Shadows dance around me as i race alone
i will never rest unti shes in my arms
a simple kiss to bring her back
to make this story end
this whole thing is going to be a mini rant. get over it and go suck some big fat hairy SWEATY monkey jewels somewhere else fool!!
two of my friends are fighting and it has scaled way out of proportion!!
I mean quiet honestly i dont care if they never talk again and i dont care if the are no longer friends but they have no right to try and force people to pick sides!! ITS JUST ******** UP!!! I dont want to stop being friends with either of you but your to blind to ******** see it!!
and i dont care if you guys yell at each other but ******** do it in privte not the middle of the god damn cafateria at lunch!!!!! that made everything awkword and made everyones mood drop. just cause you guys are pissed dosnt mean you have to drag everyone down with you!!
by the time lunch was done my stomach hurt so bad from repressing my emotions that i couldnt even draw! I couldnt DRAW!!! thats like saying i couldnt BREATH!!! its not natural and its not right!
then i was so upset about it that when i was talking to mom about it i had a full on mental break down and ended up crying for about an hour!!
quiet honestly i wish you guys would just go out side battle to the death and whoever survive wins!! i HATE drama that much!!
but nooooo your ganna drag everyone else down with you kicking and screaming so you can get your one measly victory. i hope its worth the pain you two have put everyone else through. the thing i hate most of all though is that i cant seem to hate you guys just the s**t you do.
Not all knights in shining armor
can make your dreams come true
hes no quiet as charming as he may seem
come and claim your queen
the wild beasts are ravenous
they will soon devour you