like last night when she was cleaning the dining room she left a cabinet thingy (that isn't really a cabinet...?) right in front of the stairs, so when i returned from upstairs to get my compy charger so i could continue to work on pics for g-ma's digital picture frame, i just wiped out on it... got a nice chunk taken outta my toe lol.
the big compy keeps having "thermal events." can't wait to inherit it... >:]
Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade!!
btw the Princess thing was a success!~ we did a lot... i loved doing "girl stuff" instead of sitting in front of a computer or TV watching anime for 12 hours straight... *sigh*
and that Katie and them actually forked out a little money for crowns and food makes me really happy because usually shioko's family is unwilling to do anything like that...
'twas a great experience... an awesome start to what should be a (fast!) good break!