xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTraya Ea Szereban, the Monk
The Look
- Age: 34, 45 in real life
Gender: female
Race: Tiefling
Appearance: Traya is a tall and slender woman, standing about 5'11, almost 6 feet if you count the monk platform sandals she wears. Her tanned skin and fair, almost white, blond hair, poses quite a contrast to her real life, where the almost 45 year old woman is short, dumpy and has very dry hair (guess the programmers were kind to the oldest of the test subjects. Ah, to be young again). Agile and deliberate with every movement she makes, Traya holds herself high and is very graceful. The only signs of her tiefling heritage is the small horns upon her head and the slight tinge of red to her skin.
The Person
- Personality: In her real life, Traya was a mother and so instinctively, she has a hard time being anything else. She is quiet and nurturing in nature but has no problems getting the job done when necessary...and at any means. Her belief in herself and her faith in others are what lead her. Traya believes in the good in all people, despite having been disappointed one two many times in her life.
History: About 2 years ago, Traya was in a car accident on her way home from work. Her teenage daughter, Kathrine, and she were arguing over text messages about something (shes forgotten what exactly) when Traya was struck by a car changing lanes along the highway. She was sent into a tail spin and flew into on coming traffic.But this was just another blip in a long line of tragedy in her life: Out of her 6 pregnancies, Kathrine was the only surviving child. Traya's husband left her some years ago, to be with a younger woman. Loosing her job in a failing economy, she worked at a small end retail store for children's cloths. And now a coma.
The Character
- Level: 1
Equipment: White monk robes, quarterstaff
Nickname: Traya The Kind Heart
Other: Traya hopes that she might awaken herself from this 'dream' through the power of meditation.
Monk: A melee class that emphasizes both speed and attack power at the severe cost of defense. Monks use their own body as a weapon and as such, utilizes primarily their fists/legs to deal damage. Monks might wish to don heavier armor to offset their lack of defense but such a move may prove to be a detriment to their otherwise swift movements.
〖 Monk〗
Level 1 - Stun: The Monk throws an especially well aimed blow that temporarily stuns a foe and prevents movement for a few seconds.
Level 3 - Reckless Assault: The Monk's sense of pain is temporarily dulled and prevents the Monk from flinching from even powerful strikes for a time. Please note: this attack does not raise defense or lessen the damage taken in any way, shape, or form.
Level 6 - Psycho Drive : The user sees a significant increase in attack, defense and speed for a few moments but energy levels drain swiftly while in this state. Requires a brief charge before use.
Level 9 - Counter: The Monk becomes capable of delivering crippling counter attacks when attacked with a close range weapon. May not stop all attacks and is ineffective against ranged strikes.
Level 12 - Grapple: Permits the monk to lift extremely heavy objects for a time. As a side effect, when this skill is active, smaller enemies can be hurled for greater distances whilst some larger enemies can be utilized for powerful throws and the like.
Level 16 - Pulse Fist: Imbues the Monk's strikes with Energy. This move can serve as a long distance attack by permitting the Monk to emit shockwaves with each power filled strike.
Level 20 - Ethereal Blast: The user focuses all his energy into his/her body before releasing it in the form a devastating blast of power the envelopes the area around them. Requires a lengthy cool down after each use.