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View User's Journal

it's just random stuff.pics,friends,family.yea...it's everything when i need to post in eht XD

last season was pretty short and annoying and heart aching as you all know.it ended with MR.D never even being there for halloween and probably would have never been there for my damn birthday either..but that's over now *^_^*!.heres season 2 XD

It's my birthday today and MR.D is back from wherever the hell he's been im super excited to see him.maybe he'll notice my hair i dyed it so he could notice it,i got my clothes all prettied up and everything ahhhh!.as im smiling and waiting for MR.D to walk through that class room door,and i mean like ADD anxious the worst thing could happen....''Hello class my name is Mr.Cadenes'' he says in a strict tone.my eyes open wide and i am so disappointed and broken down i can't help myself but to say do yet another loud embarrassing thing.''s**t!. where the hell is he?!'' as i notice at the last minute everyone is staring at me Mr.Cadenes is telling me to stay outside the classroom all day and write the word 400 times.You would think my day was starting off bad but i was starting to think the crush was ending.Oh my ******** god....guess who comes walking through the halls at the last minute..the guy himself MR.D.''Jeremiah what're you doin out here?'' He says smiling and getting down to talk to me.i don't say anything looking down.I need to get over him.His life dosent revolve around me.''My roommate said you came by on Halloween and im sorry i wasn't there i'll make it up to you.'' he says.I am not sure but it sounds like he cares,but i still don't say anything.im too busy blushing and trying t control my heart beat at the same time.''well Jer ya gotta talk to me some time.'' He says holding my arm.that's when i really can't handle myself.i let out a tiny moan and blushes red.''that's much better.Now come after school i wanna talk to you about something'' he says smiling when he gets up and goes into the class room.I feel so stupid.im supposed to be independent here..standing my ground.being too busy being mad..No..instead i c** on myself and can't speak being swept away by the sound of his voice and his feelings soothing into my heart making it beat faster then anything..''oh god he's so hot''.I say putting my head down...outside have this toughness trying to hold in how i feel.On the inside i can't help it but fall apart around him...his voice takes me away.his touch punches my heart like cupid shot at it and taught him how to aim...oh MR.D..


i was so happy i was finally going to see MR.D and everything was seeming to go so great for me...in..school.I walked in MR.D's class and i was so excited and then the look over my face including the beat of my heart dropping to my balls.''who is he MR.D?''.Said the principal.MR.D looked at me like i was just some ordinary kid and told me to go away and go home.''I was doing after school tutoring.now where were we?'',said MR.D.I couldn't believe this again he...he did it again and will there be just one time where i wont be stood up.My mom definitely wasn't coming to pick me up so i had to walk home.That was the most creepiest walk home home ever.These guys in this ugly black jeep kept following me in different roads and turning and talking on their phones staring at me.I just ran home instead of walked then.It's like i shouldn't even try..When i got home my sister is eating my candy.I had such a bad day i didn't really care at the moment,then all the sudden a phone call.I was too lazy to get up and way too out of the mood..I just sat there.My sister said someone was on the phone for me.I never wanna talk on the phone because im too much in the worst mood ever.,so she put it on my ear.''Please forgive me...im so sorry...i didn't know that they would be having a meeting'',says MR.D.I lit up like a red light bulb but was still pissed inside.''It's fine.i don't care it's just a birthday.Comes every year''.''Yea i know that but it's your birthday which is very important to me'',says MR.D.I didn't know what to say i was so confused..But something seemed to slip out my mouth.''why me?.why this just for me.''You'll see when i make it up to you tomorrow.I'll pick you up at 5 and i wont screw this up.can't wait bye'',says MR.D..HE said it like he was so determined.why me though?.what made me so special?...At the moment i was blushing like a cherry Christmas tree so it didn't matter i just wanted to be in his arms..


What is wrong with me.I am walking down to room 209.Nobody is in the building,it's scary knowing that and going to MR.D's room.What if he's gonna kill me.or cut me!?.maybe even rape me!-oh wait.i giggled and blushed alittle with the thoughts bubbling around in my head.When i went into room 209 (which was the last class room in the whole school) MR.D was sitting on his desk with this cute light and dark green stripped V-neck sweater and a pair of skinny jeans.You don't know how bad i wanted him to rape me on a damn desk!.He saw my and smiles at me.You know me,i just blushed red and looked away shyly.''You came'',says MR.D walkover to me and holding me close with my head on his chest.He rubbed my back and held me in his arms.''i..y......'', I say not being able to catch my breath and turning really red.''Are you still mad at me Jer?'',says MR.D making a frowning playful face.I felt so horrible and he looked so cute,so i shook my head and blushed red looking away to hide my smile.''awww you're so cute!'',says MR.D stroking my cheek with the back of his hand,then suddenly he held my cheek in his hand and brought me towards him kissing my lips so gently and sweetly.I couldn't believe what was happening right now.''I wont ever let go of you',says MR.D.''wha...MR...MR.D...'' I say moaning as MR.D kisses my neck rubbing my chest.''Yea,that's my name'' ,he whispers in my ear.He picked me up,put me on a desk and started to slide his tongue into my mouth....then.everything went black


Oh my god.Where was I?.I was scared.I was in this big bed,and i was wrapped up in this huge covering of green.I got out of bed and shaking like a tree.Thank god im still in my clothes.I heard the shower running in this other room,so i went in,and boy did I get hard.It was MR.D showering.Running his fingers through his hair,rubbing his chest,moving the hair out of his face as the water hits his hot body.oh s**t!,he spotted me!.''oh hey jer!'',he yells turning my way rubbing all the way down his body and washing his p***s in a way that looks like he's playing with it.I cummed on myself.I cummed so much it went through the front of my hard bulge which was asking to breathe.''I already know you cummed, jer you're cumming so much it's on my bathroom floor.Come wash off with me'',says MR.D smiling and starting to come over to me.''i want you to be clean,babe.You passed out when i kissed you on the desk.Are you ok?'',he says stroking my cheek.I'm so red it's not even funny.The only thing i can say is.''Yes MR.D''.He smiled and kissed me gently staring and then staring into my eyes,he has them locked on mine too.''you're so cute when you blush'' he says taking off my clothes.He sat down and turned the shower into a jacuzzi.It was so pretty and the water rose to his chest and made him even moan alittle.I stared at him and blushed like a light night.''Don't be shy jer'',he says smiling.''Come sit infront of me.like right here with your back against my chest'' Says MR.D.I sat down and relaxed myself when i accidentally brushed myself against his p***s.''watch out.We don't want it just sliding inside that tight hole do we?'' says MR.D smirking and pulling close to his chest.I like it like this.Me.You.No one else to bother us.I snuggled against him and smiles blushing.''Me too'',I say.All the sudden MR.D is putting both his hands on my nipples and massaging them.I can't help it but to moan his name,but only trying to get him to stop.I moaned louder as he played with me like a love toy.I couldn't help myself.I fell into it moaning his name one more time.I could feel his c**k on my back like a huge bonner.''Jer?'',says MR.D in a soft tone in my ear.''Yes'',i moan.'' Would you be ok if i played with you alittle more than this?''.I nodded and told him i wanted more.i told him it felt good.It really did.''ok'',he says while nibbling on my ear.''MR.'' i moaned his name again.MR.D started to wrap his hand around my c**k with the other hand still playing with my n****e.He stroked nice and slow,then massaged my tip,and kissing my neck.I kept moaning louder and louder.moaning his name.arching alittle because how good it felt.I loved what he was doing to me.I was ok.''Jer I wanna kiss you''.I turned my neck so he could.''That's better'',he says and slides his tongue in my mouth making out with me.I play back not helping myself.it was so good i couldn't stop.''im gonna c**..'' i moaned out loud,araching my back and cumming out of the water onto my chest.''mmmm'',says MR.D licking it off his hand.''did you like that,babe'',says MR.D kissing my neck and cleaning off my p***s.''Yes MR.D.it felt really good'',i say still on him snuggling against his chest.''Good.I'm glad you did'',he said laying his head on my shoulder.Yep.That's how the night ended.Like that.I loved it....i think i love him too.''Babe'',he says whispering into my ear.''Yes,MR.D'',i say blushing to his soft voice.''i love you''.He says.I was stunned and couldn't move.I felt the same way,so why disagree.''i love you too'',I say smiling and blushing bright.Mr.D smiled and kissed my cheek,then we both leaned back and fell asleep.My head on his chest.His arms wrapped around me.


Me and MR.D had this huge argument..It was so bad i don't even want to talk about it.Anyway i saw him with his friends at the movies.He was holding hands with my spanish teacher.You knowing me i wanted to shove her head in the popcorn mixer,but i just walked by him sad that we havent talked so long.I regret even blocking him from my life.I was going alone to see the movie ''Zombie Island'' I was sad,depressed,annoyed,and i needed to laugh...so i went there.You will NOT believe who i saw in there!.It was MR.D and my spanish teacher...again!...on his arm!!.''Hey Dominic lets sit in the front row''.That hoe had the nerve to take my man like that.Wait...we're not dating never mind.Wow i need to gather myself.I was walking to my seat.There were only like 15 people in that room and to make it worst the lights just haaaad to be on.That's when....''Oh hey Jeremiah!'',said MR.D smiling and waving walking over to me with that skank,and O.MY.GOD he called me ''Jeremiah''....ew..I tried not to show i was irritated by her very existence.''Hello Jeremiah'', said my spanish teacher smiling.''hellooooo'', I say with a small smile.''Lets sit with him,y'know.give em some company'',said MR.D.I shamefully blushed.''In you go'',says MR.D letting my spanish teacher in first,and then he got in.I sat 2 seats away and just acted like i didn't care even though i was hurting in the inside.Knowing my heart was aching to get closer to him.MR.D looked at me and i watched his smile drift away into a frown.That hurt me alot,so this happened.''Oh i just wanted to see if all the seats felt the same'',I say giggling and sitting next to MR.D.He did a small smile and looked at the screen,then he took off his hat.I was so stunned I think i stayed like that for 6 minutes.He had black and white hair.It was so sexy and he did this adorable smile and turned to me asking ''what do you think hun?''.I was too shocked to even speak.He held my hand and the next thing i know i was in the car.''Are you mad at me'',He says frowning and looking at me.''No MR.D,...Um..Is your name Dominic?''.He stroked my cheek and nodded.''Can i call you Dominic?'',I say looking away shy.''I love it when you call me MR.D.It turns me on.If you don't mind,I'd like to stick with MR.D ok babe?'',smiling and bringing me toward him.I nodded and blushed red smiling.He lifted up my chin and kissed me lightly on the lips.i was in paradise.I kept continuing the kiss.I didn't want it to end.He went ''mmmm'' and slid his tongue in my mouth.I i let him play his tongue with mine swapping my gum in his mouth.I could feel my tongue on his tongue ring.''We should ge-''.''No'',he says sitting down in the front seat and taking me with him on his lap making out.....I loved everything that was happening.''I love you'' He says as he stopped and looked me in the eyes.''I love you too MR.D'' I say blushing red.


It was raining and i lied to my parents telling them i was going to a friends house when i went to MR.D's apartment.Him and I have been doing better.He's so sweet and funny and I love when he tells me to shut up after telling him how cute something was that he did.''Do you like Maruchan Noodles?,he says putting a bowl infront of me.He was making himself one as i was chowing down.i didn't eat lunch of breakfast today and before i snuck over...Nothing.''Someone's hungry'' Says MR.D smiling and taking the hanging noodle from my mouth and slurping it in his.''Mmmmmmm GOOD!'',he says rubbing his stomach and smiling.I laughed and kept eating.''I wanted to ask you something MR.D,but i dun want to make you mad'', I say toying with my food.''Yea ted?'',He says smiling and looking at me.''lift your head up.Stop looking down i wanna see that cute face,and you never make me mad.stop saying that ok?''.I nodded and blushed red..''Well go ahead and ask me bear''.I blushes red and just..Said it hoping he would't get mad.''When can we have sex?''.He was smiling and then his eyes got alittle wider and he choked on his maruchan noodles JUST for a second and looked up at me.I didn't know what to do so i looked down.''When do you want it?'',He says holding my hand.''I wanted to wait till you were older,but if you want to we can do it now''.i just want to know how it feels is all.I'm sorry for--.''Stop saying sorry it's ok.You act like i never wanted to,He says smirking and walking over to me.


It was so fast.Everything was happening so quick.I was so hard i couldn't stop and i was being held by MR.D so if i tried to slide down what scared me back up was that huge bulge.''Is it gonna hurt?'',i say as he lays me down on my back making out with me slowly pushing his bulge into my opened legs.He stopped and started slowly kissing my neck,still grinding slowly but alittle hard in my open legs.''At first it does but it'll get alittle easier.don't worry i'll try not to go so hard.''Jerry can you do me a favor?.I always wanted you to,but never thought you'd want to''.I blushed red and nodded.''Yes MR.D?''.''Um...Will you...Mind.Blowing me?''.I was blushing more red than ever.I always told myself because of my teeth doing things like blowing cocks was a bad idea.I wanted him to know i would do anything for him.I nodded.''You...You don't have to if you don't want to hun.''.I ignored his comment and unzipped his pants and,then pulled out his p***s.I was shocked at how big it was.i was scared to even have the thought of riding it,but this was my chance to prove i was ready for him.I stroked his c**k gently and then put the tip of it in my mouth.I circled my toungue around the tip going as far as i could down.''Oh...oh-god..that's great'',Said MR.D layign his head back and suddenly putting his hand on the back of my head.I couldn't take it all,but i wanted him to know i could take eht.I swallowed his C**k in my mouth gagging on it while moaning.He gripped me hair and moaned.''oh yea.You're doin so good''.I gagged alittle more going as deep as i could.I started deep throating and moaning.he tightened the grip and took told me to stop,so i did.He layed me down and opened my legs.I didn't know what was going on,but i trusted him and didn't care as long as i was with him.''I wanted to try this on you.It wont hurt''He sais smiling up at me.He took his shirt off and pulled down my thong and boxers.he kept his boxers on only but let his c**k hang out.I was scared.He put 2 fingers in his mouth,sucked them licked them and slid them inside me gently.''a.....a...it.'',i say moaning lightly.He slid them farther inside my tight hole.''You're so tight'',he said smirking and going in and out.I moaned louder and arched my back covering my face.I think i am horribly ugly when make faces.I didn't want him to see.''why are you covering your face.i wanna see.it's cute.i let him see me make my faces as he went alittle faster.I moaned louder.it hurt but it felt alittle better.He was over me now with my legs opened and licking his fingers clean.''How'd that feel?,did it hurt?''.He says smiling and laying his body ontop of mine.I was red and smiling.''It hurt alittle.Was i good?'',I say looking up at him.''You were great jerbear'',he says smiling down at me.He told me that I wasn't ready for the real thing and maybe i should catch some sleep.I agreed with him,after all he was right.I couldn't take the real thing.As i snuggles into his bed he came up behind and me,pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me.''I love you Jerbear''.He says in my ear.''I love you too MR.D'',I say smiling and snuggling against him.....night


I woke up that morning with nothing on and i heard the shower running.I couldn't believe that was such a great night.And there was no fighting no arguing or anything.I was NOT comfortable with my body so i used his see through green robe.He had like every kind of green robe there was in the world.I just took see trough because it was long and silky.When i went to the shower to go see MR.D I was still half sleepy so i couldn't really concentrate.''Whoa babe.Sit down before you hurt yourself'',Says MR.D smiling at me washing his chest.I turned red and sat down on the toilet.He laughed alittle and smiled at me.''You didn't shower last night come in here with me so you can freshen up''.I was so happy.im always happy with him.He always is s willing and makes sure im ok.''ok MR.D'',i say taking off the robe.I got on with him and stood infront of him while he washed my back.''Wanna go somewhere today?'',he asks bringing me close to him and washing my chest from behind me.i told him i'll go anywhere he wants to go,but then he said he wanted me to pick.I don't like picking i rather him do it,because his places are always better.''Wanna go to sixflags''?,He said putting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around me.I was so excited that i kne if i even tried to move i'd hit him so i nodded.He smiled and turned me around,looking into my eyes.''Good.Now i need to get you home so your parents don't worry.Tell them you were at Miranda's house ok?'',he says lifting my head and then lightly kissing me on the lips.I said yes to him and then we both got out of the shower.We played with eachother getting dry.I was so blushy it wasn't even funny.I put my clothes on and we were on our way t my house.''So i'll pick you up at 5 and we can go together ok?'',said MR.D smiling,while focusing on the road.I said''mmk'' and giggled.When we got to my house i was ready for the bullshit,but before i could get out the door MR.D grabbed my arm and looked at me smiling.''I love you'',H says and then bringing me closer to him,so he could kiss me goodbye.I blushed red like always and smiled and said ''I love you too MR.D'' and then i got out and shut the door.He waited for the door to open and watch my dad yell at me to then drive off....i can't wait till later.i love him.


I put on my eyeliner.I had these cute black skinny jeans i loved to wear,so i put those on.I wore my V-neck skinny black sweater.I pulled the sleeves up and put on my black and white high tops.I got all my hair cut off so all i do when i go out in public and at home is wear my black Du rag and whatever color im wearing i put that color bandanna on my head with the durag covering it.I was waiting and MR.D was up to 3 hours late.Then,the phone started to ring so i ran to pick it up.It was MR.D he said he couldn't come right now.He said he'd have to do our fun time another day because He was helping to friends who were having a really bad day.I said ok,but i think he knew there was sadness in my voice.He explained about how he'd make it up and i just smiled to myself hoping he was right.''tell me you love me'',Says MR.D playfully.I blush and giggles every time he does this because it's cute and he sounds funny ''i love you'' i say giggling.''I love you too,cuteness.I promise I'll make it up to you.I always fall for that.''Go to Ryan's house.He's right down the street hun'',Says MR.D.''Ok'' ,I say in a soft voice.It was dark out and it was 9:00 so ofcorse it was.I didn't really know what to think or say or even do at the moment besides walk out that door to ryan's house.When i got out the door MR.D was sitting against his car holding flowers and smiling at me.I blushes so red it wasn't even funny.I just stood there too.I almost cried.''Well are ya gonna come down here and hug me or not?'',He yells to me and laughing.I walk down to him and hugged him tight blushing.He rubbed my back and lifted my head up to kiss me.Lightly sliding his tongue in my mouth.I played along and blushed red.''Mmmm.you make it taste so good''.He says in my ear.I blushed and made i tiny moan.''MR.D?...''i ask lightly trying not to c**.''He looks in my eyes and smiles.''Yea babe?''.''What are you doing here?''.I ask looking back up and blushing at his smile.''I'm here to take you out,now lets go it's cold outside.He opened the door for me.I just blushed and was on my way in when MR.D smacked my a**.''MR.D'' i say giggling and blushing.''I couldn't help myself.You know how cute you are'' He says going to his side of the door.I sat down and smiled to myself happy to see him.I missed him.Yea it was just a day or 2,but he means alot to me.''Hey'',Says MR.D looking at me.I turned his way and blushed.''hm?''.''I'm happy to see you tonight''.I smiled looking down and giggled.''I'm happy to see you too MR.D''.He fingered me to come closer.I did as i was told and leaned in.He held my cheek and kissed me gently.I think we kissed for about 2 minutes,and then we drove off holding hands...Tonight is gonna be beautiful


I woke up in MR.D House wearing my white thong and his white hoodie.We didn't have sex,but he fingered me again.He told me once again that im not ready for his c**k.MR.D was sleeping.I looked at his sleeping face.He looked so cute.I wanted to just kiss em.I smiled and thought..why not.He wont know.I leaned in quietly and softly kissed his lips.I was fulled!.MR.D pulled my body on his and kept kissing.I was swept away and happy to know he was awake.He flipped so that was was ontop of me with my legs open.''Hey babe'',He said in that cute sleepy soft voice of his.''Hi MR.D'',I say,so shy i turn away blushing and smiling.''mm-mm,don't turn that cute face away from me'',He said gently pushing his front in my open legs and looking in my eyes.''I'm sorry'' I say giving a small smile and blushing at him hoping he wont notice my bulge.''Don't apologize hun'',He said giggling,and he leaned down to kiss me.I kissed back,then he rolled for me to be ontop.I bounced up and down trying to stay ontop,but that made me moan kind of loud,which also made my bulge bigger.''Whoa.Isn't that cute.He says looking at my bulge smiling.''We're you thinking of me?''.blushes red and nodded.He sat up with me still on his lap and he held my a** with both hands.I blushed and looked down,but i saw his hard c**k and looked the other way.He grinned and smirked when he noticed what i saw.''Lay down jer''.He says laying me down.''What are you doing MR.D?'' I ask shyly.''shhhhh''HE said sliding down my thong making my hard c**k fling out.He chuckled and played with the tip.''wha....d..''.I moaned his name softly as he stroked my hard c**k.''I want to suck you.You sucked me and i wanted to return the favor.''He said putting his mouth around the tip of my c**k and licking it all around.Then suddenly swallowing it all in his mouth going up and down.''oh god that feels so good MR.D'' holding my chest and moaning louder.He took his head off my wet c**k.''You like that babe?''.He says stroking and licking the tip again while doing so.It felt so good with his mouth around it.I loved it.He spit on it and swallowed all the way down again moaning.He took his mouth back and stroked it while sucking it.''MR.D.i.im...im gonna c**.'' I moan softly.He took deep throated and i felt it.I let out a long moan and c** in his mouth.he took his mouth off my c**k as c** dripped from his mouth to my tip.''I'm...im sorry MR.D.i couldn't hold it in.''i say afraid he was mad.He swallowed the c** and licked the rest off my c**k.He then lifted his head up smiling at me.I wasn't expecting what he told me to come out of his mouth.''Jer...we smell like sex'' Said MR.D laughing and getting ontop of me.His body might have been pretty heavy but i liked him ontop of me.My legs were open again and his c**k was touching mine.''How was that?'' He asked stroking my cheek and smirking.''It was incredible MR.D''I say blushing and smiling.He started kissing me and rubbing his d**k against mine.I kissed back.''You're a tease MR.D'' I say giggling with my hand on his chest.''well i have no idea what you are talking about Jerry'',He says smirking and sliding his tongue in my mouth making out with me.I kept it going.''Oh i'm a tease huh?.Look at you,can't keep your lips off of mine''.Says MR.D laughing and laying next to me.I layed my hand and head on his chest snuggling against him.He held my a** in one hand keeping me close to him.''eh Jer?'' He says kissing my head.''Yes MR.D'' I say smiling and blushing,giggling alittle.''I love joo''.He said.''Hm?''.i laughed.''I love JOO too MR.D''..


The good news was that I love MR.D and we have a great time i his apartment with taking a shower and the blow job and having breakfast together.The bad news was that i was late for school...4 hours late.MR.D told me to meet him at his car at lunch time when got to school that was already time,so we stopped at star bucks so he could get some coffee and he got me a french vanilla lote.When we got our drinks we stopped at a park and we sat on the back of the car.''Enjoying the day babe?''.He said drinking some of his coffee.I nodded and i was distracted day dreaming that i forgot my lote was hot.I sipped a huge gulp through the straw and it burnt my tongue my tongue and i screamed kinda loud.I moaned loud too.One thing i do accidentally is moan when im in pain no matter what.or i just don't say anything at all if it hurts too bad.''Awww.you ok babe.C'mere.''MR.D says.He took went to get some ice.He put some in his mouth and started making out with me.It felt good but i was wondering what this had to do with my burning tongue.Then, he swapped the ice in my mouth.''There.'',He said smiling and continuing to drink his coffee.It did feel better so i kept it in my mouth.We spent that whole time talking about how many kids he wanted and how i'd treat her like a princess.He told me I'd be a great mom/dad and i told him he'd make a great dad.''Aww thankyou hun.''HE said smiling at me and laying me down ontop of his car and staring at the sky with me.''Hey jer that cloud looks like you riding me like a man'' He randomly said smirking and pointing at a cloud that looked like a huge floating piece of dust.''the other one looks lie i cummed inside you'' HE continued.I couldn't help myself.I let my boner show.and it was trying to breathe through my pants.oh my god get the hell out of sight! what the hell!.Like I was hoping wouldn't happen.happened..like always.''Bear.You're boner.'' Said MR.D rubbing my bulge and kissing my cheek.''Wanna play around right here?''.''But MR.D i have to get to school''.I moaned feeling his hand on my bulge.''Good Boy.Education comes first'' HE said sliding his hand under my shirt and playing with my n****e and turning my head his way to make out with me.I played his tongue with mine feeling his tongue ring.''Please can we have a quick one.''.''I have to get to class MR.D'' I say stopping.''Look me in the eyes and tell me you dun want me to play right now.'' HE said staring me dead in the eyes and rubbing my n****e under my shirt.i can't resist him and he knows it.You can say im wrapped around his finger,but in a way that he loves me.''Ok but we have to hurry ok?'' I say smiling and blushing red.'' I was hoping you'd say that.'' says MR.D my hard bulge.''Rub mine babe''.I was scared of touching his c**k.it was so big.and when i put my hands around it,it's like im touching a water bottle.''Hold it baby.It's ok'' Said MR.D smirking and putting my hand around with his and helping me stroke him.MR.D moaned and let his head back.''yea baby,like that''.He says.I was also enjoying his hand on my hard d**k.We layed like that playing with eachothers nipples for 2 minutes and then MR.D told me to sit up,so i did.He sat up too.He put my body on his and we stroked our selves moaning.''i had my hand on his chest and he was licking my nipples.''Jer..i..im gonna c**!'' He says groaning the words softly.He cummed and it shot out on my face and on my clothes.I cummed on his clothes too and on his d**k.We spent 6 extra minutes sucking eachother doing a 69.It was so hot.I loved that.After all of the orgy fun went back to his house to clean up.Then he took me to school.He stopped infrnt of the school parking lot and looked at me.''You know i love you right?.I just don't have hot ogries with you just to have orgies.I really love you''He said staring in my eyes.''You don't have to tell me that MR.D i know you love me.I love you too'' I say smiling and staring back.I actually stared back in his eyes.They're beautiful and dark blue.''come here and sit in my lap''.He says fingering me to come here.''We're right infront of the school MR.D'' I say blushing and smiling.''I don't care,babe come here''.I came over to him and we made out one last time,he told me he loved me..I had his gum in my mouth now.and then i got out.He waited an hour before coming to the school because he said it would be suspicious if we came at the same time....You rock my world MR.D.♥.♥


Today was Christmas eve and MR.D wanted to go skating.I didn't know how to ice skate but apparently he did and he wanted to show me how fun it was.Ofcorse i didn't argue and he told me he was on his way to come get me.I wore a white T-shirt that had a reindeer on it and a white pair of skinny jeans with leg warmers and arm warmers,also i wore a Eskimo hat just to look funny.Then,i grabbed my scarf and headed out the door.He told me last time my neighbors were stalking us when he came to my house the other day so i had to start walking up the street and waiting for him.There was no snow in Georgia and most of the time it was too ghetto.Have you ever heard the saying ''when too many black people come around it gets too hot'' well this is ghetto topia.I guess that's why it dosent snow.Freezing cold and bored 2 minutes later comes MR.D.He rolled down the window and there he was smiling.''hey babe'' he yelled from the other seat of the car.''Get in''.I got in the car and sat down.He looked at me up and down and told me i looked cute.I forgot also t say hi and he didn't like that.''Why so silent?'' Says MR.D concerned with a sad smile on his face.''I'm always silent MR.D'' I say giggling.''Well you didn't say hi to me.I thought something was wrong.'' He says looking me in the eyes.I blushes and looked in his.When this happens i usually get shyer because he's so hot....Damn you MR.D for turning me on!.''I'm sorry MR.D.And no you didn't do anything.I was just cold and didn't know what to say.''.I say looking down shyly crossing my legs.''Well i know what you could say hun''.He says starting the engine and driving off.''You could say.Heeeey MR.D!'' He said in a funny way.I laughed and giggled.I'm just glad he's not mad at me.I never want that.We stopped at this store.I think it was for buying ice skates.''MR.D?''.Why are we here can't we just go get some while were at the skating rink?''.I ask.''I wanna buy some skates here.Now stop arguing and get your cute a** out the car'.He says smiling and opening the door for me.I blushes and got out giggling.We spent like 30 minutes trying to find skates.He found a pair i didn't like or I found a pair he didn't like.Then,there came these shoes for 100 dollars.I didn't want to make him spend that much all for me.''I love these''.He says taking them down.We argued in the store for 5 minutes because i didn't want him spending that much on lil ole me.''Babe I'm buying you these because I love you and you deserve them not stop this and let me buy them for you.I'll be very upset if you don't.''I was sitting on the sofa where you try on your skates and he had to squat down to say that.''But i-''.He cut me off.''Buuuuuuut i want you to be happy and like i said i'll be very upset.''He says holding my hands and looking in my eyes.I blushes red and said ok.ONLY because i can't help it when i stare in those eyes so leave me alone readers of America!.We were at the skating ring and MR.D was helping me put on my shoes.''No hun it goes like this''.he laughed at my epic failure.I wasn't mad because i was laughing too.As soon as i we get on the skating ring floor i slip and fall forwards.MR.D caught me from behind and held me close to him putting his head on my shoulder.''Be careful babe ok?.Don't wanna mess up that pretty face''.He says turning me around and kissing my head.I blushes and smiled,giggling.We skated for hours.I fell and he'd pick me back up.one time he even fell and i fell in between his legs.We were face to face and all i could do was look down and blush smiling.''Aww''.He says lifting my head up and kissing me gently cupping my chin lightly.I kissed back and he kept it going.I sat in his lap and we started making out.Wow i think i need a boner cup to keep Mr.Ding Dong down.He slid his tongue in my mouth and i played mine on his tongue ring as he held my a** moving me up and down slowly in his lap.I accidentally made a few moans.It felt so good when he touched me though.I couldn't help myself.If you were with someone so sexy i'm sure you wouldn't be able to help yourself either.We ate ice cream together on the ice rink floor.He wanted me to try His favorite ice cream ''Cherry Garcia''.while MR.D was eating his he purposely dropped it.''Oh no.I wonder what I'm Gonna eat'' He said looking smirking at me.''You want some of my Cherry Garcia MR.D?'' I asked innocently and nicely.''You bet i do babe'' He said coming over me and laying me down and making out with me.I was so caught in the moment i almost dropped the ice cream.''No.Hold it up.''.I held it up as he lifted up my shirt and played with my nipples making out with me playing his tongue with mine.''Don't drop it ok?'' He says,MR.D massaging my bulge.''O..Ok'' I moan.MR.D took out my hard c**k and stroked it slowly.He looked in my eyes and couldn't help but slowly start to kiss me.No making out.Just slowly.Sweetly.Kissing me on the lips while stroking me.I moaned while the kiss was happening.his hand around my hardon made me feel like i was in paradise and the kiss to go with it.Then sexual sensation felt so good i lost control of my arm.MR.D took his hand from under my shirt and held my arm up to help and continued the kiss and stroking me.He gave one more stroke and i cummed all over his hand.He stopped kissing me.He was laying next to me while he put his head on mine and smiled.''How'd that feel.''.I was so into what happened i couldn't speak.''It felt good huh?''.I nodded while my head on his and cummed more.He spent the next 6 minutes blowing me to get the c** off my c**k.We spent the rest of that 30 minutes huggling,cuddling,snuggling,and kissing.It was time to go.We gave our skates back and headed off.He stopped the car where he picked me up.I remembered after last time that he loves it when i kiss him goodbye.''Seeya later MR.D.I love you.'' I said blushing staring in those beautiful dark blue eyes of his.He looked surprised for a sec and giggled.''Usually I'm the one doing this,but i love it when you say it.You look so shy it's cute.I blushed and smiled.''C'mere''.I came over and he kissed me one last time holding my cheek.''I love you Jerbear''.He said departing slowly and saying into my ear.''I love you too MR.D.I say blushing really red and looking down shyly.He got out the car and opened the door for me.''Oh and be ready at 8 I'm gonna take you to a Movie''.I nodded and smiled. ''Ok'' I say giggling..''Don't forget babe'' He says smiling and shutting the door.We made out outside of his car for a moment then,he said goodbye and left......I can't wait MR.D ♥.♥.


Me and MR.D havent seen eachother for a while since we had another fight.He was running late and i thought he forgot about me,but he didn't.He took it the wrong way and let me wait there till 4 o clock in the morning when i walked home.He told me he's tired of the negativity and if he's having a good day i mess it up.The whole ''i stay with you because i love you'' thing must have been some line just to charm me..Today i walked to the movies again like i do when i am upset and i saw MR.D with some really cute guy.I mean like seriously too cute.Cuter than me.He saw me,but you could tell by the look of his eyes he wanted me gone,so i left.Things were hard now.I had nobody to go to when i was down.Everything was going wrong.I missed him even if he didn't want to see me again.As i was walking home MR.D was driving by with the guy in his car.Obviously he was that angry at me.I headed home.Nobody to walk to with my sadness.i could really use some of MR.D right now...Things werent getting any better when i got home either.My mom was bitching at me while i was listening to music because i wasn't doing her dirty work.She could have asked the girls to,but she didn't.It's like that song speechless.''I'll never talk again.''.''You've left me speechless.so speechless''.I'll never talk again due to the fact he was the only guy that actually treated me like a princess.Then this...He left me speechless for even having the thought of leavin me there all night and not even wanting to tell me i was going to be left there.And then changing me out of the conversation.''Would you give it all up.would you give it all up.if i promise boy.to you''..Night


Christmas break was over and it was time to go back to school.I just stayed in the boys bathroom wishing i never went here and wishing i didn't have so much negativity in my life.He probably dosent wanna see my face anyway.I decided to listen to sad music on my MP4 player in the bathrom and i closed my eyes.I don't know how many minutes went by but when i opened my eyes it was dark as hell.I couldn't see anything.It was pitch black.I turned my Mp4 player off and Then there was the foot steps.I shook so fast.I was scared.''Jer''.Said a voice in the darkness.I squeaked and almost started crying.Why was a I crying?.I was crying because it was MR.D who was there.I suddenly felt arms tight around me and we sat on the bathroom floor.He sounded like he was panicking.''Are you ok?''.He kept asking questions like there was some crazy shooter in the school.''I'm fine MR.D'' i was blushing and having my head into his chest.''I thought you were hurt.I was so worried.''Why werent you in class?'' He said not letting go and rubbing my head and my back.He was holding on alittle too tight.Apparently there was an angry parent.2 kids were shot and 4 teachers.Im so happy one of those teachers wasn't him.He explained to me how on the roster it said i was present so he immediately came looking for me.He said when he heard a Celine Dion song in the boys bathroom h could have sworn it as me.he told me how happy he was that i was safe....I love you MR.D..im sorry for what happened between us


You would think everything's alright,but it's not.Not that much of excitement anymore with MR.D.Now all it is,is just when he has time he'll see me.I'm ok with that.It's not like the world revolves around me.I'm nothing special.I haven't seen MR.D for a month and it has been incredibly depressing but relaxing.It's like getting over a break up and realizing how much time you wasted with that person,wishing you didn't.Tomorrow I was supposed to be going to an audition for dancing and singing.I can sing.I can do some dance,acting?.Lets try it.I was gonna ask MR.D to join me but why do that.I wish i could tell him some things,but that would not make him and I any better.Last month like when i asked him if I was good jail bait he was very irritated by the word.''Stop saying that ok?.It's bad enough being with you is illegal.I don't need you reminding me.''.Believe it or not that is the last thing he said to before i didn't see him again.Well ofcorse was ''i love you'' and then me getting out of the car and walking him.He's starting to have to work more and i am starting to hate every minute of it.No time for jer,but i can't tell him that.Sometimes when the truth is setting you free.It's killing the inside s of someone else...


Guess what readers and stalking journal hoes!.IT"S SNOWHEEEEEEEEEEN!,and yes i put a ''H'' in that ''wheeeeeen''.Have a problem?.Write a document to someone who cares.I surprisingly got a letter from MR.D He moved to New Jersey and that was the reason I haven't seen him in so long.I thought I'd be pretty sad but i don't really care.I'm use to it.I do still miss him alot though.Missing the huggling,snuggling,cuddling and kissing,but life is not like a fairy tell,BUT!!....I said but.It is like a box of chocolates.Which by the way i think is very retarded since im allergic to chocolate...who ever made that up is racist!.Why can't it be like a box of starburst huh?.Yea think about that author of the racist quote..think about it.He told me he was gonna come back to take me on a date.I usually would be jumping up and down but this past month has been weird and i think i changed.I just smiled and kissed the letter.I was looking forward to the date.I was looking forward to see him too.(2 hours later) it was 6:00 i wanted to make a come back.My hair grew back,but i started to always shave of or cut low the sides.When my hair was cut off i took it as a new beginning for myself.A way to start fresh as dumb as it sounds my precious her being forced off the back of my head was a rude awakening.I was straightening my hair.i honestly think he'll be surprised when he sees me.I now have snake bites.silver.I look like a rocker but I am not and i made sure i got the circlets.I didn't want those ugly pointing things on my lips.i just wanted the pretty circularly ones.Wanna know what i wear?.OFCOOOORSE YOU DO!!!.lol.I wore a black tanktop with these long fingerless black leather gloves,and black skinny jeans.IM NOT EMO!.There was MR.D.He looked incredibly sexy.I wanted to hug him,but he was too busy wide eying me so i just thought i'd let him just stare.''You...You..Whoa'' He says tilting his head and still in shock.''I didn't even recognize you''.He said looking up to notice my hair ''Wow...You look amazing''.The new me would have just acted like he didn't care but the old me came rushing back when he hugged me....This was going to be one hell of a date


Tonight MR.D told me I was being annoying out of nowhere and then 10 minutes later we argued more and he said i was irritating.We stopped talking,but everytime i asked a question he said it pissed him off.He was so mad he made me get out the car 1 mile away from my house.When i cried he said it was to make him fall in a guilt trap.I told him it's called ''getting my feelings hurt''.He asked me about something i didn't remember at the movies too and because i didn't remember it seem to make him more mad.I found out most of the time when i talk it gets on his nerves.When i ask questions it irritates him.The conversation went to teaching me how to deep throat to him being so mean and trying to deny it by making me feel bad even more.He told me everytime i was being serious he said i was ''craving attention'' I've never begged,or cried so hard in my life.He didn't even care he just kept that wall thinking only of the negative.That wall was so strong it made him tink everything bad about me he wanted to.It's ok.He just needed some time alone.I was saying bye as i got out the car.''I'm gonna go''.i say sadly still with the tears running down my face.''Ok''.He said looking straight ahead with a voice like he didn't care.''Im just gonna go him now.1 mile away from my house'' I say shutting the door behind me.''What are you waiting for?''.He says locking it.''You're not gonna say it.I say with more tears forcing themselves out.''You cry alot.And we don't have to say it all the time.''He says starting the engine.''You use to get sad when I didn't say before i left now it's like this.What did i do to make you so mean.''I say with more tears than ever.I was so confused I didn't remember what he said so long ago,i asked alot of questions because im curious,And im crying That made him mad.I wasn't crying for attention i just Have never been in a situation where someone says i cry for attention.The life i live shows it's not for attention it's to get over the pain im going through.He saw it a** putting him in guilty mode.He didn't even try to think other wise.It was that thought the whole time while i cried.I walked home freezing to death.It's not like he'd turn around get me anyway.I'm sorry I forgot.Im sorry i cry because of my life.Im sorry im not your ex im sorry i cry by the way you treated me...im sorry..im so..so..sorry....why do you hate me MR.D...


I heard from someone very smart that the truth might be setting you free but hurting someone else.He did tell me the truth.He told me the truth about alot of things.He even told he had a friend with benefits.If i had a friend with benefits it would kill him.I think he dosent love me anymore but that's just me assuming things again.The way he acted sure made it seem that way though.It hurt the way he treated me.I was not craving attention.He kept that thought in his head so long.Maybe i should call him.Just to see what's going on.Or maybe i should just leave him alone.I forgot that i irritated and annoyed him that day.Today i decided to go swimming.Yes in the cold.MR.D went back to New Jersey with his friend Liam.When i went into the water it was so cold,but i didn't care.I didn't care if i drowned.Everything was falling apart with him.He's the only guy that tried to make sure i was ok,buy me gifts on occasions and he gave me this necklace i STILL wear even if he's mad me.I stayed in the pool all day until 12 in the morning when it was closed.My eyes opened to the hospital though.I was no longer floating in the pool.I was cold shaking and wet.Turns out MR.D brought me here.He was on his way to return my stuff when he saw me underwater.''Where is he?'' I said with a scratchy voice.''Don't talk hun just be quiet'',Says one of the doctors in the room.''Where is he''.i say alittle more serious.''I need you to just sleep please''.She says nicely.''Lady...I was asleep for hours.Where the hell is MR.D!''.The woman stared at me with confusion then ran out of the room.I wasn't gonna just sit there and wait for her to come back.I was tired,annoyed,and missing MR.D already.i felt so weak,like my legs would stop working.I held onto walls in junk to hold myself ,but that barely did me good.Where are you MR.D.I wanna see you and apologize.I kept that thought in my head the whole time.If you saw me right now you'd think i was the African American version of the grudge but with the sides of my hair shaved off.I was on my way to the waiting room when i saw MR.D.He just came out of the bathroom.He was right in front of me.The problem was that his back was to me and he didn't see me.He kept walking.Don't go MR.D.I tried to get those words out my mouth.I tried harder and harder each time.I tried too hard i guess and fell to the floor.I can't believe it,but again.I past out.Oh my god i swear this is getting annoying.I should be stable now all this damn falling.Seriously is this even necessary?.''Ok He's awake.I'm out of here''.Said MR.D getting up from his seat.Wait....I grabbed his wrist.Eyes still shut.''Please...don't leave..not again.''.I say with my eyes shut to embarrassed to open them.''You need to sleep''.He says pulling his arm away and walking out towards the door.''I'm sorry!.I'm sorry ok?.Why can't that be good enough?''.I say with a tear coming down my cheek.He stopped at the door back turned to me still.He stood there for a sec.''You need to rest''.He walked right out the room....I sniffed and cried hard wishing he never left.I gripped the necklace on my neck and kissed it.I still love you MR.D.I slowly cried myself to sleep.....I still love you..♥

You guys wanna know somethin?...I caught MR.D sleeping with his ex in the classroom when i went to go give him this green love letter with cupcakes.......I loved him.I thought he felt the same way.Everything was going great.Yes we fought and everything but im glad i was told before i let this go on....Later that day...I can't let that happen again..''I still love you hun''.But i want you to burn in hell.'' I smiled.But i was letting him know dead or alive....I was done.I walked out the school doors.Watching my hair blow in the wind out side was breezing.You don't understand how good it felt to be free from that

User Comments: [3] [add]
Xx-Crazy Quayze-xX
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 27, 2009 @ 08:25pm
the ending of pg.14 was so sad

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 20, 2009 @ 08:19pm
aww i like the story hun :3

Community Member
Rhythm Renegade
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 23, 2010 @ 12:57am
The colors are hurting my eyes, but ill try to READ! :]D

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