Well, Brandon is more than likely going to the EA concert with me. I'm pretty excited about it. We're gonna have a blast. Lol. Also, I got my bed sheets. By bed sheets I mean the pretty ones and the pillows that come with it. A lot of people think I mean the actual sheets, but I mean the comforter. Anyways, I've been biting myelf a lot more than usual... My right arm is completely bruised. It's gross and it hurts a lot. I shouldn't bite myself, I know, but I just do. Dot Dot Dot. Happy thoughts. I've been playing my gamecube a lot recently. The only game I have is Luigi's Mansion. I love that game. I was stuck, so I looked up a Walk Through guide on google and now I'm almost finished with the game. I know that may be cheating, but I only use it to find which room to go to next. Lol. I may be going to the mall later. I want to go to Bath and Body Works to get some new perfume and some lotion. Also, I have a midterm Paper that's due tomorrow. I haven't started yet... Hopefully I'll get done and it will be good. I've been making good grades on my papers, so maybe I will. Let's all cross our fingers! I found a new band that I adore! They are called Kamelot. My favorite song would have to be Ghost Opera. It's really cool. Oh, and last night me and my sister were really hyper (at like one AM) and we started taking pictures of ourselves in the dark with flash on. Lol It was so funny. We were jumping around and in one, Macy said for me to make a 'Nike Shot'. She meant for me to jump in the air or run or something athletic. Lol. I keptjumping. The first two times were fail, but the last two looked cool. I looked like a ninja. Then I went in another room and came back out and Macy jumped at me and I screamed/screached and she took a picture! It was so funny!!!! Anyways, I gotta go practice my singing for Voice Lessons on Thursday =) Bye for now!