My woods have a calling to them. They catch the winds and send them through the streams. The trees tower a city's tallest skyscraper, untouched my humanity. The creatures wander unnerved by thier borders. They sing a song or hum a tune in their own tongue. So why have my woods lasted over the centuries? In order to answer, close your eyes and ignore your surrounding s. Look aove adn see the sun, clear in the sky seen only by a hole in the trees. Now look around, what do you see? An opneing and a small cottage? It's not a fairytale or a bedtime story so no, you shouldn't see a cottage.what uou shuld see are huge trees, their barks unmarked, towering above you, the leaves still a brillant green from the early morn's rain. Do you see any animals? What are they? Now take in the smells. Take a breath of the breeze. Listen to the wind as it tells you its message. Fall back to the woods' floor. Just lie there and take it all in. The soft breeze rattling the leaves, the blades of grass caressing your skin, the sun's warmth raising your cool body temperature, the cripes of the crickets, birds, the different sounds around you. The smell of the grass adn trees' bark, leaves, but what don't you see, smell, or hear? Climb one of the trees, what is it that you see? Nothing. Just the tops of other trees for miles. No smog covered city or noise. It's jsut you out in nature. So what do these woods have to offer? To me a save haven, or a peace of mind, a home, a reason to hope, rememberance of the past , a reminder of who I am, a playground, the easiest time in a life and how easy it's lost. My woods are everything and anything I want them to be.
Island Tomboy · Mon Sep 07, 2009 @ 07:59pm · 1 Comments |