Well I it doesn't matter who reads it.It's not for anyone really..mostly for me I guess. Think of it as me telling a story in this entry. That is..if anyone DOES read this razz


Going away for 2 weeks was great. Yea............... Sometimes you forget what your life really is,and when you are reminded of life old cravings slither their way in through your fingertips. The night I returned to this tiny,dark cave of a "city" I received a call from a recent,old friend. When I heard the voice I could feel a smug grin crack across surface. When he spoke in that tempting tone snakes darted in my back,squirming and writhing in pleasure.I could almost feel him press to my muscles and relaxing me as he once did before. I smelled the cloud of smoke wisp around me and the tight stench of acid penetrating nerves. I rested in blue dimmed light,listening to hard shimmers of rain..and craving the taste of bitter lips,craving the friction against my skin. I felt wet grass lick my shins and cold breeze caress my bare thighs as I made my escape from prison. His door was waiting and opened. Just needing the embrace of his arms I cried to his throbbing heart. Broken down and slashing flesh he avoided his eyes from the pouring blood. Finally satisfied,I stopped the torturing pleasure and smiled with contentment,sleeping in a friend's comforting arms he laughed,"Old habits die hard."
Oh...and like totally this one time like UGH OMG I totally friken thought I was friken biSEXUALZ cuz like omg >> << TOTALLY DON'T TELL ANYONE LIKE KAY!? KAY LIKE UHM UGH OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS
like >> << omg..like one tiiiiiime in like BAND CAMP........................................I was hangin with teh men and there happened to be that b***h there ...(WE DO NOT SPEAKETH OF THE b***h'ES NAME) and like...they like...made me touch her o.0 and I was like...in the okward faze of a teenager so i didn't know what I was feeling was either just feeling disgusted and weird or that i just got horny from it..lol now i know what it's like to be REALLY horneh ;D So I asked one of my friends if that made me lesbian and their all like.....YEA biggrin and i was like oh so i should ******** her in front of you huh? and they were like yea...if you suck my c**k!!!! and i was like HELL ******** YA NIGGAA.... so..i didn't ever havea girlfriend...but like...I still do that s**t o.0....but I LOVE men..*drewls* I mean..girls are pretty..men are naturally ugly and manly..but that's just nature ^_^ *men have penises* how do lezbo's ******** anyway?!?!?!?!? IT'S NOT FAIR TO THE OTHER LEZBO IF SHE USES A STRAP ON!!! hm...I would hate that...O-O This one old guy gave me a box of porn and condoms and deeldos and told me to practice for him...i wunder when he want em' back though............................ I should burn them..that guy is like...porno millionaire i swear! I should keep the porn though o.0 0.o o.0 hm...I dun even know his name...why was he their anyway?!?!?!?!?! >O well..yea...I thought I was bi when I was kind of an idiot then...more kids think their bi too....THEIR CONFUUUUSE THEIR CONFUSED! lol I'm so glad I'm done with being a stupid kid...*puts on big girl panties*..ugh i hate that word..~panties~ WHO THE ******** SAID THAT!?!??!
>> << ******** FOOT CAKE MAN!
BunnXiLove · Tue Jul 21, 2009 @ 07:33pm · 1 Comments |