The Light
Emaleth is a pacifist. She refuses to fight unless she has to. When that time arises, she uses a long, knotted mahogany staff and hidden daggers.
Warmth, sunshine, and kind people.
Chaos, darkness, and conflict.
Emaleth is a warm, caring, motherly woman even from a young age. She is an empath- any trace of pain near her is immediately absorbed and affects her greatly, to the point where she has physical manifestations of the pain of others. She is also very protective of her allies. Despite her kindness, Emaleth still is not one to be crossed. Her wrath is not something to be trifled with.
Other: Emaleth's left arm is useless from an old injury. She tucks it into her traveling cloak and binds it with ribbons when it's not needed for some reason or another. She is also very petite; she stands at five feet tall even and weighs about 100 pounds.
User: Sanguine Skies