsessed with fitness and in a secret relationship with their gym teacher, Gai. Ino, a wannabe popular girl who'd joined their group in a very unorthadox way. (During homecoming, after Sakura'd kissed Tenten, Ino pulled her aside, telling her what Sakura would do, and later, she'd found Ino sitting with Neji, talking. They'd just, kinda become friends after that, especially when she comforted Tenten after what Sakura'd done to her.) Shikamaru, the lazy genious that everyone wanted to copy from, but no one really cared about once their was no work to be done. Well, save for his best friend, Chouji. Tenten suspected they were in a relationship, but didn't say anything. Occasionally there was Shino, a drug dealer that hung out at the graveyard and Hinata a shy girl that clung to Shino like her life depended on it and had the biggest crush ever on the class clown. 'Ah, us weirdo's have to stick together.' Tenten thought as she walked, with her hands in her pockets.

Tenten started to whistle and eventually started to sing; "We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue!"

A car honked as it pulled up beside her.

"Tenten!" Lee called out, holding his arms open to the girl as the car came to a stop. Tenten cautiously walked over to the car, ducking her head down to get a look at the driver. Gai-sensei.

"Hey Lee, Gai-sensei." She said, stepping into Lee's embrace, returning his affection by wrapping one arm around the boy, patting him on the back.

"Ah, Tenten!" Gai said, smiling at her. "What is my favorite little marksman doing this fine Saturday afternoon?"

"Nothing," Tenten said, shrugging as Lee let her go. "I was just going to walk into town and see what there is to do."

"Ohh! There's a new teens club that opened up a few months ago, you might want to go check it out!" Lee said happily. "I can not though, um, because I have a date..." Lee said, his cheeks suddenly hinting with pink. Gai chuckled.

"Would you like a ride into town, Tenten?" Gai asked.

"Sure." She said and took a couple steps back, opening the back door on the passenger side of Gai's car. She noticed, with a smile, how, when Gai put his hand on the gearshift, Lee put his hand over the others. "Oh!" She said, suddenly remembering something.

"Huh?" Lee asked, turning back to look at her.

"Neji called my house phone today and not my cell. Do you have any idea as to why?" She asked.

"No, I do not." Lee said, thinking deeply, trying to find a reason.

"Oh well," Tenten said with a sigh. She leaned her head against the window and looked out as Gai drove them into town.

"Do you know where the club is, Sensei?" Lee asked.

"It's up where the old dollar store used to be, isn't it?" Gai asked.

"Hai." Lee said and smiled.

Gai and Lee chatted happily, but Tenten fell back into her own mind. 'I'm just a girl in the world...' She hummed to herself as she watched people. Hatred flared within her for a second as she saw Kiba, laughing and carrying on with a group of friends. Sasuke, Kankuro, Sumaru. All members of the football team. She fantasized about kicking Kibas a**. She knew she could too, but she wouldn't. She wouldn't want to give a bad name to homosexuals. She knew if she did something wrong, it would be held against everyone of deviant persuasion. That just pissed her off more. She sighed out loud and closed her eyes, just listening vaguely to Gai and Lee chat.

A few minutes later the car stopped, but Tenten didn't notice.

"Tenten?" Gai asked.

"A-wha?" She asked, jumping a bit, startled.

"We're here, silly." He said.

"Oh, thankyou. Thanks so much for the ride." She said, opening the door.

"Any time, Tenten." Gai said. Tenten shut the door to the car and turned around to wave to the other two.

"Bye, Tenten!" Lee called out the window, waving back to her.

Tenten watched as they drove away and she sighed. She turned around and looked up at the club sign. 'Ground floor, huh? Ha, that's truth in advertizing.' She thought as she considdered going in. She saw a group of kids over to one side, huddled in a group, smoking. She thought about bumming a smoke from one of them, but decided against it.

She took a few steps forward and pushed open the door. Instantly her senses were assaulted with the sounds of loud music and the smell of sugary beverages and greasy foods. She shook her head to clear it and walked up to a cashier of sorts.

"Hi, and welcome to 'The Ground Floor'! Entry is five dollars, with this wrist band you can leave and come back any time today." The over-cheerful teller told her.

Tenten fished around in her pocket for the twenty her mom had given her. She handed it to the teller and was given her change. The lady taped the band around her wrist and showed Tenten the way in.

Tenten took stock of the area, noticing the darkness first, followed by the movie screen and couches and beanbag chairs off to her left. Currently some horror movie that she didn't really care for was playing. Off to her left she noticed several video game booths, an air hockey table and a pool table. Further back in the place there was a bar, not a real bar of course, but something made to make the kids feel devious. The middle of the place was a giant dance floor, currently occipied by a handfull of kids, playing around, not really trying to dance in tune with the music.

Tenten smiled when she didn't see anyone she knew. 'Maybe today will be a good day after all.' She thought, making her way over to some tables near the bar, close to the dance floor where she could watch people dance.

There were several pretty girls, but all of them looked unfortunately straight and didn't hold her attention for too long. That was, at least, untill one of the dancing girls walked over in her direction, smiling at Tenten as she walked by. Tenten forced a smile to her face for the pretty girl. She was blonde and had bright blue eyes, surprisingly easy to see in the dark light.

"Two Red Bulls please." Tenten listened to the girl say. Tenten sighed and laid her head on the table. 'Of course she's here with someone.'

Tenten looked up when she heard the chair across from hers scoot out. She saw the girl there, leaning over the table, holding out an energy drink in her direction. Tenten blinked a few times, confused.

"You looked like you could use a 'pick-me-up'." She said, setting the drink down. She opened her own drink and took a swig. "Go on, it's not poision, I promise."

"Thanks." Tenten said, taking the drink. She popped the tab and sniffed it. It wasn't something she usually liked, but she wasn't about to turn down this pretty strangers kindness. She took a drink and grimaced. The blonde girl giggled.

"Too strong? You'll get used to the taste soon," The girl said. "I'm Temari, and you are?"

"Tenten." She responded simply.

"Awwe, that's a cute name." Temari said.

"Thanks..." Tenten said, blushing a bit. "I, uh... like your shirt. I was thinking about getting one of those myself."

"Oh?" Temari said. "It's a little small on me... You want it?" She asked.

"What? No, I couldn't..." Tentens blush grew. She looked away, holdig on to the sides of the drink nervously.

"Don't be silly, I'd have to get rid of it anyway."

"Huh?" Tenten asked, looking up.

"It's too small."


Tenten studdied the girl. She was really pretty, pale, with soft features, but she still had muscles. She was definately strong, maybe into sports. 'There's no way she's into girls though. I'm pushing my luck just sitting here with her...' Tenten thought, sighing again.

When Temari sat her drink down, Tenten noticed a bracelet. A rainbow striped bracelet. She stared. 'Is she...?'

"Something wrong?" Temari asked, noticing Tenten staring at her wrist.

"Uh, no, I um... Can I ask you something?"

"If it's about my bracelet, the answer is yes." Temari said with a sigh.

"Ok." Tenten said, smiling, trying to hide it. "Me too." She admitted softly. "Where did you get it?" Tenten asked, louder.

"A store a town over. Maybe I can show you where it is some day?" Temari asked, her mood suddenly back to how it was before. She was relieved to know that Tenten wasn't judging her in a negative way.

"That would be nice." Tenten said.

"Come here!" Temari said, grabbing Tentens arm. She led the confused girl to the bathroom.

"Wha?" Tenten was thuroughly confused.

"Wanna trade shirts? I'll give yours back next time we see each other." Temari asked, leaning back against a sink.

"Uh... sure..." Tenten said then smiled. "You first.."

Temari grinned and reached for the botton of her shirt, she pulled it up, over her head. Tenten couldn't help but stare. So far, Temari was perfect. She was tall, and lean. She had a girly four-pack, Tenten noticed as Temari turned the shirt right side out. Her bra was black, but simple and she had decent sized breasts. C cups at least. When she caught Temaris eye she looked away suddenly, blushing.

"Sorry..." She muttered.

"First wanted attention I've had in months. It's your turn." Temari said, grinning almost deviously.

Tenten couldn't keep her face from being pink. She pulled her shirt off over her head and watched as Temaris eyes hungrilly took in her form.

"You're really pretty." Temari said, stepping closer to hand Tenten her shirt.

"Thanks." Tenten said nervously as she took the offered shirt and handed Temari her own. Temari took the shirt and sat it on the edge of the sink. She stepped closer to Tenten, who backed up against the wall, bumping her head into a towel dispenser. "Ow..." She muttered.

"Awwe..." Temari said, reaching up, soothing the spot Tenten'd hit, rubbing it gently with her hand. "Are you taken?" Temari whisered, leaning in close.

"N-no..." Tenten barely responded.

"Good." Temari said, pulling back, grabbing Tentens shirt off the sink. "Put your shirt on, silly."

Tenten heaved a sigh. Her heart was racing like mad. Temaris stomach had brushed hers and god, was her skin soft.

Tenten threw the shirt on in a hurry, pulling her hair out from the back of it. She looked at herself in the mirror.

Temari, now with Tentens shirt on, stood beside her.

"You're so cute." Temari said, smiling. "Well! Now that we've gotten to know each other better," She said while chuckling. "What do you say we ditch this place and go find something more fun to do?" She asked.

"Sure." Tenten said, picking up her Red Bull from the counter top, not even realizing she'd sat it down. Temari took her free hand and led her out of the teen club.

Once outside, Temari stretched.

"Oh, it's so nice to be outside again..." She said.

"Yeah..." Tenten agreed with a nod and a soft smile.

"So, what do you like to do?" Temari asked.

"Uh... Well, I like... Throwing knives, archery... All sorts of odd sports..."

"Ooh, I like Tennis and hand ball." Temari said, looking excitedly at the girl beside her. "Tether ball too, how do you feel about tether ball?"

"Tether ball is fun." Tenten said, nodding again.

"That's good!" Temari said. "Do you mind if I smoke?" Temari asked, taking a pack from her back pocket.

"Only if you don't give me one." She said. Temari chuckled and opened the pack, holding it open for Tenten. Tenten took a cigarette and put it between her lips. She was about to start fishing around in her pants pockets for a lighter, but Temari stopped her.

"I've got you." She said, holding up a zippo with a picture of a girl in a bikkini on one side. "There." She said as Tenten drew in a drag, blowing smoke out the side of her mouth. "Now you owe me seven years of kinky sex." Tenten took the cigarette from her mouth and licked her lips just thinking about that.

"Don't tease me." Tenten said, jokingly.

"Who's teasing?" Temari asked before lighting her own cigarette. "Let's go to the park. We can play tether ball and then sit on the swings and watch the sun go down."

"Ok," Tenten said, smiling softly. She took another drag off of her cigarette.

At the end of the day, the girls exchanged numbers and a small peck on the cheek. Tenten headed home, unable to shake her blush. She had a fuzzy, fluttery feeling. Tenten likened to to bees.

"Sweet little bumble bee, I know what you want from me!" She sang happily as she walked quickly up her front walk, and up the steps, into the house. "I'm home!" She declaired, and ran down to the basement.

Tenten went to flip on the radio then suddenly remembered that Neji had called her.

"s**t!" She called out and took her phone from her pocket. She dialed Neji's number again and he still didn't answer. Tenten sighed and walked to the other end of her basement, opposite the corkboard. She found a small box filled with papers and started rifling through it for the paper with Neji's house phone number. Once she found it, she walked back to the couch and sat, dialing Neji's number.

"Hello? Neji?" She asked when someone picked up.

"OH MY GOD, Tenten!" He screamed, making her pull the phone back from her ear.

"Yeah, Hi." She said and laughed a bit. "Why aren't you answering your phone?" She asked.

"My poor, poor cell phone is broken!" He said, sounding sad and angry.

"What happened to it?" Tenten asked.

There was a short silence and some shuffling before: "I threw it at someone and broke it..." He said, sounding as if he wanted to cry. Tenten couldn't help but laugh.

"Who'd you throw it at?" She asked.

"Sasuke, that douchebag!" Neji cried out. "He somehow got my number and he thought it would be funny to stand outside my window and prank call me! Kiba, Kankuro and Sumaru were with him too! They all stood outside my window like some sort of stalkers and called me! Well, I just chucked the phone right through the window! Nailed Sasuke in the nose! I hope I broke his damn nose! Hmph!" Neji said, excitedly.

Tenten was fuming on the inside. 'Those boys again...'

"Don't worry, Neji. They'll get theirs. I promise." The last bit sounded absolutely evil.

"Now, Tenten, don't go formulating any of your sadistic, evil plans that will get us in trouble!" Neji said.

"Don't worry, Neji. We wont get in trouble. When can you get your phone fixed?" She asked, trying to keep the deviousless from her voice.

"Monday is the soonest I can get it fixed! What am I going to do untill then?!" He cried.

"That's only two days, Neji..." Tenten said with a soft sigh and a chuckle.

"But, but..."

"I tell you what, you can come over tomorrow and we'll hang out all day. I'll even let you call people from my phone, ok?"

"Alright..." He seemed to sniffle. "What time should I come over?" He asked.

"Well, I get up around eleven, so..." Tenten let her voice trail off.

"Alright! I'll be over at noon, Tenten!" Neji cheered. There was a click and the call ended.

Tenten sighed and chuckled.

"I just need to wait for the right time..." Tenten whispered, leaning back on the couch, she grinned.

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