Name ::

- Lucian
Job Title ::
- Performer
Residency ::
- Discarded Sins (Faolin’s Building)
Race ::
- Vampire Bat Demon
Hair Color ::
- White
Hair Style ::
- Long and spikey
Eye Color ::
- Gold
Skin Color ::
- Dark, very dark.
Height ::
- 6’ 3’’
Age ::
- 790
Personality ::
- He believes that he is a small part of something much more and that everything is pre destined. Thus, he has a pretty laid back sort of aloofness to him that is for the most part endearing. He also is unable to believe in anything that he is unable to see, feel, taste or touch, and finds it at times even hard to believe that anything scientific or religion based is real. God for religion and Air, gravity, physics, and such for science. He likes to have fun, and isn’t really aggressive or forceful in any aspects of his life, even when other’s are being cruel or unfair to him, he generally just smiles and goes with the flow of things.
Clothing ::
- Shall’s and neck based items. He can’t wear shirts because of his wings and how they are attached to his spine. Think of an actual bat and how the wings are attached along it’s back, thus, how his own are attached to him. He can, however, wear jeans and has the tendency to wear almost any sort that he can get his hands on. He loves very loose or very tight pants, nothing in between will do, and he loves a variety of colors and designs as well.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- His large black wings that allow him to fly. Fanged teeth, and extremely oval eyes. His ears are ‘wing’ like as well and he has talon’s for nails.
Brief History ::
- Most of Lucian’s life was spent cooped up in a cave or a cage. In one he was wild and animal like, scavenging for food and water just to survive another day, completely uncivilized, and in the other he was kept alive with substance but was beaten and tortured. Eventually he escaped his captors and flew off to start a new life in Paris. He has to feed off the blood of mortals in order to survive, for the taste of an immortal’s blood sickens him. After living in Paris through the era of kings, queens, balls and elegance he became refined. For many of the romanticism years he studied up on philosophy of all sorts and learned many languages so that he could enjoy poetry and well written prose in his spare time.
One night, whilst feeding, however, he accidentally made a ‘vampire’. Not one of the normal sort, since he himself was not a soulless beast, but instead one that retained it’s soul but became bound to one of a demon. Luke. A young priest of the era, scared, trembling and attacked in a strange man’s home woke the following morning next to him, much to his surprise and ever since then he had become addicted to his little accident’s blood ever since. Even to this day, however, he and Luke have never, not even once shared a moment of intimacy. They have never kissed on the lips let alone anything further because of Luke’s Christian beliefs.
Special Abilities ::
- He has a mental bond with Luke, and can normally tell if he’s in danger or not. He can fly, and has the strength of five fully grown human men, and he can control the flow of time. He can’t stop it, but he can slow it substantially thus making it appear that he can move very…very fast, when really he makes everything else move really slowly.
Habits or Quirks ::
- He moves with an almost eel like grace about him. He does get fidgety, however, when he is nervous and is also easily startled. He twitches his wings and ears when he’s bored or focused on something, and he starts twitching and ‘whiny’ whenever he starts craving the blood of his strongest addiction. (Luke’s blood)
Name :: 
Job Title ::
Residence ::
Race ::
Hair Color ::
Hair Style ::
Eye Color ::
Skin Color ::
Height ::
Age ::
Personality ::
Clothing ::
Distinguishing Traits ::
Brief Background ::
Special Abilities ::
Habits or Quirks ::

- Luke
Job Title ::
- Priest
Residence ::
- Discarded Sins (Faolin‘s Building)
Race ::
- Vampire
Hair Color ::
- Copper
Hair Style ::
- Short hair which is cut so it’s out of his face. A bit longer in back than it is in front. There’s also a few strands which are longer that hang in the front/middle which spikes up on it’s own accord.
Eye Color ::
- Lavender
Skin Color ::
- Bronze
Height ::
- 6’1
Age ::
- 27
Personality ::
- Shy. Despite how quiet Luke is and how faithful he is in his beliefs, he knows who he is. From his quiet outward appearance one might assume otherwise, but if anything the young man is very confident in himself. When his hunger gets to be too much, as a newly made vampire, he finds himself ashamed. Often times locking himself away for rather intense prayer sessions, wishing to clean himself of all weakness. The reason for this being that despite Lucian’s teachings, something went wrong when he was made, and as such he can only feed from Lucian. Which is often more trouble than it’s worth due to the perverse bat.
Clothing ::
- Luke doesn’t wear anything besides his robes, (occasionally, if dressing ‘down‘, he will wear a black shirt with the white collar marking him as a priest and a pair of blue jeans). He can be sometimes seen in a button up long sleeve white shirt, with the buttons mostly undone. However this is usually only at night, in the privacy of his own room. For the cold winter days he has a long black trench coat like jacket, made of wool and large golden buttons. This jacket has a rather high collar which comes up to his lower jaw.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- He wears a pair of rather small glasses. The frames are very thin and silver in color. Other than that he doesn’t have any obvious distinguishing features. He has rather old scars on his back from a fire that occurred in his childhood, but the only person who has actually seen these (besides God) would be Lucian.
Brief Background ::
- When Luke was a child a traveling merchant came to his town. He brought odd things with him, things that most would consider witchcraft, and told stories about many sorts of demons. Before the man departed along his travels, he gave Luke the bible that he still has today within his own quarters. A ragged object, worn and obviously having seen better days. The man told him that everything Luke needed, lay within that book. Yet not being one of demonic blood, he didn’t understand half of the writing that the merchant had placed within the margins. Instead, Luke became a follower to God. This man changed his life, and as such Luke carries another bible around within him constantly, should the past repeat itself. Luke grew up within a small European town. His family, having been rather poor, decided to humor his desire to go to a nearby monastery, in order to the learn the ways of the Lord. It was the last time he’d ever see his parents, and the best gift he had ever been given. He was seven, at that time.
Several years later, while out searching for one of the younger men of the church, Luke encountered Lucian. This would be the first time in all of his life that he had ever met a demon. However the bat humored him, each question he asked was rewarded with an answer. Until his world went dark. If someone were to ask him, he wouldn’t lie, for Luke isn’t the sort to really ever lie. He felt the bat move as opposed to seeing it. Aware of that warmer form up against his back, and when lips brushed his neck he didn’t elbow the man away. Rather he stood still. He accepts that he allowed the demon to do what it did. He allowed the bite, as well as the fall from grace. Ever since Luke is obsessed with his prayers, and takes a chance on touching a crucifix almost daily, in a desperate hope that God will forgive his curiosity. Yet, due to his inability to feed from anyone save his master, Luke has had no choice but to move outside of the walls of the church, traveling the world with Lucian.
Special Abilities ::
- As a newly made vampire his abilities are still quite undeveloped. He has some increased strength, and a rather insatiable hunger, but other than that he’s pretty much an average guy.
Habits or Quirks ::
- He always has a bible on his person, though he doesn’t need it. Seeing how he’s basically memorized from cover to cover? He keeps it in case he ever meets someone that really needs it.