Primary Setting :: (A time and place for everything...)
- The simplicity of it is that the building is located in Los Vegas, surrounded by several other entertaining business establishments. There are four buildings in total. Two towers, each thirty six stories high where it is that all of the performers and miscreants live. These two buildings are their home and are run by their respective owners. Discarded Sins, home to all those who resign under contract to Faolin, and Relinquished Hope, of course for those who are bound to Rali. The two collectors of lives, and protectors of those lesser or higher beings in this plain of existence. This universe is held in modern time, and in a world where huamn's rule this planet and this dimension, however, there are demons, and creatures who still resided in the shadows. It is from these shadows our residents come from. Lost souls just trying to find their way in a world where they are merely myth. They have become outcasts....they have become freaks, but they have also become one of the greatest shows to hit the nightlife of Los Vegas.
In between these two buildings, however, lies the theater. The preforming stage that can house up to six thousand audience members at one time showing six performances a week. From 7:00pm - 12:00am moving through various attractions and feats.
In the back behind Faolin's building there is a temple that was recently constructed when Faolin took on a rather peculiar resident known as Agni. Since the demon god demanded attention and a place away from the common peasants in which he had come to be crowded with, Faolin has caved in and constructed him a temple made entirely out of white marble. It is two stories tall but only has one level with high ceilings. An alter area for sacrifice, a throne just on the other side of it for Agni to view such actions. And along the main long hall of it there are four door ways each leading to either one of the two bedrooms a study or an extravagant one man bath house. The bedrooms are lined with silk sheets satin pillows, sheer curtains and every luxery available to a God. Truly, have fun if you decide to include any of the temple.
Discarded Sin's :: (A history of how it is Faolin Came to Possess what it is he rightfully owns...)
- Faolin has had to struggle for everything that he now owns. Having been born in a rather small village up north, he grew up as one of the last of his race. As such, their knowledge on humankind was very lacking. Even their knowledge on demons was hardly ten percent of what was actually out there. So imagine his surprise when Faolin went out into the world only to discover it horribly different from how the elders described it. He struggled, and several things were done which Faolin to this day isn’t very proud of. His previous relationship before Rali was with an pair of old master vampires, twin brothers who shared everything. Which included Faolin at the time. He was hardly one to complain however, both vampires were kind to him in equal rights, but their jealousy began to tear everything apart, and soon the older killed the younger, leaving Faolin with one partner instead of two. It’s from this man, and during this one on one time that he learned most of everything that he knows concerning business. Faolin began to invest, to gain clients on his own, for different services that he could offer, some of said services things that he’d never dare say aloud. Once Faolin had his savings? It was time to leave his ‘master’. Which wasn’t hard, merely inconvenient.
After this event, he built his building. Aiming to go as big as he possibly could. In doing so he began to peruse the black market, searching for individuals with talents that would be considered ‘worth’ something to a paying audience. This was almost twenty seven years ago. Since then the building has of course been remodeled and adjusted, practically every year. The money that comes in is rather constant, humans and demons taking leisure in what it is that Discarded Sin has to offer.
Relinquished Hope :: (A history of how it is Rali came to become a co-owner in a very profitable business...)
A whole hell of a long a** time ago, Rali had been a loner. Even as a werewolf it was strange that he didn't run with a pack, and he didn't like to associate himself with other's of his kind. He couldn't stay in one place for too long because at the time he had no means of controling himself whenever he transformed. It was durring his years of being lost, misguided, and abandoned by his creator (his own father), he stumbled across a little child. Cursed he was with strange ears, and caste out by the villagers who kicked mud and through rocks at him. He stepped forward and picked the child up (the kid only appearing to be roughly ten years old or so) and he turned his back to the villages to shield him from the rocks. As they stopped he turned around in order to face them stating, "This child is now mine, if you harm him any further, you'll be dealing with someone truly cursed."
From that day on, he took the child with him as he traveled around, seeing him almost more as family than his own blood, and this was how he and Taskai had met. Over the following years he gathered a small group of other misfits of all different kinds of breads and mishaps, and after a while he had an idea. He started traveling with his ever growing group as a traveling circus, or better known as a Freakshow with all the strange and bizarre attractions that humans seemed so keen on paying to see.
He was touring in the states when he recieved a letter, a propossition from a well known Faolin who resided in Vegas. It was at this point he put on his final show with his 'family' and went to Vegas to meet this Faolin. He had been tired of traveling for so many years and he wanted a stationary residence not only for himself, but for his people, for those he protected, and for those he knew needed a bit of stability.
The deal had been made through...a set of mishaps and very heated argumentative conversations with his soon to be lover, unbeknown to him, and he was enlisted as the head president of the sister building, Relinquished Hope.